Latest News

11 七月 2024

The Aviation and Aerospace Working Group (AAWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing a participation at the 15th China...

09 七月 2024

On July 4th, on the occasion of the mission to China of the Italian Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT), Sen. Adolfo Urso, the ...

09 七月 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce that a new Networking Lunch took place on Thursday, July 4th, at La Platea (CBD...

SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting Shanghai - Post event Shanghai March 13th
13 三月 2018

SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting Shanghai - Post event Shanghai March 13th

Newsletter Italia-Cina Scienza e Tecnologia
13 三月 2018

Italia-Cina Scienza e Tecnologia. Newsletter N.4 della rete degli addetti scientifici in Cina del terzo quadrimetre 2017.

Post-Event: Torino and Piemonte meet China (Turin and Piedmont meet China) - Beijing, 9th March 2018
09 三月 2018

An exciting two-days event to promote tourism between China and Italy.






Post Event - Corporate Data Management and VPN: New Rules Under Cybersecurity Law of PRC - Shenzhen, 6th March 2018
08 三月 2018

Dear CICC Members and Friends,

The seminar “Corporate Data Management and VPN: New Rules Under Cybersecurity Law of PRC”, hosted by Valentino Lucini from Wang Jing & Co. Law Firm, was successfully held in Shenzhen on 6th March.


Post-event: Italian Design and Sustainability - Beijing, 1st March 2018
02 三月 2018

Design and Sustainability Conference held at the Italian Institute of Culture, Beijing. 

Seconda Edizione IDD Italian Design Day in the World - Shenzhen 1 Marzo - Post Event
02 三月 2018

Cari Soci

Cari Amici,


Si e’ svolta ieri, 1 Marzo, la seconda edizione del Italian Design Day in the World 2018 (IDD) presso il Mountain View Theater di Shenzhen.

Consolato Generale d’Italia, ICE Guangzhou, CICC Guangzhou e Associazione Designer Italiani Shenzhen hanno partecipato e supportato questo evento di celebrazione dell’eccellenza del Design Italiano nel mondo.

Signature of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Hangzhou Committee. 中国意大利商会宣布和中国国际贸易促进委员会杭州市委员会签署了友好合作协议。
01 三月 2018

Signature of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and  the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Hangzhou Committee


EU SME Centre - Understanding China Training Program
01 三月 2018

EU SME Centre - Understanding China Training Program

March 15th-16th 2018, Bruxelles

POST EVENT - Myplant&Garden 2018
27 二月 2018

Myplant&Garden, held in Milan at FIERA MILANO SPA from February 21st to 23rd 2018, is an international B2B event which involves the companies in the nursery gardening sector.

Post-event: Assemblea Generale della Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina
27 二月 2018

Post-event: Assemblea Generale della Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina

Pechino, Martedì 27 Febbraio 2018, ore 9.00-12.00


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