OnTheList New Venue!

17 Aprile 2020


Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to share with you its Member News: 

"OnTheList, a pioneering concept of Member-Only Flash Sales in Asia, is now opening its permanent showroom with more than 1000 square meters, in Shanghai city center. From Hongkong to Singapore, OnTheList has prepared its launch in Mainland China with pop-ups events in Beijing and Shanghai during several months. Now ready to open its door to retail brands, you could meet OnTheList dedicated team in the famous Jing’an district, Jiangning road 293.

A luminous space with an exclusive design was thought to place the customer experience at the heart of its strategy. And because nowadays we are also most likely staying home, the customer journey continues online with Flash sale events directly into OnTheList Wechat Mini Program."




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