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The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the Seminar "Protection of Luxury Goods between Art and Law. The Chinese case.", a new initiative co-promoted with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China.
The seminar is organized and sponsored by Franzosi Dal Negro Pensato Setti Law Firm, which has been cooperating with HFG Shanghai Hengfang Law Firm & Intellectual Property Consultancy and has built up a world-wide reputation in the field of Intellectual Property Law (patents, trademarks, design, copyright and technology transfer) and in a variety of corporate and commercial matters.
Italian and Spanish luxury products are at the heart of Italy and Spain`s image in China and at the same time this kind of high-end products are at the frontline when it comes to attacks by intellectual property pirates. During this informative and interactive seminar our Members will learn about how to possibly protect the IP of well known brands. Particular emphasis will be placed on luxury goods, though the seminar will be relevant also to other fields, since it will give a broad overview of IP protection in greater China and Europe.
The seminar will see the participation of partners of Franzosi Dal Negro Pensato Setti Law Firm and of HFG Shanghai Hengfang Law Firm & Intellectual Property Consultancy as main speakers, addressing following topics:
- Luxury Goods Between Art and Law. The Italian and European Case - presentation by Ms Federica Santonocito
- Acquisition and enforcement of IP Rights on Luxury Goods in China and milestone cases - presentation by Mr Fabio Giacopello
- Acquisition and protection of the Well-Known Trademark in China - presentation by Mr Bian Zizhen
Being a sponsored seminar, CICC and COCECH inform our Members about the chance that Organizers might distribute advertising materials in the occasion of this event.
Details of the event:
Date and time: November 18th, 2008
17:30 - 18:00pm Registration
18:00 - 19:30pm Presentation
19:30 - 20:00pm Q&A with audience
20.00pm buffet cocktail
Location: The Longemont Hotel
1116 Yan An Xi Road, Puxi Shanghai
Language: English
Participation fee: RMB 150/pax for Members
RMB 180/pax for Non Members
We kindly ask you to confirm your participation by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by Nov. 13th, 12.00pm noon, or submitting the confirmation form by fax.
Confident in your numerous participation to this interesting initiative, I thank you for your usual support and stay available should any further information be needed.
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