POST EVENT - Seminar: “Italian Visa for Chinese Investors” - October 29th, Chongqing

29 Ottobre 2019

Dear Members and Friends,


The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that the Seminar “Italian Visa for Chinese Investors", organised by CICC in collaboration with De Bedin & Lee LLP was successfully held on Tuesday, October 29th in Chongqing.

During the meeting, Mr. Davide Castellani Vice-Consul General of Italy in Chongqing and Mr. Paolo Bazzoni CICC Board Member opened the event with a welcome speech. Ms. Simona Zhang CICC Office Coordinator has explained the process for the application to the “Investors Visa for Italy“ promoted by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development emphasizing its potential. Then they also pointed out the possibility to apply for an elective residence visa.

Our member Mr. Claudio de Bedin who is the partner of De Bedin & Lee LLP, gave a brief introduction about invest in Italy.

Italy as an investment opportunity and market is not only limited to Italy itself, but includes other EU countries, and could be further extended by trading agreements with several countries. To achieve a successful investment, the investor must be clear about what is the investor looking for and what method shall be applied. The choice of method is linked to the level of risk.

The whole seminar was concluded by the Q&A session and The CICC would like to sincerely thank the speakers and all the participants for attending the event.


Kind regards,


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