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People work together more effectively when they better understand their own and others` strengths. SDI® (Strength Deployment Inventory®) is a self-awareness tool that bridges the gap between motivation and behaviour by providing two integrated personality assessments that measure when things are going well and when in conflict.
Course Outline
Relationship awareness theory™
Relationship Awareness theory underpins SDI. It is a motivational typology that has proven to be very accurate in determining the motivations behind behaviour. The theory itself is founded on four simple, yet profound, premises: 1. Behaviour is driven by motivation to achieve or maintain self-worth 2. Motivation changes in conflict 3. Strengths, when overdone or misapplied, can be perceived as weaknesses and 4. Personal filters influence perceptions of self and of others.
How the Strength Deployment inventory® works
When completing the SDI ® the learner responds to 20 statements that look at the following two dimensions:
1. When things are going well (in life, not just at work)
2. When things are not going well (in life, not just at work)
The first dimension of SDI helps people understand their motivations and relating styles.
SDI is non-judgemental - Each person`s set of scores will position them in two areas on a unique coloured triangle which is then explained in terms of their Motivational Value System™ and their Conflict Sequence™.
What makes SDI so easy to complete, remember and apply is that it uses colour and their blends to represent the following 7 Motivational Value Systems. This provides a common language that helps facilitate conversations about interpersonal issues.
Trainees will complete the SDI assessment and debrief their results during the training.
Relationship Awareness Theory and the psychometric inventories and other resources which are based on it, was developed by psychologist, clinical therapist, educator, and author Elias H. Porter, Ph.D. who was also a student and colleague of Dr Carl Rodgers, a leading psychologist and author.
Alistair McArthur
Mr. Alistair McArthur has trained thousands of executives and staff around China and Asia. He has spent over 12 years based in China in both a business environment and facilitating professional development skills, interpersonal skills, and persuasive speaking, while also working with organizational leaders.
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