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Italian Career Day

06 Dicembre 2013
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina, in collaborazione con ICE – Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane, l’Universita’ Tongji e con il patrocinio del Consolato Generale d’Italia a Shanghai, promuove la quarta edizione dell’ITALIAN CAREER DAY, che si svolgera’ il giorno 6 Dicembre 2013 presso l’Universita’ Tongji, Campus di Siping Road.   Le prime tre edizioni si sono svolte con successo nel 2011-2012, confermando la validita’ di tale iniziativa quale fattore di supporto per le imprese italiane in Cina. Oltre 150 aziende italiane e 1000 candidati hanno infatti preso parte a questa iniziativa con circa 2000 colloqui di lavoro e il 20% di assunzioni. Anche questa edizione, indirizzata ai candidati cinesi ed italiani delle piu’ prestigiose universita’ locali, rappresenta una valida opportunita’ di incontro fra domanda ed offerta di lavoro.   Per rendere possibile la realizzazione dell’evento, a copertura delle spese organizzative sostenute dall’Universita’ Tongji, e’ previsto un contributo di partecipazione di RMB 1000 ad impresa, che dovra’ essere versato direttamente all’Universita’ Tongji. Le modalita’ saranno comunicate in seguito. Ciascuna impresa avra’ a disposizione un desk personalizzato per i colloqui e per la distribuzione di materiale informativo.   Di seguito si riportano gli estremi bancari per effettuare il pagamento: beneficiario: 同济大学 del conto: 033267-08017004675 banca: 农行上海市五角场支行营业部 Si prega di mettere "中意学院 SINO - ITALIAN CAMPUS" nella nota di pagamento.   Se interessati a cogliere questa opportunita’, vi invitiamo a visitare il seguente link ed effettuare l’iscrizione on-line per favorire il successivo matchmaking con i candidati.   The China Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Italian Trade Commission – ICE, Tongji University and, under the patronage of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, is glad to introduce the 4th ITALIAN CAREER DAY to be held on December 6th at Tongji University, Siping Road Campus.   The previous editions in 2011 and 2012 have been very successful with more than 150 Italian companies involved, 1000 candidates, over than 2000 job interviews with 20% of hiring. The Italian Career Day is an exchange point between Italian companies and local talents, it provides an opportunity for Italian and Chinese students to have face-to-face communication with the well-known Italian companies, to understand the companies’ development in China and Italy, company culture and all-rounded useful information about the professional fields.   In order to cover the expenses of realization of the event incurred by the Tongji University, the Italian companies who want to take this opportunity to introduce their China business strategy and get in touch with potential candidates, have a registration fee of RMB1000 to address directly to the Tongji University. Each company will have its own personalized desk for job interviews and for the distribution of informative materials.   Please see the detailed bank data to accomplish the payment: beneficiary: 同济大学 account number: 033267-08017004675 bank: 农行上海市五角场支行营业部 Please put the "中意学院 SINO - ITALIAN CAMPUS" in the note of the payment.   Please find the following link to submit your application.   Best wishes CICC SH Office  

江三角•劳动法论坛 - 盘点2013 (RDL - Summary of Chinese employment laws for 2013)

10 Dicembre 2013
    江三角•劳动法论坛 —— 盘点2013 RDL —— Summary of Chinese employment laws for 2013 重要法规 • 热点事件 • 经典案例 • 年终实务 Important Statutes• Hot Issues• Typical Cases• Year-end Practice   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with River Delta Law Firm, is glad to invite you to a one-day seminar aimed at presenting and analyzing a summary of the recent developments of the Chinese employment laws for the year 2013. During the seminar, the experts of River Delta Law Firm will illustrate and comment on the latest developments in the sector, involving topics such as labor dispatch, regulation of labor disputes, senior executives, foreign interns, late retirement, employment regulations in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, local case studies, etc. The aim of the seminar is to facilitate the companies’ understanding of the new normative and, as a consequence, to optimize the HR management within these new contexts. The seminar, held in Chinese, will take place on different dates in Shenzhen, Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, and Suzhou.     2013年的劳动法领域,都发生了什么?企业怎么办?你想要知道的,正是我们所要提供的。用一天的时间,我们将与您分享江三角一个年度的观察、思考以及实践,共同盘点这精彩的2013—— 这一年“劳务派遣”成为年度话题,并进而发展为贯穿2012-2013乃至2014的持续性热点; 这一年“高管”从管理者走向被管理者(劳动者),并在2013年变成“弱势群体”,他们在葛兰素史克案中变成众矢之的,并在《司法解释(二)》中受到 “歧视性”对待; 这一年“延迟退休”成为全民话题并遭到几乎全民的反对,然而老龄化社会的挑战似乎迫在眉睫,企业有必要提前布局; 此外,还有大量重要新规影响到当前以及今后的劳动关系走势—— 《司法解释四》在竞业限制、推定变更等方面的尝试已超出既往法律的框架; 《外国人入境出境管理条例》完全重新建构了留学生的实习问题; 《关于执行若干问题的意见》则对很多工伤保险领域的争议问题做了一锤定音的规定; 而各地的立法尤其是裁审口径则更务实地影响到劳动关系的日常管理及争议处理。   当然,我们不止于法规的盘点与释义,我们更将从实务处理的角度,以亲自处理的案例,提供更现场、更真实、更有价值的评析与建议。我们也欢迎您带着一整年的思考与问题,与我们共同探讨交流。   课程目标: ※ 全面回顾2013年劳动法领域的最新动态,有效实现知识更新; ※ 针对掌握新时期人力资源管理中的最新法律难题及处理技巧。 参会对象: 人事总监、人事经理、公司法务、工会干部及其他高级管理人员。   陆敬波---首席合伙人,江三角律师事务所 著名劳动法专家,上海江三角律师事务所首席合伙人、主任。陆敬波律师是中国大陆劳动法律师服务市场的先行者和开拓者。早在2002年,陆敬波律师就创立了中国第一家劳动法律服务在线平台—“劳动法苑”(;2004年,陆敬波律师创办了中国第一家以劳动人事法律服务为主的律师事务所。在陆敬波律师的带领下,江三角事务所已成长为中国大陆律师团队规模最大、服务网络最完善的劳动法律服务机构。陆敬波律师受众多大型跨国集团、国内外企业、各政府行政部门聘请担任常年法律顾问、培训讲师,提供各项法律服务。在劳动法专业领域的突出表现为陆敬波律师在业内赢得了很好的口碑和声誉。   会议酒店地址: 深圳:金茂深圳JW万豪酒店三楼 福田区深南大道6005号 成都:锦江宾馆 人民南路二段 北京:北京保利大厦二层1号会议室 北京东直门南大街14号 上海:上海中油阳光大酒店二楼宴会厅3厅 浦东新区东方路969号(近浦电路)  苏州:苏州园区维景国际大酒店 苏州工业园区金鸡湖大道1355号   For more information, please click here.   Best wishes CICC SH Office  


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