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12 Settembre 2024

A productive roundtable discussion took place in Shanghai on September 10th, 2024, between Shanghai municipal authorities and representatives of ...

11 Settembre 2024

Exclusive guided tour for CICC members and their families to the exhibition "A Journey of Knowledge: The Travels of Marco Polo and Its Legacy...

11 Settembre 2024

From September 2nd to 6th, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) participated in the 7th edition of the Vinitaly China Roadshow. 

Publication of CICC Member’s Case Study “Ilum China: Building a Brand in the Chinese Photovoltaic Sector”
11 Ottobre 2018

Publication of CICC Member’s Case Study “Ilum China: Building a Brand in the Chinese Photovoltaic Sector”

Post event: "Instruction for the custom clearance" seminar - Shanghai - September 21st 2018
25 Settembre 2018

Post event: "Instruction for the custom clearance" seminar - Shanghai - September 21st 2018

POST EVENT: Incontro con il Vice Presidente del Consiglio Luigi di Maio, 21 settembre 2018
21 Settembre 2018

Incontro con il Vice Presidente del Consiglio e Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Luigi Di Maio, 21 settembre 2018, presso Ambasciata d'Italia a Pechino.

POST EVENT - Homi 2018
20 Settembre 2018

Homi 2018, held again in Milan at FIERA MILANO SPA from September 14th to 17th 2018 presented design and creativity products for the home and the person.

POST EVENT: CANALI Exclusive Event - September 14th, 2018
14 Settembre 2018

CANALI Exclusive Event - September 14th, 2018, at Canali Flagship Store (China World Mall), Beijing.

Post Event - Guangzhou & Shenzhen - DOMESTIC and CROSS BORDER E-COMMERCE & E-PLATFORM IN CHINA; Challenges and Opportunities - September 12th & 13th
13 Settembre 2018

DOMESTIC and CROSS BORDER E-COMMERCE & E-PLATFORM IN CHINA; Challenges and Opportunities has been held on September 12th & 13th, in Guangzhou & Shenzhen.

Post Event - Interchamber Networking Drinks - September 12th, Guangzhou
13 Settembre 2018

Post Event - Interchamber Networking Drinks - September 12th, Guangzhou

13 Settembre 2018

TIANJIN ITALY VENEZIA RESTAURANT CO. LTD. is specialized in the food and beverage market, owner of “Venezia Club Italian & Restaurant”, the company has decades of experience in the restaurant and bartending service, it provides to:

POST EVENT: SGSO Beijing, September 11th 2018
11 Settembre 2018

SGSO Beijing - Seminar Dinner on the amendments to China's Individual Income Tax Law, held at Spazio Italia on September 11th, 2018. 

Post Event: SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting - September 11, Shanghai
11 Settembre 2018

Post Event: SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting - September 11, Shanghai


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