Latest News

12 Settembre 2024

A productive roundtable discussion took place in Shanghai on September 10th, 2024, between Shanghai municipal authorities and representatives of ...

11 Settembre 2024

Exclusive guided tour for CICC members and their families to the exhibition "A Journey of Knowledge: The Travels of Marco Polo and Its Legacy...

11 Settembre 2024

From September 2nd to 6th, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) participated in the 7th edition of the Vinitaly China Roadshow. 

Post-event: World Intellectual Property Day - April 26th, 2018
26 Aprile 2018

Post-event: World Intellectual Property Day - April 26th, 2018

SAVE THE DATE! April 26th, Shanghai - “Invest in Italy: new Italian visa for investors” Seminar
26 Aprile 2018

SAVE THE DATE! April 26th, Shanghai - “Invest in Italy: new Italian visa for investors” Seminar

Informativa: Missione PMI nelle province cinesi Liaoning & Shandong, 19-22 giugno
25 Aprile 2018

​Missione PMI nelle province cinesi del Liaoning e dello Shandong.

Important notice: CICC website out of service for 48 hours
25 Aprile 2018

CICC website out of service from Saturday April 28th at 24:00 to Monday April 30th at 24:00 due to maintenance.

Post Event - "Guidelines for Foreign Investments in Shanghai" Seminar - Shanghai, April 24th
24 Aprile 2018

Sh Seminar "Guidelines for Foreign Investments in Shanghai"

Nuovo Consiglio Direttivo CCIC Biennio 2018-2019
19 Aprile 2018

Nuovo Consiglio Direttivo CCIC Biennio 2018-2019

EU SME Centre new publications - Discount for CICC Members
19 Aprile 2018

EU SME Centre new publications - Discount for CICC Members

Assemblea Generale Elettiva, 19 aprile 2018 - Collegamento da remoto
19 Aprile 2018

Cari Soci, in vista dell'Assemblea Generale Elettiva del 19 aprile 2018 la CCIC ha predisposto la possibilità di collegamento da remoto.

Reminder - Elective General Assembly - BJ, 19th April 2018
19 Aprile 2018

Important Updates: Elective General Assembly, April 19th 2018

Lista Candidati - Assemblea Generale Elettiva 2018
19 Aprile 2018

Lista Candidati - Assemblea Generale Elettiva 2018


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