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11 Luglio 2024

The Aviation and Aerospace Working Group (AAWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing a participation at the 15th China...

09 Luglio 2024

On July 4th, on the occasion of the mission to China of the Italian Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT), Sen. Adolfo Urso, the ...

09 Luglio 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce that a new Networking Lunch took place on Thursday, July 4th, at La Platea (CBD...

POST EVENT - VAT Reform Seminar-Risks and Opportunities for Italian companies in China
29 Novembre 2016

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

Monday, 28th November 2016, VAT Reform Seminar-Risks and Opportunities for Italian companies in China was held at Fesco-Adecco Office, Shanghai.

VAT Reform Seminar-Risks and Opportunities for Italian companies in China
28 Novembre 2016

Starting from May 1st 2016, the PRC replaced the Business Tax with a new Value-added Tax (VAT). The Government has extended this tax to four main fields: property, real estate, financial services and services for consumers. Now almost all goods and services are interested by VAT.

Al via "Un futuro per Amatrice"
25 Novembre 2016

La Camera di Commercio Italiana, d’intesa con l’Ambasciata d’Italia, è lieta di annunciare l’avvio dell’iniziativa di solidarietà “Un futuro per Amatrice”, promossa da Terra Madre e Slow Food al fine di raccogliere donazioni da inviare al Comune di Amatrice, così duramente colpito dal terremoto.


“Un futuro per Amatrice” – Iniziativa di solidarietà
25 Novembre 2016

La Camera di Commercio Italiana, d’intesa con l’Ambasciata d’Italia, aderisce all’iniziativa promossa da Terra Madre e Slow Food “Un futuro per Amatrice”, al fine di raccogliere donazioni da inviare al Comune di Amatrice, così duramente colpito dal terremoto.

POST EVENT- Total Cost Down with Lean Transformation Seminar
24 Novembre 2016

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

Wednesday, 23rd November 2016, Total Cost Down with Lean Transformation Seminar was held at International Commerce Tower, Suzhou.

POST EVENT - Emotional Intelligence: what is it and how can it contribute to increase organizational performance?
17 Novembre 2016

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

Wednesday, 16th November 2016, Emotional Intelligence workshop was held at Grand Kempinski Hotel Lujiazui.

Post Event- “Missione Sistema Chengdu” 9-11 Novembre 2016
16 Novembre 2016

La Missione di Sistema che si e’ tenuta nei giorni 9, 10, 11 Novembre ha visto la partecipazione dell’Ambasciatore d’Italia in Cina, Ettore Francesco Sequi, accompagnato da delegati delle istituzioni italiane della vicina citta’ di Chongqing, nella figura del Consolato Generale d’Italia e della Camera di Commercio, seguiti da un cospiquo numero di rappresentanti di aziende leader nei settori della sanita’, dell’energia, ricerca tecnologica, aerospaziale e urbanizzazione sostenibile.

First Week of the Italian Cuisine in China
15 Novembre 2016

On November 9th a press conference was held at the Italian Institute of Culture in Beijing to officially present to the media the First Week of the Italian Cuisine in China, from November 21st to November 27th.

Yangtze River International Forum 2016
15 Novembre 2016

Yangtze River International Forum will organize The 2nd Annual Summit about  "One Belt One Road " 2016,  sponsored by Jiangsu Association for Friendship, International Exchanges (JAFIE) and Lianyungang Municipal Government during the opening ceremony of the 3rd China (Lianyungang) Silk Road International Logistics Expo on November 15th, 2016 at the Industrial Exhibition Center, Lianyungang.

Post Event - Aperitivo Italiano a Shenzhen, November 11th
14 Novembre 2016

Post Event - Aperitivo Italiano a Shenzhen, November 11th


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