Latest News

12 Settembre 2024

A productive roundtable discussion took place in Shanghai on September 10th, 2024, between Shanghai municipal authorities and representatives of ...

11 Settembre 2024

Exclusive guided tour for CICC members and their families to the exhibition "A Journey of Knowledge: The Travels of Marco Polo and Its Legacy...

11 Settembre 2024

From September 2nd to 6th, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) participated in the 7th edition of the Vinitaly China Roadshow. 

TOChina Business Program (CBP) – Terza edizione
10 Marzo 2015


Si chiude tra 10 giorni il primo round di selezioni per la 3a edizione del TOChina Business Program.

56th Venice Art Biennale – Sponsorship opportunities
03 Marzo 2015




"A Walk in Town” - Photography exhibition
27 Febbraio 2015


2015 Chinese New Year just began and the famous 798 gallery Art Depot is going to launch the Italian photographer Mattia’s work “A Walk in Town”, a photography exhibition of Beijing graffiti.

Ligabue in Cina
15 Febbraio 2015

Il Tour mondiale del rocker emiliano Luciano Ligabue, “Mondovisione Tour-Mondo 2015”, ha allargato ulteriormente i suoi orizzonti.

13 Febbraio 2015

Alitalia will resume services in China and inaugurate the new non-stop flights Shanghai – Milan Malpensa that will operate for the duration of Expo Milan 2015. These new flights are available for sale.

Food Industry Multinational Companies’ Field Trip in Fujian
04 Febbraio 2015

Dear Members,

The Ministry of Commerce of the P.R. China (MOFCOM) invites you to join the Food Industry Multinational Companies’ Field Trip in Fujian, organised in April 2015.

CICC Chongqing Opening Dinner - Post Event
03 Febbraio 2015


Cari Soci, cari Amici

Un sincero ringraziamento per la Vostra numerosa partecipazione alla cena inaugurale dell’ufficio della Camera di Commercio a Chongqing , svoltasi lo scorso Venerdi’ 30 Gennaio, all’hotel Raisson Blu (Chongqing).



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