Webinar: How to get a job in China?

08 五月 2013

Dear Members,


The China Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to inform you that on May 14th 2013, 1pm EDT (7pm CEST), Internship Network Asia by Hutong School will host a webinar called ‘How to get a job in China?’.


It is often heard: “China is the land of opportunities”. But is it really? If you are seeking job opportunities in China, how to get started? The country is large and has 1.3 billion people. How to find the right person or company that’ll get you the job you’re pursuing?


During this webinar, Jan Wostyn, International Relations Director of INA, will share his expertise and set some light on how to get a job in China. Don’t miss out and get ready for the Chinese century.


For further about content, duration, time and registration, please refer to the following link


Thank you for your attention,



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