iiP - Italian Industrial Park (Huai`an)

18 Dicembre 2014

Dear Members and friends,


the CICC is glad to introduce you the "iiP - Italian Industrial Park" in Huai'an.


Huai’an is a tipical third tier Chinese City, located in the eastern side of the Country. The city is therefore included in the already developped area of China, but still very much involved in upgrading its economic and social position.


The City has gone for the last several years through a general growing, achieved by:
- implementing an impressive new urban planning ;
- expanding the industrial and commercial activities;
- developping the infrastuctures and services;
- favoring the growing of the local Univerties.


For achieving the social and economic up-grading, the new main targets are:
- to internationalize and further develop the commercial and industrial activities;
- to make the City and its activities environmental friendly;
- to further bust the local Universities by favoring the cooperation with foreign Universities, the RnD activities, the high tech productions;
-to expand the Industrial Zone, according to all the above.


The “iiP” project was conceived in this context and the idea pursued with determination and open mind by the Huai’an Municipalities and Authorities.
This brought to the involvement in the project of UBES and LSC for establishing an international Team that is supporting and guiding the Huai’an Municipality in the development of the “italian industrial Park” .


For more information please click on this link.


Best regards,



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