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Photoshop seems like a powerful tool that could be very useful in your business, but you have no idea on how to use it?
Come learn the basics of Photoshop CS5 with Alexandre Arazola, a French global designer.
We will start with an introduction of Photoshop CS5 (interface, windows...). Understand how it works, then discover its principal useful tools and how to use them.
Who should attend?
The training is mainly provided to who want to learn key Photoshop concepts and techniques. More experienced users who already have some experience with Photoshop can use this course to improve their knowledges and re-discover the good principals basics
What will you learn?
• How to create a new document for printing, projection on screen, or internet use (RVB, CMYK, resolutions, formats...), then how to save it depending on its use.
• How to retouch/resize an image: select one element on a picture to use it on another, apply colors, filters, effects...
• How to retouch an image: color/brightness/contrast balance. Then delete an element (logo for example) which is on a photo.
• How to make a professional presentation of a product. Start with a new empty document; add text, photos, logos...
• How to create a flyer for an event. Start with a new empty document, add a background, text, photos, and logos, apply effects etc...
• As practicing is the key, we will do several exercises!
More than learning Photoshop understand it and get tons of useful advices. It will be a live and interactive training!
We will work on the latest Photoshop CS5. All principal functions are similar in all Photoshop, from the first CS, CS2/CS3/CS4 and the ones to come in the future.
At the end of the training, you will be able to make your very own professional presentation, and both cool & professional flyer.
If there is something special you want to learn on Photoshop, do not hesitate to tell us by answering this email, and depending on all the answers that we will get, Alexandre Arazola will be happy to adapt the training.
Trainer Profile:
Alexandre Arazola is a French designer working in Guangzhou since 2008. Working for both french and chinese companies, he is specialized in furniture, industrial and graphic design, but also design consultancy and communication by design. His designs have been exhibited several times with great success in well-known designs shows in France and China.
To register, please, fill in the form and send it back to info@cameraitacina.com.
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