Corporate Seminar "Advanced Technology for the Sino Italian Sustainable Development Green Energy, Healthy City" 11th of April, 2019


Dear Members and Friends of CICC,


Tongji University and IMELS, with the support of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and CIB UNIGAS  are glad to invite you to the seminar:

“Advanced Technology for the Sino Italian Sustainable Development Green Energy, Healthy City

中意先进可持续技术交流研讨会之绿色能源 · 健康城市,

that will take place on 11th of April, 2019 at YunChou Building, Tongji University, in Shanghai. 



  • 14:00-14:20 Opening Remarks by Liu Dong, Vice Dean of Sino Italian Campus Tongji University and Roberto Pagani, Science and Technology Counsellor Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai (开场致词, 刘东, 同济大学 意大利环境部 和 Roberto Pagani, Science and Technology Counsellor Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai)
  • 14:20-14:35 Policy of Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection in Shanghai by Wei Yujian, Vice  Director of Shanghai Energy efficiency center (上海节能环保政策, 魏玉剑, 上海能效中心副主任)
  • 14:35-14:45 Introduction about CICC, Antonio Farese, Board Member, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (金熊猫奖介绍​, Antonio Farese, 董事会, 中国意大利商会)
  • 14:45-15:00 Status of Technologies of Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection in Shanghai by Tu Lide, Representative of Association of Shanghai Energy Conservation and Environmental ProtectioN (上海节能环保技术现状, 屠利德, 上海节能环保协会 代表)
  • 15:00-15:50 Case Study of CIB Unigas, Long Yong, General Manager, CIB Unigas (技能技术案例分析, 龙勇, General Manager, CIB Unigas)    
  • 15:50-16:05 Qin Zhaokui, Director of Gas Engineering Research Institute, Tongji University (秦朝葵, 同济大学燃气研究所所长)
  • 16:05-16:20 Zhu Bin, Institute of Thermal Energy and Environmental Engineering, Tongji University (朱彬, 同济大学热能与环境研究所教授)
  • 16:20-16:40 Case Show of Technology Operation, Riccardo Pancolini, Chief Technical Officer, CIB Unigas (技术运用展示, Riccardo Pancolini, Chief Technical Officer,  CIB Unigas)
  • 16:40-16:50 Q&A (交流环节)
  • 16:50-17:00 Closing Remark by IMELS, Tongji ( 结语,  意大利环境部,同济大学)
  • 17:00-17:30 Buffet (冷餐会)


Date & Time


11th April ,2019 14:00--17:00

2019年04月11日 14:00--17:00




YunChou Building, Tongji University 同济大学运筹楼, 1239 Siping Rd.200092,Shanghai



The event is free of charge.

For registration please click here


For more information please send an email to

You can download here the flyer of the event.


Best Regards, 

CICC Team 


YunChou Building, Tongji University同济大学运筹楼
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