
[意|中] Visita guidata a Pechino: Arte contemporanea dall’Italia

26 三月 2023
  意大利驻华使馆文化中心,与中国意大利商会合作,将于3月26日周日组织一场导览活动,参观正在北京中间美术馆举办的“意大利当代艺术丝路行”展览。   此展览展示了意大利当代艺术大师的作品,其中许多作品来自意大利外交与国际合作部收藏。   导览活动将分为两组进行,语言分别为中文和意大利语。参观时长约为45分钟。   为了便于参观,我们预定的大巴车将于14:30从北京意大利驻华使馆文化中心出发,活动结束后预计17:30回到出发地。   将为中国意大利商会会员和意大利之友预留部分座位。如需申请更多的座位,座次顺序将按照提交申请的时间排列。   感兴趣的朋友请于3月24日周五13时前发邮件至,并抄送viggiani@cameraitacina.com报名。

[意|中] Visita guidata a Pechino: Arte contemporanea dall’Italia

26 三月 2023
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di informarvi che domenica 26 marzo 2023 è in programma una visita guidata alla mostra “Arte e artisti contemporanei dall’Italia sulla Via della Seta”, attualmente in corso all’Inside-Out Art Museum di Pechino. L’iniziativa è organizzata dall’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Pechino, in collaborazione con la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina.   La mostra ospita alcune delle più importanti opere d’arte contemporanea italiana, molte delle quali provenienti dalla Collezione Farnesina.   Il percorso di visita sarà diviso in due gruppi, uno in lingua cinese e uno in lingua italiana. La visita al museo avrà una durata di 45 minuti circa.   I Soci interessati potranno raggiungere il museo con un pullman che partirà alle ore 14:30 dalla sede dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Pechino, e il cui rientro è previsto nello stesso luogo verso le 17:30.   Un numero limitato di posti è riservato a Soci e Amici della CCIC e relativi famigliari. In caso di domande superiori ai posti disponibili, si seguirà l’ordine cronologico di invio delle domande di adesione.   In caso di interesse, occorre confermare la propria adesione a entro le ore 13:00 di venerdì 24 marzo, tenendo in copia  

[意|中] Visita guidata a Pechino: Arte contemporanea dall’Italia

26 三月 2023
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di informarvi che domenica 26 marzo 2023 è in programma una visita guidata alla mostra “Arte e artisti contemporanei dall’Italia sulla Via della Seta”, attualmente in corso all’Inside-Out Art Museum di Pechino. L’iniziativa è organizzata dall’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Pechino, in collaborazione con la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina.   La mostra ospita alcune delle più importanti opere d’arte contemporanea italiana, molte delle quali provenienti dalla Collezione Farnesina.   Il percorso di visita sarà diviso in due gruppi, uno in lingua cinese e uno in lingua italiana. La visita al museo avrà una durata di 45 minuti circa.   I Soci interessati potranno raggiungere il museo con un pullman che partirà alle ore 14:30 dalla sede dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Pechino, e il cui rientro è previsto nello stesso luogo verso le 17:30.   Un numero limitato di posti è riservato a Soci e Amici della CCIC e relativi famigliari. In caso di domande superiori ai posti disponibili, si seguirà l’ordine cronologico di invio delle domande di adesione.   In caso di interesse, occorre confermare la propria adesione a entro le ore 13:00 di venerdì 24 marzo, tenendo in copia  

POST EVENT | Settimana della cucina italiana nel mondo 2023

13 十一月 2023
      Anche quest’anno la Settimana della cucina italiana nel mondo (13-19 novembre 2023) si è confermata un prezioso strumento per promuovere all’estero la cultura gastronomica italiana e far conoscere a una platea sempre più ampia di consumatori il meglio che l’Italia sa offrire sul fronte della produzione agroalimentare.   A Pechino la rassegna si è aperta con un evento dedicato al vino italiano e alle sue molteplici identità territoriali, che ha messo in luce il profondo legame che intercorre tra ogni cultivar e il suo territorio di origine. A seguire un ricchissimo calendario di eventi che ha permesso ai consumatori cinesi di percepire il valore delle materie prime utilizzate nella cucina italiana e i punti di forza della dieta mediterranea, promotrice di stili di vita sani, equilibrati e sostenibili.   Le iniziative messe in campo hanno altresì valorizzato la ricchezza e varietà dei prodotti italiani di qualità. Nel 2023, l’Italia si conferma prima in Europa per numero di prodotti agroalimentari a denominazione di origine e a Indicazione Geografica riconosciuti dall’Unione Europea, con 315 prodotti agroalimentari e 526 vini protetti: un dato che dice tanto ed è garanzia di sicurezza alimentare per i consumatori. Tra gli eventi organizzati: un cooking show targato Alessandro Circiello, rinomato chef italiano Presidente della Federazione Italiana Cuochi Regione Lazio; l’Italian Food Festival, iniziativa lanciata nella famosa catena di supermercati cinesi Jenny Wang, che ha dato visibilità a una ricca varietà di prodotti tipici italiani; e le consuete iniziative organizzate di concerto con la rete di ristoranti italiani sul territorio.   Presso le sale dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pechino è stata inoltre allestita la mostra “Gusto! Gli italiani a tavola. 1970-2050”, curata da M9 Museo del 900 di Mestre, che ha proposto una riflessione sull’evoluzione del gusto nella cucina italiana e sulla sua influenza nel mondo.   Nella cornice della Settimana della cucina italiana nel mondo è stata poi presentata l’Associazione Cuochi Italiani in Cina, Hong Kong e Macao, che consentirà di valorizzare ulteriormente la professione del cuoco all’interno del territorio della Repubblica Popolare Cinese e di promuovere iniziative che contribuiscano alla conoscenza e alla diffusione della cultura gastronomica italiana.   Dal 2016 al 2022, la Settimana della cucina italiana nel mondo ha visto la realizzazione di 9.200 eventi in oltre 100 Paesi da parte della rete di Ambasciate, Consolati, Istituti di Cultura e Uffici ICE italiani all’estero.      

POST EVENT | 第八届全球意大利美食周落下帷幕

13 十一月 2023
      今年,全球意大利美食周(于2023年11月13日至19日举办)再次证明了自己的宝贵作用:在海外推广意大利美食文化,并让越来越多的消费者了解到意大利能够生产出最好的农业食品。   在北京,全球意大利美食周以一场专门介绍意大利葡萄酒及其多元地方特色的活动拉开帷幕,该活动凸显了每个葡萄酒品种与其原产地之间的深厚联系。随后举办的丰富多彩的活动让中国消费者认识到意大利美食中所用原材料的价值以及地中海饮食的优势——这种饮食习惯有利于促进健康、平衡和可持续的生活方式。此次举办的其他活动还宣传了意大利优质产品的丰富性和多样性。2023年,意大利被确定为获得欧盟原产地保护和地理标识保护认证的农业食品数量最多的欧洲国家,共有315种受保护的农业食品和526种受保护的葡萄酒:这一数据意义重大,也为消费者的食品安全提供了保障。美食周期间举办的活动还包括:意大利厨师协会拉齐奥大区分会主席、著名意大利主厨亚历山德罗·西切洛(Alessandro Circiello)的烹饪秀;由中国知名连锁超市婕妮王发起的意大利美食美酒节,活动期间展示了丰富多样的意大利特色产品;以及与中国境内的多家意大利餐厅共同组织的常规活动等。   此外,在北京意大利文化中心大厅内还举办了展览“风味桌边的意大利人”,该展览由M9 Museo del 900 博物馆所策划,主题是对意大利美食风味演变的思考及其对世界产生的影响。   除此之外,在全球意大利美食周的背景下,我们还向大家介绍了意大利厨师协会中国大陆、香港和澳门分会,该分会旨在让厨师这一职业在中国进一步发扬光大,并对有助于普及和推广意大利美食文化的活动予以推进。   自2016年至2022年,意大利驻外使领馆、意大利文化中心和意大利对外贸易委员会驻外办事处已经在全球100 多个国家举办了9200场活动。          

1st Beijing Appreciation Meeting - June 13th

13 六月 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the first Appreciation Meeting with the Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau. The meeting, organized by the CICC with the Beijing Municipal Investment Service Centre and supported by the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C., will be held on June 13th, 2023 from 2:30 pm in Beijing. The purpose of this first initiative is to open a dialogue on the further improvement of the international business environment and how to better support Italian companies with operations in Beijing. The meeting will represent a dedicated occasion for communication between CICC, its companies and relevant departments from local authorities.  This event is open exclusively to CICC Members. Member companies will have the opportunity to: • Learn about future development plans and opportunities for foreign business;  • Represent their company in the face of the local authorities;  • Exchange information to promote common development.   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 2:00 - 2:30 PM Guest Registration and Welcome Coffee PART I 2:30 - 2:40 PM Introduction of the Institutional Guests and Companies  2:40 - 2:50 PM Institutional Remarks -Marco Midolo, First Counsellor and Head of the Economic and Commercial Office at the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C -Sun Yao, Secretary of Party Committee and Director-General of Beijing Municipal Investment Promotion Center 2:50 - 3:00 PM Introduction of CICC and Its Member Companies in Beijing – Fabio Antonello, Vice President (North) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce 3:00 - 3:30 PM Introduction of Beijing Business Environment -Beijing International Business Environment Overview - Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission -Introduction of Policies for the Construction of Beijing “Two-Zones” - Beijing Municipal Two Zones Office   PART II 3:30 - 4:20 PM Q&A Forum: Questions Raised by Italian Companies Addressed to Relevant Authorities 4:20 - 4:30 PM Group Photo 4:30 - 5:30 PM Networking The detailed agenda will be shared with registered participants. For more information please contact:   EVENT DETAILS Date: Tuesday, June 13th, 2023 Time: 2:30 - 5:30 PM (Beijing Time) Venue: The Westin Beijing Chaoyang Ticket Price [Members only]: 600 RMB Language: English/Chinese, with interpretation Interested in joining? Click HERE to register. NB. Limited seats are available for this meeting. Participation is open to CICC Members only with priority to Supporting Members. Any questions? Contact us at    

1st Beijing Appreciation Meeting - June 13th

13 六月 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the first Appreciation Meeting with the Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau. The meeting, organized by the CICC with the Beijing Municipal Investment Service Centre and supported by the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C., will be held on June 13th, 2023 from 2:30 pm in Beijing. The purpose of this first initiative is to open a dialogue on the further improvement of the international business environment and how to better support Italian companies with operations in Beijing. The meeting will represent a dedicated occasion for communication between CICC, its companies and relevant departments from local authorities.  This event is open exclusively to CICC Members. Member companies will have the opportunity to: • Learn about future development plans and opportunities for foreign business;  • Represent their company in the face of the local authorities;  • Exchange information to promote common development.   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 2:00 - 2:30 PM Guest Registration and Welcome Coffee PART I 2:30 - 2:40 PM Introduction of the Institutional Guests and Companies  2:40 - 2:50 PM Institutional Remarks -Marco Midolo, First Counsellor and Head of the Economic and Commercial Office at the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C -Sun Yao, Secretary of Party Committee and Director-General of Beijing Municipal Investment Promotion Center 2:50 - 3:00 PM Introduction of CICC and Its Member Companies in Beijing – Fabio Antonello, Vice President (North) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce 3:00 - 3:30 PM Introduction of Beijing Business Environment -Beijing International Business Environment Overview - Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission -Introduction of Policies for the Construction of Beijing “Two-Zones” - Beijing Municipal Two Zones Office   PART II 3:30 - 4:20 PM Q&A Forum: Questions Raised by Italian Companies Addressed to Relevant Authorities 4:20 - 4:30 PM Group Photo 4:30 - 5:30 PM Networking The detailed agenda will be shared with registered participants. For more information please contact:   EVENT DETAILS Date: Tuesday, June 13th, 2023 Time: 2:30 - 5:30 PM (Beijing Time) Venue: The Westin Beijing Chaoyang Ticket Price [Members only]: 600 RMB Language: English/Chinese, with interpretation Interested in joining? Click HERE to register. NB. Limited seats are available for this meeting. Participation is open to CICC Members only with priority to Supporting Members. Any questions? Contact us at    

1st Beijing Appreciation Meeting - June 13th

13 六月 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the first Appreciation Meeting with the Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau. The meeting, organized by the CICC with the Beijing Municipal Investment Service Centre and supported by the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C., will be held on June 13th, 2023 from 2:30 pm in Beijing. The purpose of this first initiative is to open a dialogue on the further improvement of the international business environment and how to better support Italian companies with operations in Beijing. The meeting will represent a dedicated occasion for communication between CICC, its companies and relevant departments from local authorities.  This event is open exclusively to CICC Members. Member companies will have the opportunity to: • Learn about future development plans and opportunities for foreign business;  • Represent their company in the face of the local authorities;  • Exchange information to promote common development.   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 2:00 - 2:30 PM Guest Registration and Welcome Coffee PART I 2:30 - 2:40 PM Introduction of the Institutional Guests and Companies  2:40 - 2:50 PM Institutional Remarks -Marco Midolo, First Counsellor and Head of the Economic and Commercial Office at the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C -Sun Yao, Secretary of Party Committee and Director-General of Beijing Municipal Investment Promotion Center 2:50 - 3:00 PM Introduction of CICC and Its Member Companies in Beijing – Fabio Antonello, Vice President (North) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce 3:00 - 3:30 PM Introduction of Beijing Business Environment -Beijing International Business Environment Overview - Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission -Introduction of Policies for the Construction of Beijing “Two-Zones” - Beijing Municipal Two Zones Office   PART II 3:30 - 4:20 PM Q&A Forum: Questions Raised by Italian Companies Addressed to Relevant Authorities 4:20 - 4:30 PM Group Photo 4:30 - 5:30 PM Networking The detailed agenda will be shared with registered participants. For more information please contact:   EVENT DETAILS Date: Tuesday, June 13th, 2023 Time: 2:30 - 5:30 PM (Beijing Time) Venue: The Westin Beijing Chaoyang Ticket Price [Members only]: 600 RMB Language: English/Chinese, with interpretation Interested in joining? Click HERE to register. NB. Limited seats are available for this meeting. Participation is open to CICC Members only with priority to Supporting Members. Any questions? Contact us at    

Career Day 2023, May 27th

27 五月 2023
The Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C., the Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and the Association of Young Italians in China (AGIC), in partnership with AlmaLaurea, the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) and the CICC China-Italy Young Professionals Network (中Y意), are organizing the 10th edition of the Career Day. The hybrid seminar will be held online via Webex and offline at the Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing on May 27th from 15:00 to 18:00. The last edition involved over 30 companies and over 200 participants online, confirming the initiative as an important matchmaking platform for young professionals, graduates, students, and companies.  Find out the agenda and how to participate for companies and candidates below.   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 14:30-15:00 Registration  15:00-15:20 Institutional Remarks -H.E. Massimo Ambrosetti, Ambassador of Italy to the P.R.C (video message) -Federico Roberto Antonelli, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing -Paolo Bazzoni, Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (video message) -Giovanna Gargiulo, Coordinator of the Association of Young Italians in China (AGIC) -Gianpaolo Bruno, Director of the Italian Trade Agency in Beijing (video message) 15:20-15:35 Career Prospects for Italian Graduates in China, with Marina Timoteo, Director of AlmaLaurea 15:35-15:45 Consular Services for Young Italians, with Counsellor Simone Panfili, Chief of Consular Chancery and Coordinator for Consular Network in China at the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C. 15:45-15:55 The Recognition of Educational Qualifications between Italy and China, with Raffaello Girotto, Legal Attaché at the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C.  15:55-16:40 Panel Discussion: “Job Market in Post-Pandemic China: A Discussion between Companies and Young Professionals”, with: - Juliette Xia, Human Capital Director at Bonfiglioli Drives (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. - Leyla Zhu, HR Manager at Calzedonia Group  - Grace Li, HR Business Partner at Generali China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - Elisa Yazidi, Coordinator of CICC China-Italy Young Professionals Network (中Y意) & Senior Branding Consultant at EhaiTech Guangzhou Google Ads Experience Center  - Pasquale Pometti, Vice Coordinator of CICC China-Italy Young Professionals Network (中Y意) & Software Engineering Manager at Magelec Propulsion  Moderator: Tristan Wang, Corporate Sales Director at Gi Group Holding  16:40-16:45 Presentation of Job Offers on CICC Job Board, with Fabio Antonello, CICC Vice President for the North and General Manager at Regina (Tianjin) Chain & Belt Co., Ltd. 16:45-17:00 Q&A Sessions  17:00-18:00 Networking and Reception    HOW TO ADVERTISE YOUR COMPANY OFFERS | Companies Upload internship and job offers on CICC Job Board: companies currently recruiting or providing internship opportunities in China or in Italy are invited to advertise their offers on our online Job Board. The offers will have special visibility during Career Day and on the platform for the period May-June. How to post your offers on the Job board:   Members:  Members can log in directly using their membership credentials* to CICC Job Board and upload their job offers free of charge. *In case you don't remember your membership credentials, please contact us at To access the login page please click HERE. For further information please refer to our SOP (HERE).  DEADLINE: May 24th    Non-Members: Non-Members can download the Job Description Form (HERE) and send it to:  Non-Members one-time only special fee: 380 RMB DEADLINE: May 24th    HOW TO ATTEND THE EVENT | Companies or candidates It will be possible to attend the event either online or offline (Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing). Companies or candidates interested in attending online can directly watch the live streaming without registration by clicking HERE.   To attend offline* please register by clicking HERE. *Please note that only pre-registered attendees can enter the premises   For questions, please contact us at:    Event Language: English and Italian    

Career Day 2023, May 27th

27 五月 2023
The Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C., the Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and the Association of Young Italians in China (AGIC), in partnership with AlmaLaurea, the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) and the CICC China-Italy Young Professionals Network (中Y意), are organizing the 10th edition of the Career Day. The hybrid seminar will be held online via Webex and offline at the Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing on May 27th from 15:00 to 18:00. The last edition involved over 30 companies and over 200 participants online, confirming the initiative as an important matchmaking platform for young professionals, graduates, students, and companies.  Find out the agenda and how to participate for companies and candidates below.   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 14:30-15:00 Registration  15:00-15:20 Institutional Remarks -H.E. Massimo Ambrosetti, Ambassador of Italy to the P.R.C (video message) -Federico Roberto Antonelli, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing -Paolo Bazzoni, Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (video message) -Giovanna Gargiulo, Coordinator of the Association of Young Italians in China (AGIC) -Gianpaolo Bruno, Director of the Italian Trade Agency in Beijing (video message) 15:20-15:35 Career Prospects for Italian Graduates in China, with Marina Timoteo, Director of AlmaLaurea 15:35-15:45 Consular Services for Young Italians, with Counsellor Simone Panfili, Chief of Consular Chancery and Coordinator for Consular Network in China at the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C. 15:45-15:55 The Recognition of Educational Qualifications between Italy and China, with Raffaello Girotto, Legal Attaché at the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C.  15:55-16:40 Panel Discussion: “Job Market in Post-Pandemic China: A Discussion between Companies and Young Professionals”, with: - Juliette Xia, Human Capital Director at Bonfiglioli Drives (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. - Leyla Zhu, HR Manager at Calzedonia Group  - Grace Li, HR Business Partner at Generali China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - Elisa Yazidi, Coordinator of CICC China-Italy Young Professionals Network (中Y意) & Senior Branding Consultant at EhaiTech Guangzhou Google Ads Experience Center  - Pasquale Pometti, Vice Coordinator of CICC China-Italy Young Professionals Network (中Y意) & Software Engineering Manager at Magelec Propulsion  Moderator: Tristan Wang, Corporate Sales Director at Gi Group Holding  16:40-16:45 Presentation of Job Offers on CICC Job Board, with Fabio Antonello, CICC Vice President for the North and General Manager at Regina (Tianjin) Chain & Belt Co., Ltd. 16:45-17:00 Q&A Sessions  17:00-18:00 Networking and Reception    HOW TO ADVERTISE YOUR COMPANY OFFERS | Companies Upload internship and job offers on CICC Job Board: companies currently recruiting or providing internship opportunities in China or in Italy are invited to advertise their offers on our online Job Board. The offers will have special visibility during Career Day and on the platform for the period May-June. How to post your offers on the Job board:   Members:  Members can log in directly using their membership credentials* to CICC Job Board and upload their job offers free of charge. *In case you don't remember your membership credentials, please contact us at To access the login page please click HERE. For further information please refer to our SOP (HERE).  DEADLINE: May 24th    Non-Members: Non-Members can download the Job Description Form (HERE) and send it to:  Non-Members one-time only special fee: 380 RMB DEADLINE: May 24th    HOW TO ATTEND THE EVENT | Companies or candidates It will be possible to attend the event either online or offline (Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing). Companies or candidates interested in attending online can directly watch the live streaming without registration by clicking HERE.   To attend offline* please register by clicking HERE. *Please note that only pre-registered attendees can enter the premises   For questions, please contact us at:    Event Language: English and Italian    


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