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China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
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CALL FOR SPEAKER! CICC Seminar, July 6 2020 - Shanghai
CALL FOR SPEAKER! CICC Seminar, July 6 2020 - Shanghai
Dear Members and Friends of CICC,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in cooperation with German Chamber of Commerce in China|Shanghai, is going to organize a Seminar on Monday 6th of July, focused on
CSR Activities and Impacts of the Automotive Sector amid COVID-19
The impact of the COVID-19 on Companies has been rapid and profound and it is drastically changing how businesses operate and forcing the industries to re-think their business. The automotive industry has been particularly hard hit due to the Coronavirus crisis.
CICC is looking for only one High-ranking speakers, at least C Level, with experience in the automotive sector.
- The selection of the speaker will be made according to the content relevant to the seminar and/or for the topics proposed.
- CICC will give priority to its Members, CICC has the right to select the most appropriate application submitted by one of the Non-Member companies, giving priority to the “partners” of CICC first.
The Speaker shall be excluded from the tendering:
- In case of not meeting conditions of the call process;
- In case of non-conformity with the hereby open call for speakers;
- In case of submitting false data;
- Late submission.
Please note: the speaker shall not promote personal material throughout the course of the seminar.