Latest News

11 Luglio 2024

The Aviation and Aerospace Working Group (AAWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing a participation at the 15th China...

09 Luglio 2024

On July 4th, on the occasion of the mission to China of the Italian Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT), Sen. Adolfo Urso, the ...

09 Luglio 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce that a new Networking Lunch took place on Thursday, July 4th, at La Platea (CBD...

World Bridge Tourism Shanghai
14 Febbraio 2017

World Bridge Tourism

Dossier “L'Italia in 10 Selfie 2017 – Le radici del futuro e la sfida dei cambiamenti climatici”
04 Febbraio 2017

Dossier “L'Italia in 10 Selfie 2017 – Le radici del futuro e la sfida dei cambiamenti climatici”

Ministero dell'Ambiente - Help Desk a Pechino
03 Febbraio 2017

Ministry of the Environment - Help Desk in Beijing

European Best Destination 2017 - Milan and Rome
26 Gennaio 2017

European Best Destination 2017

Convenzione Quadro fra Consorzio Interuniversitario AlmaLaurea, AlmaLaurea Srl e Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina - Benefici per Soci Sostenitori
26 Gennaio 2017

Convenzione Quadro fra Consorzio Interuniversitario AlmaLaurea, AlmaLaurea Srl e Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina 

Post Event - Young Professional Social Mixer
19 Gennaio 2017

Dear Members and Friends of the CICC,


Young Professional Social Mixer, co-Hosted by CanCham, SwissCham, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and the Finnish Business Council Shanghai, took place on 18th January evening at Hungry Lung's Kitchen at the Crystal Galleria, Shanghai.

The event has been a great chance for our guests to socialize, network, and make connections with young professionals in Shanghai's international business scene, and to meet the Chambers' staff, in order to learn more about the Chambers' services and activities.


Thank you all for participating 


Best Regards,


Cucina Italiana è Cultura Solidarietà Ospitalità_POST EVENT
19 Gennaio 2017

The event “Cucina Italiana è Cultura Solidarietà Ospitalità” held on 16th of January at the Italian Culture Institute concluded the series of initiatives regarding Italian cuisine carried out by both the CICC and the Italian Embassy in the P.R.C. . The whole event was built around three pivotal projects: the “First Week of Italian Cuisine in China”, “un Futuro per Amatrice” and “Ospitalità Italiana”, respectively aimed to promote Italian quality in China, contribute to the reconstruction of Amatrice and to certify the authenticity of Italian restaurants.


III Raduno Comunità d'Affari Italiana in Cina - Post Event
18 Gennaio 2017

Follow up Raduno Imprenditori

Convenzione Quadro fra Consorzio Interuniversitario AlmaLaurea, AlmaLaurea Srl e Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina
18 Gennaio 2017

Convenzione Quadro fra Consorzio Interuniversitario AlmaLaurea, AlmaLaurea Srl e Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina 

Italia-Cina Scienza e Tecnologia
18 Gennaio 2017

Italia-Cina Scienza e Tecnologia


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