

23 November 2021
  亲爱的会员们和朋友们 中国意大利商会(CICC)与意大利驻上海总领事馆、意大利对外贸易局(ITA-ICE)和意大利国家旅游委员会(ENIT)共同诚挚邀请您参加本月特别举办的“每月晚宴”;本月晚宴是在第六届《世界意大利美食周》框架内举办的,主题为《意大利美食的传统和前景:了解和优化食品可持续性》,旨在体现美学与产品质量完美结合的理念。 本次晚宴的目的是推广地中海美食,它是一种平衡饮食,更代表了一种能够抵消食物浪费的生活方式。   关于“世界意大利美食周” 《世界意大利美食周》由意大利外交部和国际合作部、意大利农业、食品和林业政策部、意大利教育部和意大利经济发展部携手推动的。 目的是提高正宗意大利食品的知名度,在全球推广高品质的意大利产品。     本月,我们将结合《世界意大利美食周》,组织一次特别的每月晚宴。 活动将于11月23日星期二在上海举办(地址:中国上海市静安区康定路1006号罗马餐厅一楼),晚六点开始。宾客下午5:30开始登记。 晚宴费用可在线支付,价格为450元人民币,其中含晚宴、饮品及晚上的所有活动。   有兴趣加入吗?扫描二维码并根据提示注册! 其中两项活动为:来自Sino Drink的Marianna Salzillo策划的葡萄酒大师课,主题为《从葡萄到玻璃杯的可持续性》;厨师Chef Giampaolo带来的主题为《奶奶的意大利宽面条》。 另外,活动的特邀嘉宾Mr Mattia Romeo会展示ITA最新短片,推广法定地理产区标示(IGP)的意大利产品。   *关于《中欧地理产区标示协议》* 2021年3月1日,中华人民共和国政府与欧洲联盟就地理产区标志的合作与保护达成了一项协定(“欧盟-中国GIs协定”)。100种欧盟地理产区标示产品中有26种来自意大利。 GI(地理产区标示)系统是一种特殊的产品质量控制体系,也是对具有鲜明地域特色的名、优、特产品采用的知识产权保护体系。“产地”是指生产特定产品的特定国家的特定地理区域,特定地理区域的地理特征和文化特征将直接决定或影响产品的质量、特征或声誉。   日程安排 17:30 - 18:00 登记 18:00 - 18:30 厨师Giampaolo的烹饪秀《奶奶的意大利宽面条》 18:30 宾客入席 18:40 - 18:50 中国意大利商会副会长康华特(Valtero Canepa)先生致开幕词并公布菜单 18:50 - 19:15 意大利驻上海总领事馆致欢迎词,并介绍将在上海开设的新意大利餐馆路段,详情请大家关注意大利驻上海总领事馆的小程序意大利对外贸易局(ITA-ICE)致欢迎词和发布宣传意大利法定地理产区标识(IGP)产品的最新视频。 19:15 - 19:40 来自Sino Drink 的Marianna Salzillo传授的大师级葡萄酒课“从葡萄到酒杯的可持续性” 19:40 - 19:45 主厨Giampaolo介绍菜单 19:45 晚宴开始 20:30 中国意大利商会鸣谢食品饮料赞助商(发言人待定) 21:30 中国意大利商会、总领事馆和意大利对外贸易局一起上台,与宾客共同具举杯庆祝意大利食品文化在中国生根发芽   晚上会在大屏幕上播放ENIT提供的关于意大利各地区的视频。   菜单 开胃菜: 玛格丽特披萨 肉丸子 意大利旋风烤五花肉配自制佛卡夏 – 罗马大饼 玛氏·特雷比亚诺白葡萄酒DOC 2020 第一道菜: 格里恰意面配佩科里诺干酪(26种地理产区标示产品之一*) 自制意式云吞配里科塔奶酪和菠菜 玛氏·维拉吉玛酒庄庄园宝石系列泰廷山白葡萄酒IGT  2020 主菜: 炭烤香肠和牛肉片配烤土豆和油封蘑菇 玛世酒庄玛丽娜·茨韦蒂奇系列珍藏蒙特布查诺红葡萄酒DOC  2017 甜点: 外婆水果饼   葡萄酒由______赞助   还不是会员?发送电子邮件至   中国意大利商会团队

Networking Dinner, November 4th 2021, Wuxi

04 November 2021
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to take part in the next Networking Dinner. The networking event will take place on Thursday, November 4th, at Mammamia Wuxi (No. 34 Yang Chun Xiang. No. 9 Yongle East Road, Wuxi / 无锡市南长区永乐东路9号,阳春巷34号 ) starting from 7:00 pm.  The dinner price to be paid at the venue is 268 RMB, and it includes both dinner and drinks.   An important networking opportunity for the local business community. If interested in participating please contact   The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members!       Not a Member yet? Send an email to     The CICC Team

CICC MEWG Intercompany Network at Marposs | November 18th, 2021, Nanjing

18 November 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is organizing the third session of our Intercompany Network. The business visit will take place on November 18th, 2021 at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd. in Nanjing (No.7 Jing Ming Street, Riverside Economic Development Zone, Jiangning, Nanjing city, Jiangsu / 滨江开发区景明大街7号). The registration starts at 9:30 am. The business visit is free of charge. During our Intercompany Network series, you will learn more about different business case histories and perspectives of companies in China. Interested in joining? Scan the QR code to sign up!       Agenda 8:11 AM Arrival at Nanjing South Railway station (train No. G2, 7:00 AM Shanghai station-8:11 AM Nanjing South Railway station) 8:15 AM Meeting point in Nanjing South Railway station North Square 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Driving to Marposs Nanjing by bus 9:30 AM - 9:50 AM Registration at Marposs Nanjing 9:50 AM - 10:00 AM Institutional Greetings representatives by: Alessandra Palumbo, Commercial Consul of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai ITA Trade Agency (tbc) Ermanno Vitali, CICC Board Member  10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Marposs Nanjing Business case by Riccardo Budriesi, President at Marposs China and Fabrizio Giambra, CEO at Marposs Nanjing Automation Co.,LTD 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM Coffee Break 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MEWG Discussion and Q&A Carlo Nizia, Vice-Coordinator of Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG) and Risk Management at UFI FILTERS Giada Piccinini, Head of Shanghai Office, Senior Tax Advisor - “Tax Relief Measures for Manufacturing Enterprises” Discussion about the MEWG Business Sentiment Survey 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM Company tour 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Networking & buffet  1:30 PM First group departure from Marposs Nanjing to Nanjing South Railway station 1:50 PM - 4 PM Workshop "New Work Practices Emerging in China: What Has Changed" in collaboration with EUSME Centre and EUCCC Nanjing 4 PM - 4:30 PM Coffee break and Greetings 4:30 PM Second group departure from Marposs Nanjing to Nanjing South Railway station   Please note that this is an event with limited seats, and priority will be given to Members of the Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG), CICC Members and companies from the industrial manufacturing sector.     About Marposs Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd.: The company was established in Bologna in 1952 and it is currently led by Stefano Possati, the President. Marposs supplies precision gauging, testing and process monitoring equipments to industries worldwide: from traditional sectors such as automotive and mechanical processing, to emerging market sectors such as aerospace, electro mobility and consumer electronics with an export share >90% of its production. For about 20 years, Marposs began a program of acquisitions of solid, well-structured companies, each able to supply a top quality product in its field. Marposs has thus become a world leader in quality and process control by offering its customers a combination of advanced products, market knowledge and commitment to long term global partnerships. Building on these foundations, Marposs has created an international organization with approx. 3500 direct employees, which is able to deliver application and service support virtually anywhere in the world. Marposs is present in Asia Market, since 1970s. Marposs started to build a trading company since 1986 named MG Asia Ltd. based in Hong Kong. After 20 years’ development, Marposs established his own company in Shanghai, China in 2006. After two years, in 2008, Marposs Nanjing was totally invested by Italian Marposs Group, which is aim to manufacture the same quality products with Italian Marposs Group and serve the Chinese market directly. Nowadays China is Marposs first market for direct sales, accounting around 20% of Revenues; main destination markets are automotive, especially New Energy Vehicles, Mechanical Precision Components, Consuming Goods, Semiconductors, White Goods, Electrical Motors, Aerospace and Medical. We have widely spread sales and after sales organization overwhelm China market. Marposs Nanjing is capable to engineer and produce latest Marposs technologies to serve Chinese and International customers within the territory and around the world. For more information about Marposs Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd., please visit the following website link:     Know more about MEWG The MEWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the sector on a national base. MEWG Objectives ▪ Coordinate and promote all Italian members’ needs which are active in many different industries of the Chinese mechanical engineering sector (machinery, automotive, component manufacturers, mechanical engineering …); ▪ Promote and raise awareness on the size and the importance of the Italian technology in the sector to all institutions in China and Italy that are our natural counterparts, in order to develop business opportunities; ▪ Coordinate and promote activities and events that boost the visibility and the image of “Technology Made in Italy”; ▪ Inform all members on the topic Made in China 2025, particularly with regard to risks and opportunities for Italian businesses; ▪ Become a reference for all mechanical engineering companies within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), lobbying private and public institutions active in the Chinese market.   For more information about the MEWG please contact the email address: Not a member yet? Send an email to   Kind Regards, The CICC Team

CICC MEWG Intercompany Network at Marposs | November 18th, 2021, Nanjing

18 November 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is organizing the third session of our Intercompany Network. The business visit will take place on November 18th, 2021 at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd. in Nanjing (No.7 Jing Ming Street, Riverside Economic Development Zone, Jiangning, Nanjing city, Jiangsu / 滨江开发区景明大街7号). The registration starts at 9:30 am. The business visit is free of charge. Interested in joining? Scan the QR code to sign up!     Agenda 8:11 AM Arrival at Nanjing South Railway station (train No. G2, 7:00 AM Shanghai station-8:11 AM Nanjing South Railway station) 8:15 AM Meeting point in Nanjing South Railway station North Square 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Driving to Marposs Nanjing by bus 9:30 AM - 9:50 AM Registration at Marposs Nanjing 9:50 AM - 10:00 AM Institutional Greetings representatives by: Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai Italian Trade Agency (ITA) (tbc) China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) (speaker tbc) 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Marposs Nanjing Business case by Riccardo Budriesi, President at Marposs China and Fabrizio Giambra, CEO at Marposs Nanjing Automation Co.,LTD 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM Coffee Break 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MEWG Discussion and Q&A Carlo Nizia, Vice-Coordinator of Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG) and Risk Management at UFI FILTERS Giada Piccinini, Head of Shanghai Office, Senior Tax Advisor - “Tax Relief Measures for Manufacturing Enterprises” Discussion about the MEWG Business Sentiment Survey 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM Company tour 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Networking & buffet  1:30 PM First group departure from Marposs Nanjing to Nanjing South Railway station 1:50 PM - 4 PM Workshop "New Work Practices Emerging in China: What Has Changed" in collaboration with EUSME Centre and EUCCC Nanjing 4 PM - 4:30 PM Coffee break and Greetings 4:30 PM Second group departure from Marposs Nanjing to Nanjing South Railway station   Please note that this is an event with limited seats, and priority will be given to Members of the Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG), CICC Members and companies from the industrial manufacturing sector.     About Marposs Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd.: The company was established in Bologna in 1952 and it is currently led by Stefano Possati, the President. Marposs supplies precision gauging, testing and process monitoring equipments to industries worldwide: from traditional sectors such as automotive and mechanical processing, to emerging market sectors such as aerospace, electro mobility and consumer electronics with an export share >90% of its production. For about 20 years, Marposs began a program of acquisitions of solid, well-structured companies, each able to supply a top quality product in its field. Marposs has thus become a world leader in quality and process control by offering its customers a combination of advanced products, market knowledge and commitment to long term global partnerships. Building on these foundations, Marposs has created an international organization with approx. 3500 direct employees, which is able to deliver application and service support virtually anywhere in the world. Marposs is present in Asia Market, since 1970s. Marposs started to build a trading company since 1986 named MG Asia Ltd. based in Hong Kong. After 20 years’ development, Marposs established his own company in Shanghai, China in 2006. After two years, in 2008, Marposs Nanjing was totally invested by Italian Marposs Group, which is aim to manufacture the same quality products with Italian Marposs Group and serve the Chinese market directly. Nowadays China is Marposs first market for direct sales, accounting around 20% of Revenues; main destination markets are automotive, especially New Energy Vehicles, Mechanical Precision Components, Consuming Goods, Semiconductors, White Goods, Electrical Motors, Aerospace and Medical. We have widely spread sales and after sales organization overwhelm China market. Marposs Nanjing is capable to engineer and produce latest Marposs technologies to serve Chinese and International customers within the territory and around the world. For more information about Marposs Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd., please visit the following website link:     Know more about MEWG The MEWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the sector on a national base. MEWG Objectives ▪ Coordinate and promote all Italian members’ needs which are active in many different industries of the Chinese mechanical engineering sector (machinery, automotive, component manufacturers, mechanical engineering …); ▪ Promote and raise awareness on the size and the importance of the Italian technology in the sector to all institutions in China and Italy that are our natural counterparts, in order to develop business opportunities; ▪ Coordinate and promote activities and events that boost the visibility and the image of “Technology Made in Italy”; ▪ Inform all members on the topic Made in China 2025, particularly with regard to risks and opportunities for Italian businesses; ▪ Become a reference for all mechanical engineering companies within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), lobbying private and public institutions active in the Chinese market.   For more information about the MEWG please contact the email address: Not a member yet? Send an email to   Kind Regards, The CICC Team

Save the Date | CICC MEWG Intercompany Network at Marposs NJ and Comau SH

18 November 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is organizing two sessions of its Intercompany Network. The third session will take place on November 18th 2021 at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd. in Nanjing (No.7 Jing Ming Street, Riverside Economic Development Zone, Jiangning, Nanjing city, Jiangsu / 滨江开发区景明大街7号). The fourth session will instead take place on December 14th 2021 at Comau (Shanghai) Engineering Co. Ltd. in Shanghai (No. 1353, Jiugan Road, Sijing Industrial Park, Songjiang District, Shanghai / 上海市松江泗泾工业园九干路1353号). In both cases, business visits are free of charge.     During our Intercompany Network series, you will learn more about different business case histories and perspectives of companies in China. Please note that this is an event with limited seats, and priority will be given to Members of the Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG), CICC Members and companies from the industrial manufacturing sector.   Interested in joining the first of these two new Intercompany Network sessions at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd.? Please scan the QR code and follow the steps to register:   Know more about MEWG The MEWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the sector on a national base. MEWG Objectives ▪ Coordinate and promote all Italian members’ needs which are active in many different industries of the Chinese mechanical engineering sector (machinery, automotive, component manufacturers, mechanical engineering …); ▪ Promote and raise awareness on the size and the importance of the Italian technology in the sector to all institutions in China and Italy that are our natural counterparts, in order to develop business opportunities; ▪ Coordinate and promote activities and events that boost the visibility and the image of “Technology Made in Italy”; ▪ Inform all members on the topic Made in China 2025, particularly with regard to risks and opportunities for Italian businesses; ▪ Become a reference for all mechanical engineering companies within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), lobbying private and public institutions active in the Chinese market.   Know more about the Intercompany tour series: Please check out the following link for more information on our first 2021 session of the intercompany tour at Würth Industry Service (China) Co., Ltd,  in Shanghai:     Following the second session of our visit at Danieli China in Changshu:     For more information about the MEWG please contact the email address: Not a member yet? Send an email to   The CICC Team

Save the Date | CICC MEWG Intercompany Network at Marposs NJ and Comau SH

18 November 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is organizing two sessions of its Intercompany Network. The third session will take place on November 18th 2021 at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd. in Nanjing (No.7 Jing Ming Street, Riverside Economic Development Zone, Jiangning, Nanjing city, Jiangsu / 滨江开发区景明大街7号). The fourth session will instead take place on December 14th 2021 at Comau (Shanghai) Engineering Co. Ltd. in Shanghai (No. 1353, Jiugan Road, Sijing Industrial Park, Songjiang District, Shanghai / 上海市松江泗泾工业园九干路1353号). In both cases, business visits are free of charge.     During our Intercompany Network series, you will learn more about different business case histories and perspectives of companies in China. Please note that this is an event with limited seats, and priority will be given to Members of the Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG), CICC Members and companies from the industrial manufacturing sector.   Interested in joining the first of these two new Intercompany Network sessions at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd.? Please scan the QR code and follow the steps to register:   Know more about MEWG The MEWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the sector on a national base. MEWG Objectives ▪ Coordinate and promote all Italian members’ needs which are active in many different industries of the Chinese mechanical engineering sector (machinery, automotive, component manufacturers, mechanical engineering …); ▪ Promote and raise awareness on the size and the importance of the Italian technology in the sector to all institutions in China and Italy that are our natural counterparts, in order to develop business opportunities; ▪ Coordinate and promote activities and events that boost the visibility and the image of “Technology Made in Italy”; ▪ Inform all members on the topic Made in China 2025, particularly with regard to risks and opportunities for Italian businesses; ▪ Become a reference for all mechanical engineering companies within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), lobbying private and public institutions active in the Chinese market.   Know more about the Intercompany tour series: Please check out the following link for more information on our first 2021 session of the intercompany tour at Würth Industry Service (China) Co., Ltd,  in Shanghai:     Following the second session of our visit at Danieli China in Changshu:     For more information about the MEWG please contact the email address: Not a member yet? Send an email to   The CICC Team

CICC MEWG Intercompany Network at Marposs | November 18th, 2021, Nanjing

18 November 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is organizing the third session of our Intercompany Network. The business visit will take place on November 18th, 2021 at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd. in Nanjing (No.7 Jing Ming Street, Riverside Economic Development Zone, Jiangning, Nanjing city, Jiangsu / 滨江开发区景明大街7号). The registration starts at 9:30 am. The business visit is free of charge. Please note that we are organizing a bus from Nanjing Railway Station to Marposs. More details on the agenda will be shared shortly. During our Intercompany Network series, you will learn more about different business case histories and perspectives of companies in China. Interested in joining? Scan the QR code to sign up!     Agenda 8:11 AM Arrival at Nanjing South Railway station (train No. G2, 7:00 AM Shanghai station-8:11 AM Nanjing South Railway station) 8:15 AM Meeting point in Nanjing South Railway station North Square 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Driving to Marposs Nanjing by bus 9:30 AM - 9:50 AM Registration at Marposs Nanjing 9:50 AM - 10:00 AM Institutional Greetings representatives by: Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai Italian Trade Agency (ITA) (tbc) China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) (speaker tbc) 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Marposs Nanjing Business case by Riccardo Budriesi, President at Marposs China and Fabrizio Giambra, CEO at Marposs Nanjing Automation Co.,LTD 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM Coffee Break 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MEWG Discussion and Q&A Carlo Nizia, Vice-Coordinator of Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG) and Risk Management at UFI FILTERS Giada Piccinini, Head of Shanghai Office, Senior Tax Advisor - “Tax Relief Measures for Manufacturing Enterprises” Discussion about the MEWG Business Sentiment Survey 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM Company tour 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Networking & buffet  1:30 PM First group departure from Marposs Nanjing to Nanjing South Railway station 1:50 PM - 4 PM Workshop "New Work Practices Emerging in China: What Has Changed" in collaboration with EUSME Centre and EUCCC Nanjing 4 PM - 4:30 PM Coffee break and Greetings 4:30 PM Second group departure from Marposs Nanjing to Nanjing South Railway station   Please note that this is an event with limited seats, and priority will be given to Members of the Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG), CICC Members and companies from the industrial manufacturing sector.     About Marposs Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd.: The company was established in Bologna in 1952 and it is currently led by Stefano Possati, the President. Marposs supplies precision gauging, testing and process monitoring equipments to industries worldwide: from traditional sectors such as automotive and mechanical processing, to emerging market sectors such as aerospace, electro mobility and consumer electronics with an export share >90% of its production. For about 20 years, Marposs began a program of acquisitions of solid, well-structured companies, each able to supply a top quality product in its field. Marposs has thus become a world leader in quality and process control by offering its customers a combination of advanced products, market knowledge and commitment to long term global partnerships. Building on these foundations, Marposs has created an international organization with approx. 3500 direct employees, which is able to deliver application and service support virtually anywhere in the world. Marposs is present in Asia Market, since 1970s. Marposs started to build a trading company since 1986 named MG Asia Ltd. based in Hong Kong. After 20 years’ development, Marposs established his own company in Shanghai, China in 2006. After two years, in 2008, Marposs Nanjing was totally invested by Italian Marposs Group, which is aim to manufacture the same quality products with Italian Marposs Group and serve the Chinese market directly. Nowadays China is Marposs first market for direct sales, accounting around 20% of Revenues; main destination markets are automotive, especially New Energy Vehicles, Mechanical Precision Components, Consuming Goods, Semiconductors, White Goods, Electrical Motors, Aerospace and Medical. We have widely spread sales and after sales organization overwhelm China market. Marposs Nanjing is capable to engineer and produce latest Marposs technologies to serve Chinese and International customers within the territory and around the world. For more information about Marposs Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd., please visit the following website link:     Know more about MEWG The MEWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the sector on a national base. MEWG Objectives ▪ Coordinate and promote all Italian members’ needs which are active in many different industries of the Chinese mechanical engineering sector (machinery, automotive, component manufacturers, mechanical engineering …); ▪ Promote and raise awareness on the size and the importance of the Italian technology in the sector to all institutions in China and Italy that are our natural counterparts, in order to develop business opportunities; ▪ Coordinate and promote activities and events that boost the visibility and the image of “Technology Made in Italy”; ▪ Inform all members on the topic Made in China 2025, particularly with regard to risks and opportunities for Italian businesses; ▪ Become a reference for all mechanical engineering companies within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), lobbying private and public institutions active in the Chinese market.   For more information about the MEWG please contact the email address: Not a member yet? Send an email to   Kind Regards, The CICC Team

Save the Date | CICC MEWG Intercompany Network at Marposs NJ and Comau SH

18 November 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is organizing two sessions of its Intercompany Network. The third session will take place on November 18th 2021 at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd. in Nanjing (No.7 Jing Ming Street, Riverside Economic Development Zone, Jiangning, Nanjing city, Jiangsu / 滨江开发区景明大街7号). The fourth session will instead take place on December 14th 2021 at Comau (Shanghai) Engineering Co. Ltd. in Shanghai (No. 1353, Jiugan Road, Sijing Industrial Park, Songjiang District, Shanghai / 上海市松江泗泾工业园九干路1353号). In both cases, business visits are free of charge.     During our Intercompany Network series, you will learn more about different business case histories and perspectives of companies in China. Please note that this is an event with limited seats, and priority will be given to Members of the Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG), CICC Members and companies from the industrial manufacturing sector.   Interested in joining the first of these two new Intercompany Network sessions at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd.? Please scan the QR code and follow the steps to register:   Know more about MEWG The MEWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the sector on a national base. MEWG Objectives ▪ Coordinate and promote all Italian members’ needs which are active in many different industries of the Chinese mechanical engineering sector (machinery, automotive, component manufacturers, mechanical engineering …); ▪ Promote and raise awareness on the size and the importance of the Italian technology in the sector to all institutions in China and Italy that are our natural counterparts, in order to develop business opportunities; ▪ Coordinate and promote activities and events that boost the visibility and the image of “Technology Made in Italy”; ▪ Inform all members on the topic Made in China 2025, particularly with regard to risks and opportunities for Italian businesses; ▪ Become a reference for all mechanical engineering companies within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), lobbying private and public institutions active in the Chinese market.   Know more about the Intercompany tour series: Please check out the following link for more information on our first 2021 session of the intercompany tour at Würth Industry Service (China) Co., Ltd,  in Shanghai:     Following the second session of our visit at Danieli China in Changshu:     For more information about the MEWG please contact the email address: Not a member yet? Send an email to   The CICC Team


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