EVENT RECAP | CICC LWG Members’ Meeting in Shanghai Feb 26

29 Febbraio 2024

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the Logistics Working Group members’ meeting, held on February 26, 2024, in Shanghai.

After the introduction and opening remarks from group coordinator Vincenzo Morano, Executive Director of Insider International LTD, together with vice coordinators Andrea Bongini,  TLM Italy for Central & Northern China at Savino Del Bene (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., and Mario Tasso, RAM Apac Jas Forwarding China, it was presented the new Logistics Working Group Coordination team.

The meeting continued with the presentation of the main agenda of the Logistics Working Group for the following months, focusing on the content and format of future appointments. The main topic of discussion regarded the importance of collaboration within the different working groups.

Lastly, there was a Q&A session during which participants had the opportunity to ask their questions to the new coordination team. 

We sincerely thank you for all the participation and the great support from the Logistics Working Group.

If you want to learn more about the CICC Logistic Working Group (LWG), please contact us at infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com


About the Logistic Working Group (LWG)

The LWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the Logistics sector. Members of this group will work on defining, updating and taking part into the Working Group Program for increasing their knowledge and market share in the Chinese market.


Vincenzo Morano, Executive Director, Insider International LTD


Andrea Bongini, TLM Italy for Central & Northern China at Savino Del Bene (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.t

Mario Tasso, RAM Apac Jas Forwarding China

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