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State of the global economy
With A.P. Møller Maersk`s Chief Economist
Extreme tail risks for the global economy appear to have abated. Nonetheless key question marks remain.
Are the BRIC foundations shaking? Is Europe set for a lost decade? Is the USA about to outperform? Are central banks going to get more than they bargained for?
As a global corporate, A.P. Møller Mærsk is exposed to the challenges and opportunities of this environment. Mr. Graham Slack, A.P. Møller Maersk`s Chief Economist will offer thoughts on these developments alongside potential business implications.
We invite you to join us for presentation, discussions, networking and breakfast at the Westin Hotel on the 14th of June from 08.00 -10.30
About the Speaker:
Graham L. Slack is A.P. Møller-Maersk`s Chief Economist working out of Group finance and Risk Management since August 2008. He is responsible for developing the Group`s economic outlook and risk scenarios, drawing implications for the Group`s business activities, supporting risk management and treasury operations, and A.P. Møller-Maersk`s Executive Board and Chairmanship.
He has held a number of key positions before joining the A.P. Møller-Maersk Group: Official of the Bank of England, Advisor to the European Central Bank, Senior Economist and Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. He headed the IMF`s Balkan Office between 2004-2008, leading program negotiations with country authorities, crafting support for these programs at the highest levels of the international diplomat and political communities, and local spokesperson for the IMF on SE Europe.
Graham L. Slack was born in 1969, is married and has two children. He was born in the United Kingdom and holds advanced degrees in economics from the U.K. and Denmark. He has published papers on public policy, emerging markets, and financial stability.
To register please send and email to info@cameraitacina.com by Thursday 13th of June at 17.00, including the following information:
•Name •Company name •Position •Mobile number
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