Beijing office

Address: 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic

                Residence Compound , Gongtibeilu No.1

                Chaoyang District , Beijing

Tel: 0086-10-85910545

Fax: 0086-10-85910546



2011 Expo Luxe - The Luxury show of Rome

14 September 2011
  the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the Expo Luxe – The luxury show of Rome will be held from 14th to 18th of September 2011 in Rome, at Palazzo Ferrajoli in Piazza Colonna 355 (in front of Palazzo Chigi), with the aim of promoting Made in Italy and facilitate international conditions of economic and social development, promoting luxury as a multiplier of well being. If you are interested in participating at Expo Luxe, you can participate as expositor or trade visitors with access to workshops and meetings B2B.   For more information please see the web site   Best Regards,   CICC

2011 Expo Luxe - The Luxury show of Rome

14 September 2011
  la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di informarvi che Expo Luxe – Il Salone del lusso di Roma si realizzerà dal 14 al 18 settembre 2011 a Roma presso Palazzo Ferrajoli a Piazza Colonna 355 (difronte a Palazzo Chigi), con lo scopo di promuovere e valorizzare l’immagine del Made in Italy e favorire a livello internazionale le condizioni di sviluppo economico e sociale attraverso la promozione del lusso quale moltiplicatore di benessere. Vi informiamo che è possibile partecipare ad Expo Luxe 2011 come espositori o anche come Trade Visitors con accesso ai workshop e agli incontri B2B. Per maggiori informazioni consultate il sito   Cordiali Saluti,   CCIC

2011 Expo Luxe - The Luxury show of Rome

14 September 2011
  the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the Expo Luxe – The luxury show of Rome will be held from 14th to 18th of September 2011 in Rome, at Palazzo Ferrajoli in Piazza Colonna 355 (in front of Palazzo Chigi), with the aim of promoting Made in Italy and facilitate international conditions of economic and social development, promoting luxury as a multiplier of well being. If you are interested in participating at Expo Luxe, you can participate as expositor or trade visitors with access to workshops and meetings B2B.   For more information please see the web site   Best Regards,   CICC

China Awards 2011

24 November 2011
  The China Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to present the China Awards 2011, at its sixth edition, organized by the Fondazione Italia Cina in collaboration with Milano Finanza and the China Italy Chamber of Commerce and under the auspices of the Italian – Chinese Chamber of Commerce.     The China Awards annually award the Italian companies that have best seized the opportunities of the Chinese market and Chinese companies that have best seized the opportunities of the Italian market. The aim of the event is to communicate the importance of the internationalization for the Italian and Chinese companies, focusing on the benefits resulting from the flows of capital, people, ideas, goods and services between Italy and China. The event gives visibility to the success stories of Italian companies in China thanks to the media partnership of the Gruppo Class Editori. The prizes will be delivered during the Gala Dinner which will take place in Milan on 24th of November, 2011. The proceeds of the Charity Dinner will go to Lifeline Express, a non-profit organization that provides free cares and surgeries, with hospitals-trains which move in the remotest and poorest areas of China. The novelty of this edition consists of a new award category dedicated to 150th anniversary of the Italian Unification, awarding Italian companies which have achieved enduring success stories worldwide and in China.   NOMINATION OPPORTUNITIES If you desire to propose your nomination for one of the prestigious awards, we kindly ask Your collaboration in filling out the nomination form that you can download here, specifying the details about the activities that your company carries out in China. Any other material that can support your activities on the Chinese market (presentations, press releases, newspaper articles, etc) can be added as integration or substitute of the above form. This will be the second edition of China Awards awarding a Corporate Social Responsability prize. In order to propose your nomination for this award, please fill out the second questionnaire, available at this link. The questionnaire can be downloaded, filled out on your computer and sent right away to, or printed, filled out and sent via fax to Fondazione Italia-Cina (0236561073) by July 8th 2011.   JURY The nominations will be evalued by a jury that will officialize the names of the winners. Mr. Cesare Romiti, President of Fondazione Italia Cina and Mr. Paolo Panerai, Vice President and CEO of Classeditori will preside said jury. For any doubt, need or clarification, please contact Mr.Alberto Rossi or by fax or phone. Best regards, CICC  

China Awards 2011

24 November 2011
  La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina ha il piacere di presentarVi l`evento China Awards 2011, giunto alla sesta edizione e organizzato dalla Fondazione Italia Cina in collaborazione con Milano Finanza e Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina e con il patrocinio della Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese.     I China Awards sono una premiazione annuale delle aziende italiane che meglio hanno colto le opportunità del mercato cinese e delle aziende cinesi che meglio hanno colto le opportunità del mercato italiano. L’obiettivo dell’evento è quello di comunicare l’importanza che l’internazionalizzazione riveste per le imprese italiane e cinesi, ponendo l’accento sui benefici che derivano dai flussi di capitali, persone, idee, beni e servizi tra Italia e Cina. L’evento conferisce visibilità ai casi di successo di imprese italiane in Cina grazie alla media partnership del Gruppo Class Editori. La Cena di gala durante la quale verranno conferiti i premi avrà luogo a Milano il 24 novembre 2011. I proventi del Charity Dinner saranno destinati a Lifeline Express, un’organizzazione no-profit che offre cure ed operazioni chirurgiche gratuite, grazie a treni-ospedale che si muovono nelle aree più remote e povere della Cina.   Una delle novità di questa edizione consiste in nuova categoria di premiazione dedicata ai 150 anni dell’Unità d’Italia, dove verranno premiate società italiane che rappresentano casi di successo duraturi nei confronti del mondo e del mercato cinese.   OPPORTUNITA’ DI CANDIDATURA   Se desiderate supportare la Vostra candidatura ad uno dei prestigiosi premi, chiediamo gentilmente la Vostra collaborazione nel compilare il modulo di candidatura che potete scaricare cliccando qui, specificando i dati inerenti le attività sviluppate in Cina dalla Vostra società.   Qualsiasi altro materiale che possa testimoniare le vostre attività sul mercato cinese (presentazioni, comunicati stampa, articoli di giornale, informative varie) potrà integrare o sostituire il questionario compilato. Sarà questa la seconda edizione nella quale vi sarà un premio dedicato alla Responsabilità sociale d’impresa. Per potersi candidare a questo premio, è necessario compilare il secondo questionario che potete scaricare cliccando qui. Il questionario può essere scaricato, compilato a video ed inviato direttamente a, oppure può essere stampato, compilato a penna e spedito via fax alla Fondazione Italia-Cina (0236561073) ENTRO l’8 LUGLIO 2011.   GIURIA   Le candidature saranno poi prontamente valutate da una Giuria, che al più presto ufficializzerà in maniera definitiva i nomi dei vincitori. Tale Giuria è presieduta da Cesare Romiti, Presidente della Fondazione Italia Cina, e Paolo Panerai, Vice Presidente e Amministratore Delegato di Classeditori.   Per qualsiasi dubbio, necessità o richiesta di chiarimento, si prega di contattare Alberto Rossi ( tramite fax, telefono o mail.   Distinti saluti,   CCIC

China Awards 2011

24 November 2011
  The China Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to present the China Awards 2011, at its sixth edition, organized by the Fondazione Italia Cina in collaboration with Milano Finanza and the China Italy Chamber of Commerce and under the auspices of the Italian – Chinese Chamber of Commerce.     The China Awards annually award the Italian companies that have best seized the opportunities of the Chinese market and Chinese companies that have best seized the opportunities of the Italian market. The aim of the event is to communicate the importance of the internationalization for the Italian and Chinese companies, focusing on the benefits resulting from the flows of capital, people, ideas, goods and services between Italy and China. The event gives visibility to the success stories of Italian companies in China thanks to the media partnership of the Gruppo Class Editori. The prizes will be delivered during the Gala Dinner which will take place in Milan on 24th of November, 2011. The proceeds of the Charity Dinner will go to Lifeline Express, a non-profit organization that provides free cares and surgeries, with hospitals-trains which move in the remotest and poorest areas of China. The novelty of this edition consists of a new award category dedicated to 150th anniversary of the Italian Unification, awarding Italian companies which have achieved enduring success stories worldwide and in China.   NOMINATION OPPORTUNITIES If you desire to propose your nomination for one of the prestigious awards, we kindly ask Your collaboration in filling out the nomination form that you can download here, specifying the details about the activities that your company carries out in China. Any other material that can support your activities on the Chinese market (presentations, press releases, newspaper articles, etc) can be added as integration or substitute of the above form. This will be the second edition of China Awards awarding a Corporate Social Responsability prize. In order to propose your nomination for this award, please fill out the second questionnaire, available at this link. The questionnaire can be downloaded, filled out on your computer and sent right away to, or printed, filled out and sent via fax to Fondazione Italia-Cina (0236561073) by July 8th 2011.   JURY The nominations will be evalued by a jury that will officialize the names of the winners. Mr. Cesare Romiti, President of Fondazione Italia Cina and Mr. Paolo Panerai, Vice President and CEO of Classeditori will preside said jury. For any doubt, need or clarification, please contact Mr.Alberto Rossi or by fax or phone.   Best regards, CICC    

Investing In China - Breakfast Seminar

28 June 2011
With over 25 years of China business experience, Mr. Kuhn’s investment strategy is filled with plenty of ‘firsts,’ including the successful IPO and New York listing of his company, Catalyst Energy Corporation, which was the fastest growing public company in the United States from 1982 to 1987, and later became a one-billion dollar enterprise.   John D. Kuhns is a financier, industrialist and author of the highly regarded China Fortunes. Having closed IPOs for five companies including some of the world`s leading alternative energy businesses, Mr. Kuhns`s most recent transaction was the January 2010 IPO for China Hydroelectric Corporation, China`s largest owner of small hydroelectric projects, which he currently serves as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer. Kuhns Brothers, Mr. Kuhns`s investment bank, raises financing for Chinese companies, and his private equity organization, the China Hand Fund, makes investments in Chinese companies. Mr. Kuhns graduated from Georgetown University, received a Masters of Fine Arts from the University of Chicago, and received a Master of Business Administration degree from the Harvard Business School.   Mr. Kuhns will share his insights and investment strategies on various topics that include investment opportunities in Chinese industries; preferred structures for investing in Chinese companies; investing in state-owned enterprises; and foreign investments in China.   Venue:   Hilton Beijing, 1 Dong Fang Road, North Dong Sanhuan Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 100027, China. 北京希尔顿酒店,北京市朝阳区东三环北路东方路一号  

Investing In China - Breakfast Seminar

28 June 2011
With over 25 years of China business experience, Mr. Kuhn’s investment strategy is filled with plenty of ‘firsts,’ including the successful IPO and New York listing of his company, Catalyst Energy Corporation, which was the fastest growing public company in the United States from 1982 to 1987, and later became a one-billion dollar enterprise. John D. Kuhns is a financier, industrialist and author of the highly regarded China Fortunes. Having closed IPOs for five companies including some of the world`s leading alternative energy businesses, Mr. Kuhns`s most recent transaction was the January 2010 IPO for China Hydroelectric Corporation, China`s largest owner of small hydroelectric projects, which he currently serves as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer. Kuhns Brothers, Mr. Kuhns`s investment bank, raises financing for Chinese companies, and his private equity organization, the China Hand Fund, makes investments in Chinese companies. Mr. Kuhns graduated from Georgetown University, received a Masters of Fine Arts from the University of Chicago, and received a Master of Business Administration degree from the Harvard Business School. Mr. Kuhns will share his insights and investment strategies on various topics that include investment opportunities in Chinese industries; preferred structures for investing in Chinese companies; investing in state-owned enterprises; and foreign investments in China.   Venue: Hilton Beijing, 1 Dong Fang Road, North Dong Sanhuan Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 100027, China. 北京希尔顿酒店,北京市朝阳区东三环北路东方路一号  

Investing In China - Breakfast Seminar

28 June 2011
With over 25 years of China business experience, Mr. Kuhn’s investment strategy is filled with plenty of ‘firsts,’ including the successful IPO and New York listing of his company, Catalyst Energy Corporation, which was the fastest growing public company in the United States from 1982 to 1987, and later became a one-billion dollar enterprise. John D. Kuhns is a financier, industrialist and author of the highly regarded China Fortunes. Having closed IPOs for five companies including some of the world`s leading alternative energy businesses, Mr. Kuhns`s most recent transaction was the January 2010 IPO for China Hydroelectric Corporation, China`s largest owner of small hydroelectric projects, which he currently serves as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer. Kuhns Brothers, Mr. Kuhns`s investment bank, raises financing for Chinese companies, and his private equity organization, the China Hand Fund, makes investments in Chinese companies. Mr. Kuhns graduated from Georgetown University, received a Masters of Fine Arts from the University of Chicago, and received a Master of Business Administration degree from the Harvard Business School.   Mr. Kuhns will share his insights and investment strategies on various topics that include investment opportunities in Chinese industries; preferred structures for investing in Chinese companies; investing in state-owned enterprises; and foreign investments in China.   Venue:   Hilton Beijing, 1 Dong Fang Road, North Dong Sanhuan Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 100027, China. 北京希尔顿酒店,北京市朝阳区东三环北路东方路一号

Protecting Clean technologies: Intellectual Property Rights in China -China IPR SME Helpdesk seminar

23 June 2011
  Clean tech is a fast growing and innovative industry which has been identified in the 12th Five Year Plan as a priority for the sustainable growth of Chinese economy. However, European companies operating in China often find that their hard work in research and development is is a target for counterfeiters and intellectual property theft. How can innovators effectively protect their intellectual property?   This seminar will offer practical advice from legal and industry experts on how to safely develop new clean technology in China and how to manage technology transfer. The seminar will cover using patents, licensing, trademarks and copyright to protect your innovations. This seminar is suitable for anyone in clean technologies; energy generation, energy storage, energy infrastructure, energy efficiency, transportation, waste & wastewater, air and emissions control, carbon trading, materials, manufacturing, agriculture and recycling.   For more information about subscribing to this seminar, about its rundown and program and to know how to register for a free 20-minute session with a qualified IPR lawyer, please refer to the attached document.


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