Shanghai office

Address: N. 777 Weihai road,

                2nd Floor, Room 202,

                Jing'An District Shanghai

Tel: 21-63810268




07 December 2019
Dear Members, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite to “GIRO D’ITALIA, RIDE LIKE A PRO”, a Exhibition Cooperation Festival that will be held on December 7th and 8th at National Convention and Exhibition Center (NECC), in Shanghai Qingqu  (国家会展中心上海, 青浦区-崧泽大道333号, No.333, Songze Avenue, Shanghai). 10000 Square meters festival space at NECC north plaza will include stage, children’s balance cycling as well as Italian elements exhibition to present authentic Italian lifestyle.   ABOUT THE EVENT Originated in 1909, Giro d’Italia is the road cycling race held in Italy every year in May. Its subordinate amateur event brand “Ride like a Pro” is a two-day cycling event, providing riding routes of a variety of distances in a safe environment for riders of all ages and professional degrees. The objective of the event is to allow every rider to enjoy the supreme experience of a professional rider and follow the spirit of “doing all your best” in the Italian cycling culture.   EVENT DETAILS: December 7 (08:00-17:30), December 8 (8:00-13:00) National Convention and Exhibition Center (Start & Finish Point, Carnival Area ) 3,000 Participants(professional riders, cycling enthusiasts and relatives & friends) Male & Female, 25-55 years old(main group) You can discover in the flyers below the legend riders from all over the word, which will participate in the race.        For further information about the “GIRO D’ITALIA, RIDE LIKE A PRO” please refer to the presentation of the event, that you can download here or visit the official  website.   HOW TO GET INVOLVED - VISITORS: The Festival is also opened to visitors who would like to enjoy the Italian atmosphere without participating to the cycling race, but visiting the Italian theme area where well-known Italian brands and catering booths will provide authentic Italian food!    The participation is free of charge but with mandatory registration scanning the following QR code:       For more information, please contact:   Best Regards, CICC Team


07 December 2019
亲爱的会员们, 中国意大利商会很高兴诚邀您参加将于12月7日至8日在上海青浦区国家会展中心 (NECC)(上海青浦区崧泽大道333号)举行的“环意大利大利-像职业骑手一样骑行(GIRO D’ITALIA, RIDE LIKE A PRO)” 展览合作节。   NECC北广场10000平方米的活动空间,将包括舞台、儿童平衡自行车和展示真实的意大利生活方式的意大利元素展览。 关于活动 诞生于1909年的环意大利自行车赛,是每年5月在意大利举行的公路自行车赛。其下属的业余赛事品牌“像职业骑手一样骑行(Ride like a Pro)” 是一项为期两天的自行车赛事,为不同年龄层和专业度的骑手提供了在安全环境下的多种距离骑行路线。 本次活动旨在让每位骑手均能享受到专业骑手的至尊体验,并遵循意大利自行车文化中“尽力而为”的精神。   活动详情: 12月7日(08:00-17:30) 12月8日(8:00-13:00) 国家会展中心(起点及终点:嘉年华区域) 3000 名参加者(专业骑手、自行车爱好者、亲友) 男女,25-55岁(主要群体) 多种距离选择(30公里至70公里) 有关 “环意大利-像职业骑手一样骑行(GIRO D’ITALIA, RIDE LIKE A PRO)” 的更多信息,请参阅活动介绍,您可以点击阅读原文或访问官方网站。   如何参赛: 本次活动旨在让专业骑手和非专业骑手都能体验到独一无二的动感单车体验,为车迷和意大利氛围爱好者带来全新的赛事理念。  游客: 此处活动还向希望在不参加自行车比赛的情况下享受意大利氛围的游客,免费开放,但须扫描以下二维码进行登记:       欲了解更多信息,请联系: 顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队


07 December 2019
Dear Members, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite to “GIRO D’ITALIA, RIDE LIKE A PRO”, a Exhibition Cooperation Festival that will be held on December 7th and 8th at National Convention and Exhibition Center (NECC), in Shanghai Qingqu  (国家会展中心上海, 青浦区-崧泽大道333号, No.333, Songze Avenue, Shanghai). 10000 Square meters festival space at NECC north plaza will include stage, children’s balance cycling as well as Italian elements exhibition to present authentic Italian lifestyle.   ABOUT THE EVENT Originated in 1909, Giro d’Italia is the road cycling race held in Italy every year in May. Its subordinate amateur event brand “Ride like a Pro” is a two-day cycling event, providing riding routes of a variety of distances in a safe environment for riders of all ages and professional degrees. The objective of the event is to allow every rider to enjoy the supreme experience of a professional rider and follow the spirit of “doing all your best” in the Italian cycling culture.   EVENT DETAILS: December 7 (08:00-17:30), December 8 (8:00-13:00) National Convention and Exhibition Center (Start & Finish Point, Carnival Area ) 3,000 Participants(professional riders, cycling enthusiasts and relatives & friends) Male & Female, 25-55 years old(main group) You can discover in the flyers below the legend riders from all over the word, which will participate in the race.        For further information about the “GIRO D’ITALIA, RIDE LIKE A PRO” please refer to the presentation of the event, that you can download here or visit the official  website.   HOW TO GET INVOLVED - VISITORS: The Festival is also opened to visitors who would like to enjoy the Italian atmosphere without participating to the cycling race, but visiting the Italian theme area where well-known Italian brands and catering booths will provide authentic Italian food!    The participation is free of charge but with mandatory registration scanning the following QR code:       For more information, please contact:   Best Regards, CICC Team

True Italian Taste - Wine Masterclass, Shanghai, 25 September 2019

25 September 2019
Cari soci e amici,   La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina é lieta di annunciare che mercoledì 25 Settembre pv. si terrà a Shanghai, presso Food Anatomy, una ‘masterclass’ di abbinamento di vini . L’evento fa parte del progetto 'True Italian Taste', organizzato nella cornice di “The Extraordinary Italian Taste”, e promosso dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico in coordinazione con Assocameraestero e con la collaborazione delle Camere di Commercio Italiane all’estero. Il progetto 'True Italian Taste' è finalizzato a creare consapevolezza sui vantaggi che l’utilizzo di autentici  prodotti Italiani DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta) e IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) comporta, con lo scopo di incrementarne l’utilizzo sul mercato estero.   Nel corso dell’evento, gli ospiti avranno l’opportunità di prendere parte a una Masterclass di tipo professionistico, riguardante una selezione di autentici vini italiani in abbinamento a pietanze preparate da uno Chef italiano, che utilizzerà esclusivamente ingredienti certificati DOP e IGP.     Dettagli dell’evento: L’evento si terrà presso Food Anatomy,  Room 3302, Block A,  Dazhong Financial Building, No. 1033 West Yan'an  Road, Changning District, Shanghai​ (上海市长宁区延安西路1033号大众金融大厦A座3302) Data: 25 Settembre 2019 Ora: 15:00-18:00   Agenda: 15:00-15:30  Benvenuto agli ospiti 15:30-15:40  Saluti Istituzionali del console generale 15:40-15:50  Introduzione della CCIC 15:50-16:20  Presentazione dei vini VM 16:20-16:50  Presentazione di Interprocom Cantine Divine 16:50-17:30  Introduzione sugli abbinamenti di Chef Giuseppe Tino  17:30-18:00  Assaggio   Per maggiori informazioni inviare una e-mail a   Cordiali Saluti, CICC Team

True Italian Taste - Wine Masterclass, Shanghai, 25 September 2019

25 September 2019
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to present a Wine Pairing Masterclass, that will be held on Wednesday 25th of September at Food Anatomy in Shanghai. The event is organized in the frame of the True Italian Taste project, part of “The Extraordinary Italian Taste” campaign, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and coordinated by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad. True Italian Taste is an initiative that aims to raise awareness on the benefits deriving from the use of authentic Italian DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) and IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) products and to increase their consumption in foreign markets. During the event, the guests will have the chance to attend a professional Masterclass about a selection of authentic Italian Wines and to enjoy a food pairing, well prepared by an Italian Chef, using exclusively DOP and IGP certified Italian ingredients.   Event details Venue: Food Anatomy,  Room 3302, Block A,  Dazhong Financial Building, No. 1033 West Yan'an  Road, Changning District, Shanghai​ (上海市长宁区延安西路1033号大众金融大厦A座3302) Date: September 25th, 2019 Time: 15:00-18:00   Agenda: 15:00-15:30  Reception 15:30-15:40  Consul General Greetings 15:40-15:50  CICC Opening Remarks 15:50-16:20  VM Fine Wines Presentation 16:20-16:50  Interprocom Cantine Divine Presentation 16:50-17:30  Chef Giuseppe Tino pairing Introduction 17:30-18:00  Tasting   For more information please email to   Kind regards, CICC Team

True Italian Taste - Wine Masterclass, Shanghai, 25 September 2019

25 September 2019
亲爱的会员们和朋友们: 中国意大利商会(CICC)很高兴为您介绍一个葡萄酒搭配大师班,该活动将于9月25日(星期三)在上海Food Anatomy举行。 在“正宗意大利风味”项目框架内举办该活动,是“卓越意大利之味”活动的一部分,经由意大利经济发展部推动,并由意大利海外商会联合会与意大利海外商会合作协调开展。“正宗意大利风味”是一项倡议,旨在提升人们认识到使用正宗意大利DOP(受保护的原产地名称)和IGP(受保护的地理标志)产品所带来的益处,并增加这些产品在国外市场的消费。在活动期间,客人将有机会参加一系列正宗意大利葡萄酒的专业大师班课程,并可享用意大利厨师完全使用DOP和IGP认证的意大利配料精心准备的搭配食物。 活动详情: 地点:上海市长宁区延安西路1033号大众金融大厦A座3302 日期: 2019年9月25日 时间:15:00-18:00 日程安排: 15:00-15:30 接待 15:30-15:40 一般咨询问候 15:40-15:50 中国意大利商会开幕致辞 15:50-16:20 VM精品葡萄酒展示 16:20-16:50 Interprocom Cantine Divine展示 16:50-17:30 厨师Giuseppe Tino进行搭配介绍 17:30-18:00 品尝 如需了解更多详情,请发送电子邮件至 。 顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队

SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting Shanghai - September 10th 2019

10 September 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce kindly invites you to attend the monthly CICC Members' Informal Meeting to welcome you back after the summer break. This month, the SGSO will take place on Tuesday 10th of September at Gemma starting from 19:30.   The dinner price to pay at the Venue is 250 RMB and the menu includes typical Italian specialties. The entire offer for our special dinner can be consulted HERE.     The event is open to Members, Friends and non-Members by submitting the participation at the following LINK or by scanning the QR code in the flyer above.   Not a Member yet? Send an e-mail to   Kind regards, CICC Team

SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting Shanghai - September 10th 2019

10 September 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce kindly invites you to attend the monthly CICC Members' Informal Meeting to welcome you back after the summer break. This month, the SGSO will take place on Tuesday 10th of September at Gemma starting from 19:30.   The dinner price to pay at the Venue is 250 RMB and the menu includes typical Italian specialties. The entire offer for our special dinner can be consulted HERE.     The event is open to Members, Friends and non-Members by submitting the participation at the following LINK or by scanning the QR code in the flyer above.   Not a Member yet? Send an e-mail to   Kind regards, CICC Team

SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting Shanghai - September 10th 2019

10 September 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce kindly invites you to attend the monthly CICC Members' Informal Meeting to welcome you back after the summer break. This month, the SGSO will take place on Tuesday 10th of September at Gemma starting from 19:30.   The dinner price to pay at the Venue is 250 RMB and the menu includes typical Italian specialties. The entire offer for our special dinner can be consulted HERE.     The event is open to Members, Friends and non-Members by submitting the participation at the following LINK or by scanning the QR code in the flyer above.   Not a Member yet? Send an e-mail to   Kind regards, CICC Team

2nd Zhejiang (Wenzhou) International Import Expo, 26-29 September 2019, Wenzhou

26 September 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce invites you to participate to the “2nd Zhejiang International Import Expo” – organized by the Wenzhou Bureau of Commerce – that will be held from September 26th to 29th 2019, at the Wenzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center (more information at this link). The 1st edition of the Zhejiang (Wenzhou) International Import Expo (WIIE) achieved surprising records: the fair covered 15.000 square meters, counted 550 booths, 107 thousand visitors and 350 exhibitors attracted, among which, 250 were foreigners from more than 33 countries. During the 2019 edition, the area will be extended to 20.000 square meters, 400 domestic and foreign enterprises participating from 40 countries are expected and more than 4 thousand business buyers on-site.        As for what the China Italy Chamber of Commerce has been concerned in the past year event, for the 2nd format, it is pleased to present a set of business realities representative of our culture, traditions and specialities. The National Pavilion in Hall n. 5 will display commodities from different countries, as those regions involved in modern commercial initiatives such as the Belt and Road, but also further peculiarities coming from Europe, Africa and America.   BENEFITS: The Chamber is certain about the opportunities that such expo can disclose to our members; specifically, the Food and Beverage sector might get particular advantages from a direct selling activity. Among the main allowances provided: A different booth type in accordance with the price list released; Accommodation in hotel and bus shuttle transfers to the Pavilions; Customised activities are guaranteed to improve the exposure of the products displayed.     To those interested in taking part, HERE you can submit the application form by the 30th of August 2019.   Any requests may be sent to .   Best regards, CICC Team


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