
China Sichuan Cross-border E-commerce Commodity Trade Exhibition 首届中国∙四川电子商务发展峰会

13 Ottobre 2016
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing for the organization of the China Sichuan Cross-border E-commerce Commodity Trade Exhibition that will be held in Mianyang from October 13th-15th 2016 in the Mianyang Science & Technology City Exhibition Center 绵阳科技城会展中心 (Address: 绵阳市高新区飞云大道 488 号 No. 488 Feiyun Avenue, High-tech Zone, Mianyang City). Download the presentation of the Fair and official website available here. The China Sichuan Cross-border E-commerce Commodity Trade Exhibition is organized by The Trade Department of Sichuan Province and the authorities confirmed the willing to set-up an Italian Pavillion that will comprehend around 300m² free of charge (including set-up). If interested in attending the Fair, please send a confirmation e-mail to within September 16th 2016.    

China Sichuan Cross-border E-commerce Commodity Trade Exhibition 首届中国∙四川电子商务发展峰会

13 Ottobre 2016
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing for the organization of the China Sichuan Cross-border E-commerce Commodity Trade Exhibition that will be held in Mianyang from October 13th-15th 2016 in the Mianyang Science & Technology City Exhibition Center 绵阳科技城会展中心 (Address: 绵阳市高新区飞云大道 488 号 No. 488 Feiyun Avenue, High-tech Zone, Mianyang City). Download the presentation of the Fair and official website available here. The China Sichuan Cross-border E-commerce Commodity Trade Exhibition is organized by The Trade Department of Sichuan Province and the authorities confirmed the willing to set-up an Italian Pavillion that will comprehend around 300m² free of charge (including set-up). If interested in attending the Fair, please send a confirmation e-mail to within September 16th 2016.    

China Sichuan Cross-border E-commerce Commodity Trade Exhibition 首届中国∙四川电子商务发展峰会

13 Ottobre 2016
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing for the organization of the China Sichuan Cross-border E-commerce Commodity Trade Exhibition that will be held in Mianyang from October 13th-15th 2016 in the Mianyang Science & Technology City Exhibition Center 绵阳科技城会展中心 (Address: 绵阳市高新区飞云大道 488 号 No. 488 Feiyun Avenue, High-tech Zone, Mianyang City). Download the presentation of the Fair and official website available here. The China Sichuan Cross-border E-commerce Commodity Trade Exhibition is organized by The Trade Department of Sichuan Province and the authorities confirmed the willing to set-up an Italian Pavillion that will comprehend around 300m² free of charge (including set-up). If interested in attending the Fair, please send a confirmation e-mail to within September 16th 2016.    

14°China International Agricultural Trade Fair (CATF) - Kunming 第四十届中国国际农产品交易会 - 昆明

05 Novembre 2016
The China Italy Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing organizing the 14°edition of the China International Agricultural Trade Fair (CATF) that will take place in Kunming from November 5th to 8th 2016. The Fair is organized by the Chinese Minister of Agriculture and the Yunnan Province Government. Participation costs (including 20% of discount): - 8000 RMB for standard booth (9 m²) - 800 RMB/m² (minimum 36 m²) for individual space without set-up (possibility to set-up a Italian Pavilion). It will be possible to give visibility also to an initiative, the one of the Italian Pavilion inside the ICBC e-commerce platform. The ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) recently launched a new e-commerce platform (available here) where there will be a series of virtual Pavilions specialized in selling imported goods. In this environment, the Chongqing branch of ICBC would offer a series of benefits for the constitution of an Italian Pavilion: 1. National coverage with 450 million of clients already existent; 2. Turnover or 100 billion RMB (about 14 billion Euros); 3. Possibility to join the platform for Companies registered in China and Italy (transcontinental e-commerce); 4. Zero leasing costs for selling spaces or advertisement spaces; 5. 5% of commission only on the sold goods; 6. Immediate payment through ICBC bank account (different from other competitors that requires monthly payment); 7. Specialized Team for the graphic implementation. For more information and attending the fair, please send a confirmation e-mail to within 23 September 2016. Presentation available here on the official website.

14°China International Agricultural Trade Fair (CATF) - Kunming 第四十届中国国际农产品交易会 - 昆明

05 Novembre 2016
The China Italy Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing organizing the 14°edition of the China International Agricultural Trade Fair (CATF) that will take place in Kunming from November 5th to 8th 2016. The Fair is organized by the Chinese Minister of Agriculture and the Yunnan Province Government. Participation costs (including 20% of discount): - 8000 RMB for standard booth (9 m²) - 800 RMB/m² (minimum 36 m²) for individual space without set-up (possibility to set-up a Italian Pavilion). It will be possible to give visibility also to an initiative, the one of the Italian Pavilion inside the ICBC e-commerce platform. The ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) recently launched a new e-commerce platform (available here) where there will be a series of virtual Pavilions specialized in selling imported goods. In this environment, the Chongqing branch of ICBC would offer a series of benefits for the constitution of an Italian Pavilion: 1. National coverage with 450 million of clients already existent; 2. Turnover or 100 billion RMB (about 14 billion Euros); 3. Possibility to join the platform for Companies registered in China and Italy (transcontinental e-commerce); 4. Zero leasing costs for selling spaces or advertisement spaces; 5. 5% of commission only on the sold goods; 6. Immediate payment through ICBC bank account (different from other competitors that requires monthly payment); 7. Specialized Team for the graphic implementation. For more information and attending the fair, please send a confirmation e-mail to within 23 September 2016. Presentation available here on the official website.

14°China International Agricultural Trade Fair (CATF) - Kunming 第四十届中国国际农产品交易会 - 昆明

05 Novembre 2016
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina collabora con il Consolato Genererale d'Italia a Chongqing per la partecizione alla 14° edizione della China International Agricultural Trade Fair (CATF) che si terrà a Kunming dal 5 al 8 novembre 2016. La fiera e’ organizzata dal Ministero dell’Agricoltura cinese e dal Governo della Provincia dello Yunnan. Costi di partecipazione (compresi di sconto del 20%): - 8000RMB per standard booth (9 m²) - 800RMB/mq (minimo 36 m²) per spazio individuale senza allestimento (con possibilità di creare padiglione nazionale). Potrebbe essere data visibilità anche ad un’altra iniziativa, quella del padiglione italiano all’interno della piattaforma e-commerce dell’ICBC. L’ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) ha di recente lanciato una nuova piattaforma e-commerce (consultabile qui') che prevede la costituzione di una serie di padiglioni internazionali virtuali specializzati nella vendita di prodotti d’importazione. Nell’ambito della predetta cornice, la filiale di Chongqing dell’ICBC offrirebbe una serie di condizioni agevolate per la vendita di prodotti italiani, e quindi per la costituzione di un padiglione dedicato all’Italia: 1. Copertura di livello nazionale-internazionale con 450 milioni di clienti già esistenti; 2. Fatturato di 100miliardi di RMB (ca. 14 mld. di Euro), posizionandosi al terzo posto della classifica delle piattaforme e-commerce di tutta la Cina (solo dopo Tmall e Jindong); 3. Possibilità di insediamento sia per aziende registrate in Cina che per aziende con sede in Italia (Commercio Elettronico Transfrontaliero); 4. Nessun costo di affitto degli spazi di vendita o degli spazi pubblicitari; 5. Commissioni da parte della banca del 5% solo sul venduto; 6. Pagamento immediato attraverso conto corrente ICBC (e non pagamento mensile come nel caso di altri competitori); 7. Team specializzato per l’implementazione della veste grafica. Per maggioni informazioni e per l’adesione alla fiera si prega di inviare e-mail di adesione ad entro e non oltre il 23 settembre 2016. Presentazione completa della fiera disponibile nel sito internet ufficiale.

III Edizione Fiera della Logistica Internazionale di Chongqing 第三届中国·重庆国际物流展

16 Novembre 2016
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina collabora con il Consolato Genererale d'Italia a Chongqing per la partecizione alla III Edizione della Fiera della Logistica Internazionale di Chongqing che si terrà a Chongqing dal 16 al 18 Novembre 2016 presso il Chongqing international Expo Center. La fiera e’ uno dei più importanti eventi fieristici del sud-ovest della Cina, è organizzata dal China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Chongqing Committee, la China Road Transport Association, la China Storage Association, la China Air Transport Association, la China International Freight Forwarders Association e la The China Industrial Overseas Development Association. Le autorita’ organizzatrici hanno confermato l’organizzazione di un Padiglione Italiano garantendo il massimo supporto per la partecipazione dell’Italia al predetto evento, e provvederanno ad agevolazioni a livello di copertura spese, nonchè per l’organizzazione di incontri con autorità e imprese locali del settore. Ogni azienda partecipante al Padiglione Italiano avra’ diritto a 200 m² e dovranno sostenere lorostessi le spese di allestimento (500-700 RMB/m²). Il Padiglione verra’ suddiviso in macro aree in relazione ai settori, e alle esigenze individuali delle varie aziende partecipanti. Sempre nell’ottica del rafforzamento dei contatti commerciali fra le imprese dei due Paesi, questo Consolato Generale si farà promotore per l’organizzazione delle sessioni B2B per le imprese aderenti. Infine, sarà organizzata per l’occasione una conferenza stampa di presentazione della delegazione imprenditoriale italiana, alla presenza del Console Generale d’Italia a Chongqing Sergio Maffettone e dei media locali. Se interessati si prega di inviare e-mail di adesione ad entro e non oltre il 9 Settembre 2016. Presentazione complete della fiera disponibile nel sito internet ufficiale qui.

3rd China Chongqing International Logistics Exhibition 第三届中国·重庆国际物流展

16 Novembre 2016
Dear CICC Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing for the organization of the 3rd China Chongqing International Logistics Exhibition that will be held in Chongqing from November 16 – 18 in the Chongqing international Expo Center. The fair is one of the most important Fairs in South-West China, organized by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Chongqing Committee, the China Road Transport Association, the China Storage Association, the China Air Transport Association, China International Freight Forwarders Association and The China Industrial Overseas Development Association. The authority in charge of the fair confirmed the organization of an Italian Pavilion providing support to the Italian Companies attending with preferential treatments and organization of B2B Meeting with the local authorities in the interested sectors. Each Company taking part to the Italian Pavilion, will have 200 m² for free and they will have to provide themselves for the Pavilion set-up (500-700 RMB/ m²). The Pavilion will be divided in macro areas according to the sectors and individual needs of the attending companies. In order to strength the commercial contacts among our two countries the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing will also organize B2B sessions with the local companies and the Italian ones taking part to the Pavilion. There will be also a press conference in the Italian pavilion with the participation of the Consul General Sergio Maffettone together with the others institutions, authorities, local media for the introduction of the Italian Companies taking part to the Pavilion. If interested in attending the Fair, please send a confirmation e-mail to within September 9 2016. Complete presentation of the fair available in the official website here.

3rd China Chongqing International Logistics Exhibition 第三届中国·重庆国际物流展

16 Novembre 2016
Dear CICC Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing for the organization of the 3rd China Chongqing International Logistics Exhibition that will be held in Chongqing from November 16 – 18 in the Chongqing international Expo Center. The fair is one of the most important Fairs in South-West China, organized by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Chongqing Committee, the China Road Transport Association, the China Storage Association, the China Air Transport Association, China International Freight Forwarders Association and The China Industrial Overseas Development Association. The authority in charge of the fair confirmed the organization of an Italian Pavilion providing support to the Italian Companies attending with preferential treatments and organization of B2B Meeting with the local authorities in the interested sectors. Each Company taking part to the Italian Pavilion, will have 200 m² for free and they will have to provide themselves for the Pavilion set-up (500-700 RMB/ m²). The Pavilion will be divided in macro areas according to the sectors and individual needs of the attending companies. In order to strength the commercial contacts among our two countries the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing will also organize B2B sessions with the local companies and the Italian ones taking part to the Pavilion. There will be also a press conference in the Italian pavilion with the participation of the Consul General Sergio Maffettone together with the others institutions, authorities, local media for the introduction of the Italian Companies taking part to the Pavilion. If interested in attending the Fair, please send a confirmation e-mail to within September 9 2016. Complete presentation of the fair available in the official website here.

All Chamber Welcome Back Networking_Post Event

On August 24th the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, along with other 16 leading foreign Chambers located in Beijing, organized the annual summer appointment: All Chamber Welcome Back Networking event, held at the O'Bar, at Nuo Hotel.





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