Latest News

12 Settembre 2024

A productive roundtable discussion took place in Shanghai on September 10th, 2024, between Shanghai municipal authorities and representatives of ...

11 Settembre 2024

Exclusive guided tour for CICC members and their families to the exhibition "A Journey of Knowledge: The Travels of Marco Polo and Its Legacy...

11 Settembre 2024

From September 2nd to 6th, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) participated in the 7th edition of the Vinitaly China Roadshow. 

Post Event - 2019 CICC Guangdong Go-Kart Cup 9th Edition
19 Ottobre 2019

The CICC Guangdong 9° Go Kart Cup was successfully held on 19th October in Shenzhen: the event gathered 60 participants and among them 45 racers competed in the race. 

Post Event - EY Seminar: "China invests in Italy: opportunities in pharma and medical devices sectors"
18 Ottobre 2019

Post Event - EY Seminar: "China invests in Italy: opportunities in pharma and medical devices sectors"

POST EVENT - The Presentation of the 2019 CICC Business Survey Results - 2nd Edition, Beijing
16 Ottobre 2019

Dear Members and Friends,


The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that, on October 15th, the second edition of the Presentation of the CICC 2019 Business Survey Results was successfully held for the first time in China, at the Italian Cultural Institute (Beijing).

POST EVENT - SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting Shanghai, 15th October 2019
15 Ottobre 2019

POST EVENT - SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting Shanghai, 15th of October 2019

POST EVENT: 3rd edition of the “Giro d’Italia”, 12 October 2019
14 Ottobre 2019

Dear Members and Friends of the CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform you that the 3rd edition of the “Giro d’Italia”, was successfully held on October 12, 2019 at the Embassy of Italy in the P.R.C. in Beijing, China.

IDI Italian Design Icons 2019, 15th-17th November, Shanghai
14 Ottobre 2019

The 4th Edition of IDI Italian Design Icons 2019 will be held from the 15th to the 17th of November in Shanghai at  "IdeaPod the Bund”  gallery (1 YanAn East Road, Huangpu district, Shanghai/上海市黄埔区延安东路一号). 

Happy Chinese National Day! 国庆节快乐!
01 Ottobre 2019

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di inviare a tutti voi i migliori auguri per la festa Nazionale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese.
Vi informiamo che i nostri uffici rimarranno chiusi dal giorno 1 ottobre al giorno 7 ottobre 2019.

POST EVENT - Interchamber Autumn Mixer, September 25 - Shanghai
29 Settembre 2019

POST EVENT - Interchamber Autumn Mixer, September 25 - Shanghai

POST EVENT - True Italian Taste – Wine Masterclass Shanghai, 25th September 2019
26 Settembre 2019

Post Event - True Italian Taste – Wine Masterclass Shanghai, 25th September 2019

POST EVENT: CICC Italian Village – Expat Show, 20-22/09/2019, Shanghai
24 Settembre 2019

POST EVENT: CICC Italian Village – Expat Show, 20-22/09/2019, Shanghai


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