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Protecting Clean technologies: Intellectual Property Rights in China - Seminario China IPR SME Helpdesk

23 June 2011
  L`industria delle tecnologie ecologiche è una delle maggiormente innovative e di rapido sviluppo, identificata dal 12esimo piano quinquiennale come una delle priorità per consentire uno sviluppo sostenibile dell`economia cinese. D`altra parte però molte aziende europee che operano in Cina vedono il loro duro lavoro di ricerca e sviluppo minacciato da contraffattori e da furti di proprietà intellettuale.   In che modo le imprese possono evitare questi problemi e proteggere efficientemente le proprie proprietà intellettuali? Questo seminario fornirà consigli pratici da parte di esperti legali e player di rilievo dell`indusria ecotech su come sviluppare in sicurezza nuove tecnologie verdi in Cina e su come gestire il trasferimento tecnologico. Verranno esaminati vari strumenti, come brevetti, licenze, registrazione di marchi e copyright, utilizzati per proteggere le vostre innovazioni.   Questo seminario è adatto a chiunque sia impegnato nelle tecnologie ecologiche: generazione di energia, stoccaggio di energia, infrastrutture energetiche, efficienza energetica, trasporti, rifiuti e acque reflue, controlli dell`aria e delle emissioni inquinanti, carbon trading, tessuti, produzione, agricoltura e riciclaggio.   Per ottenere maggiori informazioni su come iscriversi al seminario, sul programma dello stesso e su come prenotare una sessione gratuita di 20 minuti con un avvocato specializzato in proprietà intellettuale, si prega di fare riferimento a questo documento allegato.

Protecting Clean technologies: Intellectual Property Rights in China -China IPR SME Helpdesk seminar

23 June 2011
  Clean tech is a fast growing and innovative industry which has been identified in the 12th Five Year Plan as a priority for the sustainable growth of Chinese economy. However, European companies operating in China often find that their hard work in research and development is is a target for counterfeiters and intellectual property theft. How can innovators effectively protect their intellectual property?   This seminar will offer practical advice from legal and industry experts on how to safely develop new clean technology in China and how to manage technology transfer. The seminar will cover using patents, licensing, trademarks and copyright to protect your innovations. This seminar is suitable for anyone in clean technologies; energy generation, energy storage, energy infrastructure, energy efficiency, transportation, waste & wastewater, air and emissions control, carbon trading, materials, manufacturing, agriculture and recycling.   For more information about subscribing to this seminar, about its rundown and program and to know how to register for a free 20-minute session with a qualified IPR lawyer, please refer to the attached document.

Marketing Networking Night, Beijing, June 9th

09 June 2011
  This exclusive Inter-Chamber networking event designed to provide leading professionals in the Marketing field the opportunity to extend networks and share knowledge with peers. Over 100 members of the Marketing community are expected to attend, representing the top global firms operating in Beijing. This event is designed for the marketing service people only. Marketing professionals are most welcome. The registration is subject to the email confirmation by the participating chambers. We look forward to seeing you there! Venue: Yan club West Hall (Hotel KunLun) 2 Xin Yuan Nan Lu, 昆仑酒店, 新源南路2号 Chao Yang District 100004 Beijing, China Fee: 100 RMB/Member / 200 RMB/Non Member (including 2drinks and a selection of canapés)  

Marketing Networking Night, Beijing, June 9th

09 June 2011
  This exclusive Inter-Chamber networking event designed to provide leading professionals in the Marketing field the opportunity to extend networks and share knowledge with peers. Over 100 members of the Marketing community are expected to attend, representing the top global firms operating in Beijing. This event is designed for the marketing service people only. Marketing professionals are most welcome. The registration is subject to the email confirmation by the participating chambers. We look forward to seeing you there!   Venue: Yan club West Hall (Hotel KunLun) 2 Xin Yuan Nan Lu, 昆仑酒店, 新源南路2号 Chao Yang District 100004 Beijing, China Fee: 100 RMB/Member / 200 RMB/Non Member (including 2drinks and a selection of canapés)

Marketing Networking Night, Beijing, June 9th

09 June 2011
  This exclusive Inter-Chamber networking event designed to provide leading professionals in the Marketing field the opportunity to extend networks and share knowledge with peers. Over 100 members of the Marketing community are expected to attend, representing the top global firms operating in Beijing.   This event is designed for the marketing service people only. Marketing professionals are most welcome. The registration is subject to the email confirmation by the participating chambers. We look forward to seeing you there!   Venue: Yan club West Hall (Hotel KunLun) 2 Xin Yuan Nan Lu, 昆仑酒店, 新源南路2号 Chao Yang District 100004 Beijing, China   Fee: 100 RMB/Member / 200 RMB/Non Member (including 2drinks and a selection of canapés)

Financial Networking Night, Beijing, Apr. 28th

28 April 2011
The Financial Networking is designed to provide leading professionals in the financial industry the opportunity to extend networks and share knowledge with peers. Over 100 members of the financial community are expected to attend, representing the top global firms operating in Beijing.   This event is designed for the financial service people only. Financial professionals working at banks, insurance companies, private equity funds and advisors to those companies are most welcome. The entrance is limited to finance - related people, and chambers reserve the right to decline registration or access to the event.   We look forward to seeing you there!   Location: The Pavillion Gongti East Road West gate of Workers Stadium 工人体育场西门对面 工体西路 Tel: +86 10 6507 2617

Financial Networking Night, Beijing, Apr. 28th

28 April 2011
The Financial Networking is designed to provide leading professionals in the financial industry the opportunity to extend networks and share knowledge with peers. Over 100 members of the financial community are expected to attend, representing the top global firms operating in Beijing. This event is designed for the financial service people only. Financial professionals working at banks, insurance companies, private equity funds and advisors to those companies are most welcome. The entrance is limited to finance - related people, and chambers reserve the right to decline registration or access to the event. We look forward to seeing you there!   Location: The Pavillion Gongti East Road West gate of Workers Stadium 工人体育场西门对面 工体西路 Tel: +86 10 6507 2617  

Financial Networking Night, Beijing, Apr. 28th

28 April 2011
The Financial Networking is designed to provide leading professionals in the financial industry the opportunity to extend networks and share knowledge with peers. Over 100 members of the financial community are expected to attend, representing the top global firms operating in Beijing. This event is designed for the financial service people only. Financial professionals working at banks, insurance companies, private equity funds and advisors to those companies are most welcome. The entrance is limited to finance - related people, and chambers reserve the right to decline registration or access to the event. We look forward to seeing you there!   Location: The Pavillion Gongti East Road West gate of Workers Stadium 工人体育场西门对面 工体西路 Tel: +86 10 6507 2617  

Seminar - IPR Customs Related Issues

22 April 2011
  The event will focus on the Chinese laws and practices in the areas of precondition, administrative procedures and requirements to implement a pro-active and effective IPRs protection at Customs level. Especially, the seminar will introduce possible imminent amendments in the law, which are said to possibly enter into force as from June 2011. The speakers will offer a very practical approach to Customs Protection of IPRs, making reference to typical cases or even study cases, with reference to Eu-China and Asia-China bilateral practices.   Mr Giovanni De Sanctis, Head of IPR Beijing Desk of Italian Ministry of Economic Development, will provide an introduction to the topic, greeting the audience with an opening speech.    Mr Li QunYing, IPR Chief Director of the General Administration of Customs of the P.R.C., will provide a detailed technical insight, analyzing the topic from the official perspective of the Customs authority.   Hylands Law Firm, with the participation of Mr Zhou Jie, attorney at law, expert on Intellectual Property Rights, together with Mr Lian Yunze, attorney-at-law and trademark attorney in the Intellectual Property Group of the Beijing Office, will further develop the topic, thanks to their expertise on the matter, matured during years of constant work together with some of the most renown brands and businesses in China.   A Q&A Session will follow, for the participants to interact with the speakers; if you wish to send us your questions beforehand, for the speakers to better prepare related guidance and suggestions, kindly send us an e-mail before April 13th, to   SPEAKERS BIO:   Mr Li QunYing   IPR Chief Director of General Admin of Customs, has been engaged in IPR administrative practices since 1995, when the Chinese and the US governments reached an IP-related agreement and Mr. Li participated in the negotiation of the agreement as a member of the PRC delegation. He has also attended numerous training programs sponsored by the WTO and introduced IP border protection measures under the PRC laws to a multitude of foreign officials. As an acknowledgement of his significant influence in the IPR area, in 2005, 2008 and 2010 respectively, the British magazine Managing Intellectual Property (“MIP”) selected Mr. Li as one of the 50 most influential people in the IP world.   Mr Zhou Jie   Upon graduating from Renmin University in 1992, Zhou Jie joined China Building Materials (Group) Corporation handling foreign direct investment and international economic co-operation matters. He joined Jun He Law Offices in 1994 and joined Beijing Haotian Law Firm at the end of 1998. His areas of expertise lie in copyright, trade secrets, trade mark, international and domestic trade disputes, and international investment.   Mr Lian Yunze   From 1985 to 1996, he worked with CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office, specializing in trademark andin 2001 he joined Hao Tian Law Office (now named as Hylands Law Firm) as a partner and co-founder of the IP Group. Since 1985, Mr. Lian has been practicing in the field of intellectual property law for 25 years, specializing in trademark, copyright, unfair competition, domain names and IP litigation. He has extensive experience in trademark prosecution, enforcement and anti-counterfeiting.   Location: Capital Club, 50/F Capital Mansion, No. 6 Xin Yuan Nan Road,Chaoyang District, Beijing 京城大厦50层,北京朝阳区新源南路6号,京城俱乐部 Tel: +86 10 8486 2225 

Seminar - IPR Customs Related Issues

22 April 2011
  The event will focus on the Chinese laws and practices in the areas of precondition, administrative procedures and requirements to implement a pro-active and effective IPRs protection at Customs level. Especially, the seminar will introduce possible imminent amendments in the law, which are said to possibly enter into force as from June 2011. The speakers will offer a very practical approach to Customs Protection of IPRs, making reference to typical cases or even study cases, with reference to Eu-China and Asia-China bilateral practices.   Mr Giovanni De Sanctis, Head of IPR Beijing Desk of Italian Ministry of Economic Development, will provide an introduction to the topic, greeting the audience with an opening speech.    Mr Li QunYing, IPR Chief Director of the General Administration of Customs of the P.R.C., will provide a detailed technical insight, analyzing the topic from the official perspective of the Customs authority.   Hylands Law Firm, with the participation of Mr Zhou Jie, attorney at law, expert on Intellectual Property Rights, together with Mr Lian Yunze, attorney-at-law and trademark attorney in the Intellectual Property Group of the Beijing Office, will further develop the topic, thanks to their expertise on the matter, matured during years of constant work together with some of the most renown brands and businesses in China.   A Q&A Session will follow, for the participants to interact with the speakers; if you wish to send us your questions beforehand, for the speakers to better prepare related guidance and suggestions, kindly send us an e-mail before April 13th, to   SPEAKERS BIO:   Mr Li QunYing   IPR Chief Director of General Admin of Customs, has been engaged in IPR administrative practices since 1995, when the Chinese and the US governments reached an IP-related agreement and Mr. Li participated in the negotiation of the agreement as a member of the PRC delegation. He has also attended numerous training programs sponsored by the WTO and introduced IP border protection measures under the PRC laws to a multitude of foreign officials. As an acknowledgement of his significant influence in the IPR area, in 2005, 2008 and 2010 respectively, the British magazine Managing Intellectual Property (“MIP”) selected Mr. Li as one of the 50 most influential people in the IP world.   Mr Zhou Jie   Upon graduating from Renmin University in 1992, Zhou Jie joined China Building Materials (Group) Corporation handling foreign direct investment and international economic co-operation matters. He joined Jun He Law Offices in 1994 and joined Beijing Haotian Law Firm at the end of 1998. His areas of expertise lie in copyright, trade secrets, trade mark, international and domestic trade disputes, and international investment.   Mr Lian Yunze   From 1985 to 1996, he worked with CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office, specializing in trademark andin 2001 he joined Hao Tian Law Office (now named as Hylands Law Firm) as a partner and co-founder of the IP Group. Since 1985, Mr. Lian has been practicing in the field of intellectual property law for 25 years, specializing in trademark, copyright, unfair competition, domain names and IP litigation. He has extensive experience in trademark prosecution, enforcement and anti-counterfeiting.   Location: Capital Club, 50/F Capital Mansion, No. 6 Xin Yuan Nan Road,Chaoyang District, Beijing 京城大厦50层,北京朝阳区新源南路6号,京城俱乐部 Tel: +86 10 8486 2225 


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