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12 Settembre 2024

A productive roundtable discussion took place in Shanghai on September 10th, 2024, between Shanghai municipal authorities and representatives of ...

11 Settembre 2024

Exclusive guided tour for CICC members and their families to the exhibition "A Journey of Knowledge: The Travels of Marco Polo and Its Legacy...

11 Settembre 2024

From September 2nd to 6th, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) participated in the 7th edition of the Vinitaly China Roadshow. 

Summer Interchamber Mixer - Chongqing - Post Event
09 Giugno 2017

Last 8th of June, in a relaxed and elegant atmosphere of the SKY BAR at Marriott Hotel Chongqing took place the "Summer InterChamber Mixer" in collaboration with other 5 Chambers of Commerce (the Australian Chamber of Commerce in West China, the British Chamber of Commerce, the China-Britain Business Council, the European Chamber of Commerce, the French Chamber of Commerce and the German Chamber of Commerce).

Roadshow: How to Best Sell Food & Beverage Products to China, June 5th-8th, Italy_Post Event
09 Giugno 2017

From June 6th to June 8th 2017, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the EU SME Centre, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Assolombarda Servizi and Confindustria Centro Nord Sardegna, organized the Roadshow How to Best Sell Food & Beverage Products to China. 

Spring/Summer InterChamber Mixer Post Event - Shanghai, June 7th 2017
07 Giugno 2017

Spring/Summer InterChamber Mixer _ Shanghai, June 7th 2017

La ricerca italiana in Cina, Pechino, 23 giugno 2017
07 Giugno 2017

Segnaliamo la conferenza "La ricerca italiana in Cina", evento promosso dalla rete degli addetti scientifici in Cina che si terrà a Pechino il 23 giugno 2017 presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pechino.

Post Event - Loving Jiefangbei Italian Festival - Chongqing
06 Giugno 2017

Il Loving Jiefangbei – Italian Festival 2017,  ha celebrato in 11 giorni le maggiori eccellenze italiane tra cui fashion, sport, design , F&b, motori, arte e musica.

HOMI _ 15-18 September 2017
06 Giugno 2017

HOMI 2017

02 Giugno 2017

Si festeggia la data in cui si tenne il referendum istituzionale del 1946, in cui si decise quale forma di governo dare all’Italia dopo la fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale.

ISIC 2017 – Italian Scale-up Initiative in China 2017 - Best 10 Startups Announced
31 Maggio 2017

The call for innovative Italian startups in the framework of the ISIC 2017 – Italian Scale-up Initiative in China 2017 in now entering its final stage.

Ladies' Afterwork - Discover Pastry Art with Master Chef - 25th May 2017_Post Event
31 Maggio 2017

On May 25th, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China and the SwissCham, organized the Ladies' Afterwork at Haollee in Sanlitun. It was the perfect occasion for the guests to mingle and network on a special occasion.

Post Event - Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. Factory Tour
31 Maggio 2017

Tuesday, May 23th the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organized the visit to the Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd.


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