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Viaggio dell’Anima: le Storie di Annamaria Gallone - Parte #1

20 Novembre 2007
 Presentazione della rassegna da parte della regista e produttrice Annamaria Gallone La prima serata è dedicata ai documentari della serie "Terra madre" che raccontano della produzione, trasformazione, distribuzione e promozione del cibo. Ognuno ci fa conoscere uno dei 270 presìdi che Slow Food ha costituito nel mondo e ci parla della tutela della biodiversità, della salvaguardia dell`ambiente e delle risorse della terra, del rispetto per la dignità di chi produce e della salute e del piacere di chi consuma. Protagonisti dei documentari sono delizie gastronomiche, animali in via d`estinzione, bellezze naturali, ma soprattutto la gente legata a questi prodotti, la loro memoria, il loro impegno e la loro passione. Di questa serie, l`Istituto è lieto di presentare: BITTO, IL FORMAGGIO PERENNE È l`ora della mungitura e, come sanno i casari delle valli di Albaredo e Gerola in provincia di Sondrio, questa è l`ora del Bitto: un formaggio che profuma dei fiori e delle erbe alpine, l`unico di cui si riconosce universalmente la capacità di invecchiare sino a dieci anni, frutto di un`antica tradizione tramandata ai produttori di oggi. STORIE DI ANGUILLE, DI ACQUA E DI FUOCO L`avventura dell`anguilla, il pesce serpentiforme che risale fino al Mar dei Sargassi per riprodursi, ma poi compie il suo ciclo vitale nelle acque delle Valli di Comacchio, un delicato ecosistema racchiuso tra i fiumi Po e Reno e il Mar Adriatico. Il presidio Slow Food e il Parco Delta del Po dell`Emilia Romagna hanno riportato la secolare tradizione della marinatura delle anguille che, non più a rischio di estinzione, possono ora venire lavorate secondo le tecniche più tradizionali. Regia: Annamaria Gallone Produzione: Kenzi / Fondazione Slow Food per la Biodiversità Onlus In italiano con sottotitoli in inglese, 26`ciascuno Per maggiori informazioni:

Soul Travel: the Annamaria Gallone`s Stories, part #1

20 Novembre 2007
  Film fest presented by the director and producer Annamaria Gallone The first night is dedicated to the series of documentaries "Terra Madre" describing food production, transformation, distribution and promotion. Each documentary lets us know one of the 270 presidia established worldwide by Slow Food. Nevertheless they tell about respecting and protecting the environment, biodiversities, nature`s beauties but above all people involved in the production of these products, their memories, their dedication and their passion.The Institute is glad to present the two selected documentaries :BITTO, THE ETERNAL CHEESEÈ It is milking time and as each cheese-maker in the valleys of Albaredo and Gerola in the province of Sondrio knows, that means Bitto: a cheese with scents of the alpine flowers and herbs. Bitto, the only cheese whose aging process is universally recognized to last even 10 years, is the result of an ancient tradition which has been passed over the centuries.STORIES OF EELS, WATER AND FIREThe adventure of the eel, the snake-like fish that goes up Mar dei Sargassi again in order to procreate but then completes its life cycle in the waters of Comacchio valleys, a delicate ecosystem enclosed within the rivers Po and Reno and the Adriatic Sea. Slow Food and Il Parco Delta del Po of Emilia Romagna region rediscovered the ancient tradition of marinaded eels which, not being anymore at risk of extinction, can now be treated according to most ancient traditions.Directed by: Annamaria Gallone Production: Kenzi /  Slow Food Foundation for Onlus BiodiversityIn iItalian with English subtitles, 26`each For further info:

Italian Grand Ball 2007

08 Dicembre 2007
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is currently organizing the sixth Italian Grand Ball 2007, which will be held at the newly opened JW Marriott in Beijing on Saturday December 8th, 2007.The Ball will feature an Italian dinner, cooked with our best foods and wines: from the canapé for cocktail to the dessert, you will have the chance to taste the best Italian scents and flavours, listening to the delightful voice of an Italian singer.The dinner, cooked by the Italian Chef Alessandro Montedoro, is offered by some prestigious Italian brands as Lavazza, Bellini and Acqua Viva.For reservations and for further information please write to: (cc: information about sponsorship, please click hereTicket price: 888 RMBDress Code: Evening AttireAddress: JW Marriott Beijing, (No. 83 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District Beijing; 建国路83号; Phone: +86 10 59086688) 建国路83号)

Italian Grand Ball 2007

08 Dicembre 2007
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is currently organizing the sixth Italian Grand Ball 2007, which will be held at the newly opened JW Marriott in Beijing on Saturday December 8th, 2007.The Ball will feature an Italian dinner, cooked with our best foods and wines: from the canapé for cocktail to the dessert, you will have the chance to taste the best Italian scents and flavours, listening to the delightful voice of an Italian singer.The dinner, cooked by the Italian Chef Alessandro Montedoro, is offered by some prestigious Italian brands as Lavazza, Bellini and Acqua Viva.For reservations and for further information please write to: (cc: information about sponsorship, please click hereTicket price: 888 RMBDress Code: Evening AttireAddress: JW Marriott Beijing, (No. 83 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District Beijing; 建国路83号; Phone: +86 10 59086688) 建国路83号)

Italian Grand Ball 2007

08 Dicembre 2007
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is currently organizing the sixth Italian Grand Ball 2007, which will be held at the newly opened JW Marriott in Beijing on Saturday December 8th, 2007.The Ball will feature an Italian dinner, cooked with our best foods and wines: from the canapé for cocktail to the dessert, you will have the chance to taste the best Italian scents and flavours, listening to the delightful voice of an Italian singer.The dinner, cooked by the Italian Chef Alessandro Montedoro, is offered by some prestigious Italian brands as Lavazza, Bellini and Acqua Viva.For reservations and for further information please write to: (cc: information about sponsorship, please click hereTicket price: 888 RMBDress Code: Evening AttireAddress: JW Marriott Beijing, (No. 83 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District Beijing; 建国路83号; Phone: +86 10 59086688) 建国路83号)

Human resources management: challenges for FIEs in the new legal and business environment

14 Novembre 2007
As business leaders working in China well know, human resources management has long been one of the biggest challenges for foreign invested companies. More so than in almost any other country in the world, human capital is the key to success in China. Recent changes in China’s legal and business environment, including the introduction of the long awaited New Labour Contract Law, have placed added impetus on companies to revaluate their China HR practices. This seminar will address the key issues that companies are currently facing, sharing the speaker’s experiences and providing practical advice wherever possible. SPEAKERS AND TOPICS: MR. EDOARDO BERTOLANI, Consultant (China Human Resource Highlights for FIEs)MRS. MARIA WANG, Senior Consultant (China 2008 Labour Contract Law and main implications for FIEs) MRS. LAURA TSUI, Senior Consultant (HR Management: key issues and recommendable practices)NOTE: - The seminar will be held in English.- A cocktail will be offered to the participants.- The event is reserved to CICC members only.Please note that the seats are limited (30 pax) and available on a first-come-first-served basis. Please confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail at (cc: by Friday, November 9th, 2007, h. 12:00pm.SPEAKERS’ PROFILES:LAURA TSUI Education • Ph.D. in Language Philosophy, Universidad Automoma de Madrid• Master Degree in General Linguistics, Beijing Foreign Studies University• Advanced Management Course Diploma, China Europe International Business School Professional Experience • Ms. Tsui has worked in management positions in other international companies, before joining InterChina in 1998. Deep knowledge on Chinese enterprise and Western enterprise cultures• She contributed greatly to InterChina’s growth from its early years till now and became a Partner and Vice President of the company in 2000Consultancy Competence • Well known specialist on China market entry strategy and company management issues in main business circles in Spain and Italy. Frequent contributor to media in Spain and in Italy on topics related to China strategic and corporate issues • Sectors of expertise: machinery and components, chemical materials, automotive components, textile, garmentMARIA WANG Education • Educated in US, UK and Mainland China, majored in Economy and Trade (Beijing), Management (Central Lancashire, UK) and Hotel Management (California, US)Professional Experience • Before joining InterChina, Ms. Wang has worked as Human Resources Manager for fifteen years in Holiday Inn Lido (Beijing), and later in Harbour Plaza (Beijing) for four years Consultancy Competence • Strong Human Resource background. Proven experience in recruitment, human resources police, resource management and project coordination • Sectors of expertise: Recruitment, Remuneration management, Internal H.R management, Training & Development and general H.R aspectsEDOARDO BERTOLANIEducation • International MBA, Institute for Executive Development (Spain, China, Chile and US)• Management Information System, Profingest, Bologna (Italy) • Bachelor of Economics & Business Administration, University of Parma (Italy)Professional Experience • Prior to joining InterChina in 2005, he has worked for over 7 years in the corporate finance division of one of Italy’s largest banking groups• Rich experience in Syndicated Loans, Acquisition Finance, Financial AdvisoryConsultancy Competence • Rich experience in M&A, Strategic Target Search, DD, Company Establishment• Frequent contributor on topics related to China strategic and corporate issues  

Human resources management: challenges for FIEs in the new legal and business environment

14 Novembre 2007
As business leaders working in China well know, human resources management has long been one of the biggest challenges for foreign invested companies. More so than in almost any other country in the world, human capital is the key to success in China. Recent changes in China’s legal and business environment, including the introduction of the long awaited New Labour Contract Law, have placed added impetus on companies to revaluate their China HR practices. This seminar will address the key issues that companies are currently facing, sharing the speaker’s experiences and providing practical advice wherever possible. SPEAKERS AND TOPICS: MR. EDOARDO BERTOLANI, Consultant (China Human Resource Highlights for FIEs) MRS. MARIA WANG, Senior Consultant (China 2008 Labour Contract Law and main implications for FIEs) MRS. LAURA TSUI, Senior Consultant (HR Management: key issues and recommendable practices) NOTE: - The seminar will be held in English. - A cocktail will be offered to the participants. - The event is reserved to CICC members only.Please note that the seats are limited (30 pax) and available on a first-come-first-served basis. Please confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail at (cc: by Friday, November 9th, 2007, h. 12:00pm.SPEAKERS’ PROFILES: LAURA TSUI Education • Ph.D. in Language Philosophy, Universidad Automoma de Madrid • Master Degree in General Linguistics, Beijing Foreign Studies University • Advanced Management Course Diploma, China Europe International Business School Professional Experience • Ms. Tsui has worked in management positions in other international companies, before joining InterChina in 1998. Deep knowledge on Chinese enterprise and Western enterprise cultures • She contributed greatly to InterChina’s growth from its early years till now and became a Partner and Vice President of the company in 2000 Consultancy Competence • Well known specialist on China market entry strategy and company management issues in main business circles in Spain and Italy. Frequent contributor to media in Spain and in Italy on topics related to China strategic and corporate issues • Sectors of expertise: machinery and components, chemical materials, automotive components, textile, garmentMARIA WANG Education • Educated in US, UK and Mainland China, majored in Economy and Trade (Beijing), Management (Central Lancashire, UK) and Hotel Management (California, US) Professional Experience • Before joining InterChina, Ms. Wang has worked as Human Resources Manager for fifteen years in Holiday Inn Lido (Beijing), and later in Harbour Plaza (Beijing) for four years Consultancy Competence • Strong Human Resource background. Proven experience in recruitment, human resources police, resource management and project coordination • Sectors of expertise: Recruitment, Remuneration management, Internal H.R management, Training & Development and general H.R aspectsEDOARDO BERTOLANI Education • International MBA, Institute for Executive Development (Spain, China, Chile and US) • Management Information System, Profingest, Bologna (Italy) • Bachelor of Economics & Business Administration, University of Parma (Italy) Professional Experience • Prior to joining InterChina in 2005, he has worked for over 7 years in the corporate finance division of one of Italy’s largest banking groups • Rich experience in Syndicated Loans, Acquisition Finance, Financial Advisory Consultancy Competence • Rich experience in M&A, Strategic Target Search, DD, Company Establishment • Frequent contributor on topics related to China strategic and corporate issues   

Human resources management: challenges for FIEs in the new legal and business environment

14 Novembre 2007
As business leaders working in China well know, human resources management has long been one of the biggest challenges for foreign invested companies. More so than in almost any other country in the world, human capital is the key to success in China. Recent changes in China’s legal and business environment, including the introduction of the long awaited New Labour Contract Law, have placed added impetus on companies to revaluate their China HR practices. This seminar will address the key issues that companies are currently facing, sharing the speaker’s experiences and providing practical advice wherever possible. SPEAKERS AND TOPICS: MR. EDOARDO BERTOLANI, Consultant (China Human Resource Highlights for FIEs) MRS. MARIA WANG, Senior Consultant (China 2008 Labour Contract Law and main implications for FIEs) MRS. LAURA TSUI, Senior Consultant (HR Management: key issues and recommendable practices) NOTE: - The seminar will be held in English. - A cocktail will be offered to the participants. - The event is reserved to CICC members only.Please note that the seats are limited (30 pax) and available on a first-come-first-served basis. Please confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail at (cc: by Friday, November 9th, 2007, h. 12:00pm.SPEAKERS’ PROFILES: LAURA TSUI Education • Ph.D. in Language Philosophy, Universidad Automoma de Madrid • Master Degree in General Linguistics, Beijing Foreign Studies University • Advanced Management Course Diploma, China Europe International Business School Professional Experience • Ms. Tsui has worked in management positions in other international companies, before joining InterChina in 1998. Deep knowledge on Chinese enterprise and Western enterprise cultures • She contributed greatly to InterChina’s growth from its early years till now and became a Partner and Vice President of the company in 2000 Consultancy Competence • Well known specialist on China market entry strategy and company management issues in main business circles in Spain and Italy. Frequent contributor to media in Spain and in Italy on topics related to China strategic and corporate issues • Sectors of expertise: machinery and components, chemical materials, automotive components, textile, garmentMARIA WANG Education • Educated in US, UK and Mainland China, majored in Economy and Trade (Beijing), Management (Central Lancashire, UK) and Hotel Management (California, US) Professional Experience • Before joining InterChina, Ms. Wang has worked as Human Resources Manager for fifteen years in Holiday Inn Lido (Beijing), and later in Harbour Plaza (Beijing) for four years Consultancy Competence • Strong Human Resource background. Proven experience in recruitment, human resources police, resource management and project coordination • Sectors of expertise: Recruitment, Remuneration management, Internal H.R management, Training & Development and general H.R aspectsEDOARDO BERTOLANI Education • International MBA, Institute for Executive Development (Spain, China, Chile and US) • Management Information System, Profingest, Bologna (Italy) • Bachelor of Economics & Business Administration, University of Parma (Italy) Professional Experience • Prior to joining InterChina in 2005, he has worked for over 7 years in the corporate finance division of one of Italy’s largest banking groups • Rich experience in Syndicated Loans, Acquisition Finance, Financial Advisory Consultancy Competence • Rich experience in M&A, Strategic Target Search, DD, Company Establishment • Frequent contributor on topics related to China strategic and corporate issues   

CIHAF 2007

11 Dicembre 2007
Organizzatore: Shanghai Yubo International Exhibition Co., Ltd.Telefono: 0086-21-5134 2588Fax: 0086-21-5134 2515Website:


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