CICC Beijing Working Group - Corporate Social Responsibility


We are glad to inform you that CICC is going to start a new working group about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

As a matter of fact, every company is a social actor which has relationships both with employees and with many other actors which form the external world. The legal framework rules the economic activity with the same boundaries for every company, giving the same benefits and safeguard to every worker, but it is going beyond these rules that it is possible to top the third party`s expectations, gaining advantages such as a better image both among the employees and toward the public opinion, which means, for example, to have a motivated work force - which would be less willing to job-hopping practices - and a better brand image.

Our wish is to group the various initiatives organized by the companies in a single, stronger system, and to promote broader projects shared by many companies, in order to improve both the performance of the single company, and the perception of Made in Italy in general.

Therefore, we propose a meeting to be held at the CICC office in Beijing on the 26th of June, 10 am, with the presence of CICC Chairman Davide Cucino, in order to discuss what companies are doing and what would be possible to realize with the advantages of a system.

If you are interested, to book a seat please write an email to by Wednesday the 24th of June, 6 pm.

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Beijing Office - Unit 2607, Full Tower, 9, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District, 100020, Beijing, Tel: 0086-10-85910545

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