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Mitigating fraud risk in the supply chain, Shanghai, 15th September, 2014

15 Settembre 2014
When dealing with their suppliers international companies operating in China often face the issue of corruption. How can a company make sure it isn’t affected? How can the value of compliance best be conveyed to the employees and the suppliers? How can and should one deal with employees that have crossed the line? These and other questions will be addressed by Mr. Marco Liu and Mr. Benjamin Miao, two experts in this field of fraud risk and compliance. They will share their experiences and give advice on how to avoid negative impacts of non-compliance if it occurs among employees and present strategies to address corruption. Moreover during the workshop case studies will be presented and discussed with the participants. Experts Mr. Benjamin Miao Litigation Partner at Fangda Partners Benjamin has extensive experience in representing multinational and domestic clients in their China-related commercial disputes primarily in the areas of corporate governance, asset recovery, regulatory, employment and arbitration. He was ranked as one of the 40 “Outstanding Younger Partners in Asia Pacific” by Chambers Asia-Pacific in 2013. Mr. Marco Liu Enterprise Risk Services Partner at Deloitte Marco has more than 19 years of professional experience serving large local and multi-national companies (MNC) in Canada, Hong Kong and Mainland China. He has rich experience in corporate governance, risk and compliance, enterprise risk management, internal control and audit, finance transformation strategy and plan, design of finance shared service center, re-engineering finance and business processes, etc. Marco has served diversified clients covering a wide spectrum of industries including finance and banking, manufacturing, consumer business, automotive and energy, life science health care, and media & telecommunications (TMT). Mr. Philippe Snel Partner - Chief Representative at De Wolf & Partners Philippe has been active as a business lawyer in China for more than 10 years and established himself permanently in Shanghai in 2004. He heads the Shanghai office of De Wolf & Partners, a Belgian law firm. He was the Chairman of the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (BenCham) for 4 years and currently serves as executive director. Philippe regularly acts as counsel to Belgian and Luxembourg authorities in China (Belgian Consulate in Shanghai, Flanders Investment & Trade, Brussels Export, Ministry of Economic Affairs of Luxembourg, etc…) and as special advisor to various official institutions in Shanghai and Shenzhen. He is a registered foreign lawyer with the Shanghai Bureau of Justice. Ms. Claire Worledge Certified Fraud Examiner at Aufinia Claire spent 10 years at Deloitte Consulting (London and Paris), where she was Manager of the team Data Quality & Integrity. This team worked mainly on financial audits and fraud detection engagements. In 2010, she created Aufinia Consulting, company specialized in continuous audit, continuous controls monitoring and the prevention and the detection of Fraud. Aufinia Consulting has offices in Paris, Hong Kong and Shanghai, with partners in the UK, Morocco and Tunisia.   Reservation: Please send an email to to reserve the seat.

苏州意大利嘉年华,2014年10月11日 - 12日 - 报名表

23 Luglio 2014

Festival Italiano, Suzhou, 11-12 Ottobre 2014 - Modulo di registrazione

23 Luglio 2014
    Modulo scaricabile al seguente link e da inviare compilato a

Festival Italiano, Suzhou, 11th - 12th, October, 2014 - Application Form

23 Luglio 2014
    Please click here to download the Registration form to send at

苏州意大利嘉年华,2014年10月11日 - 12日

11 Ottobre 2014
  该活动是国内最大的宣传意大利文化和生活方式的盛宴,内容丰富,包含了众多为成人、儿童和家庭准备的娱乐项目。通过品尝和鉴赏地道的意大利美食和“意大利制造”的产品、时装秀、艺术展览、音乐表演、体育活动、比赛、意大利风格的晚宴等等众多精彩纷呈的主题内容,此次为期两天的嘉年华将拉近中意两国之间的距离。 意大利嘉年华活动是由中国意大利商会主办,获得了意大利政府的协助以及苏州当地政府和媒体的支持,主旨在于展示意大利的魅力所在。对意大利企业来说是一个不可或缺的接近中国和外国公众的独特机会。 上一期的嘉年华吸引了超过10,000名访客以及近60个颇负盛名的品牌参与。 感谢我们商会会员企业以及其他各类企业、机构和个人的大力支持和热情参与,我们相信,今年访客数量以及参展品牌数量将会更多! 此次嘉年华不仅仅是一场娱乐的盛宴,同时在活动的两天内我们还将安排出席嘉年华的中意企业家和当地的组织机构进行三方会谈。 展位数量有限,赶紧预订吧! 想了解购买展位、门票和赞助方案的更多详情,请参阅以下链接,并请邮件至 或联系电话021-61351313 。  


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