The 6th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair

Hosted by Ministry of Culture of the People`s Republic of China, Ministry of Commerce of the People`s Republic of China, State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, General Administration of Press and Publication of the People`s Republic of China, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Guangdong Provincial People`s Government and Shenzhen Municipal People`s Government, China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF) is the only nation-standard, international and comprehensive cultural fair of China. With "exhibition and exchange" as its cores, ICIF will make effort to establish an exchange platform for Chinese cultural products and projects, enhance the development of China cultural industries, and promote Chinese cultural products to the world.

Under the guidance of the instructions of the 17th CPC National Congress, we are implementing the scientific development vision and the instructions of the central leaders on how to hold a better ICIF, focusing on the two core targets of "enhancing the development of China`s cultural industries" and "promoting the export of China`s cultural products", further establishing the direction of organizing the exhibitors according to the core contents of the fair; constantly strengthening the functions of ICIF in inspecting, promoting and pioneering the cultural industries; enhancing the fair`s global influence; emphasizing on the fair`s export and trading functions; adhering to the instructions of "internationalization, specialization, market-orientation, standardization and high quality"; actively realizing the transform of the fair`s exterior expansion to the improvement of contents and from a scaled fair to a concentrated, effective and efficient fair; and making effects to develop ICIF into an international top brand. 
Ministry of Culture of the People`s Republic of China
Ministry of Commerce of the People`s Republic of China
State Administration of Radio, Film and Television
General Administration of Press and Publication of the People`s Republic of China
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
Guangdong Provincial People`s Government
Shenzhen Municipal People`s Government

Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center

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