Presentation of the 2019 Business Survey Results - October 15th, Beijing

Dear Members and Friends,

the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Presentation of the 2019 Business Survey results on October 15th, 2019 in Beijing.

The survey was carried out by CICC in collaboration with the strategic consulting firm In3Act, with the main purpose to deepen the knowledge on the Sino-Italian business community and to investigate its attitude towards the future perspectives on the business activities in China. The survey was conducted during the period May-June 2019 on a sample of 206 Members of the business community.

In the second part of the event, the Italian Cultural Institute will present the 2020 Activities Plan and leave the floor to the audience for Q&A.


15.30 - 16.00 Registration

16.00 - 16.10 Institutional Greetings from a representative of the Embassy of Italy in Beijing

16.10 - 16.20 Presentation of CICC Business Survey results part 1, Davide Cucino CICC Chairman

16.20 - 16.40 Presentation of CICC Business Survey results part 2, Guido Giacconi Vice Chairman of CICC and Chairman of Int3act

16.40 - 17.10 Panel Discussion:

  • Massimo Bagnasco, Vice President in EUCCC and Partner and Managing Director of Progetto CMR
  • Antonio Farese, CICC Board Member, GM at CEMAS (Shanghai) Welding Technology Co.,Ltd, CEO Shanghai MEC Industries Services Co., Ltd.
  • Sergio Bertasi, Chief Representative Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo in Beijing 
  • Francesco Lorenzini, Founder and Managing Director China at Tech Silu and CICC Vice Coordinator IDTWG

17.10 - 17.30 Q&A

17.30 - 18.00 Presentation of Italian Cultural Institute 2020 Activities plan

18.00 - 18.15 Q&A 


Venue: Italian Cultural Institute, San Li Tun Dong Er Jie 2, Beijing  (意大利驻华使馆文化中心,三里屯东二街2号,北京)



CICC Members Free
CICC Non-Members 300 RMB/PAX


RSVP: To participate please register at the following link or scan the QR code below.


Best Regards,


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