CCIC meets Jiaxing Foreign Affair Office in Shanghai

03 Giugno 2024

On June 3rd, CICC Chairman Lorenzo Riccardi, together with Board Members Cristina CorsiniAvril AccollaDavide Angelibusi, Suzhou Office Coordinator Elisa Qiu and Public Affairs Manager Chen Wei, had the honor of hosting the Jiaxing Foreign Affairs Office in the CICC Shanghai office.

The Jiaxing FAO delegation was led by Director Shen Wenping, Director Wang Yun, Haining Commerce Bureau and Vice Manager Jin Kun.

Jiaxing has attracted over 1,000 foreign-invested enterprises from different countries and regions, including Fortune Global 500. At the same time, Jiaxing City Area had attracted several Italian companies, including Zappas, Ognibene Power, Ufi Sofima and ISU.

The Municipal of Jiaxing government is willing to explore ways to deepen cooperation with the new CICC Board, supporting the development of Italian enterprises in Jiaxing, promoting comprehensive cooperation between China and Italy in investment, trade and welcoming more Italian enterprises in Jiaxing for better development.


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