

24 August 2015
  La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di promuovere l’inaugurazione di CASA ITALIANA a Pechino.                  Dal 22 al 30 Agosto, in occasione dei Mondiali di Atletica Leggera, FIDAL, Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera, e Rai Com, società commerciale del gruppo Rai, inaugurano CASA ITALIANA ATLETICA all’interno del 751 D-Park.   L’Atletica diventa ambasciatrice in Cina del Made in Italy, con l’obiettivo di promuoverne le eccellenze e di diventare il punto di incontro tra due culture secolari. In un luogo unico che ha come protagonista il Brand Italia, CASA ITALIANA ATLETICA ospiterà conferenze, proiezioni, esposizioni ed eventi di networking.   L’orizzonte di CASA ITALIANA ATLETICA è però pluriennale, e vedrà FIDAL e Rai Com fianco a fianco in occasione di altri grandi eventi sportivi internazionali. CASA ITALIANA ATLETICA è una declinazione di un concept multiformato ideato e realizzato da Rai Com, finalizzato a promuovere il nostro Paese nel mondo. Il progetto - il cui marchio è ITALIANA, think global live Italian - si declina in una rivista quadrimestrale cartacea, nel magazine televisivo ITALIANA TV MAGAZINE e nello spazio CASA ITALIANA che inaugura a Pechino in partnership con Fidal e verrà allestito in occasione di grandi eventi internazionali, sportivi e culturali.   Grazie alla collaborazione con l’Ambasciata Italiana a Pechino, l’ICE, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina e l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Rai Com e FIDAL hanno organizzato un fitto calendario di appuntamenti ed eventi. Workshop, incontri, proiezioni, spettacoli, degustazioni e percorsi espositivi offriranno per dieci giorni al pubblico e alle aziende cinesi l’opportunità di entrare in contatto con il meglio del nostro Paese.   Il ciclo di incontri Italia – China animerà le mattine di CASA ITALIANA ATLETICA a Pechino con conferenze che verteranno sui temi dello Sport, del Fashion&Design, del Food&Wine, dell’Art&Culture e dell’Automotive & Innovation, per terminare con la conferenza di chiusura sul tema della Nuova Via della Seta. Protagonisti degli incontri saranno ospiti italiani e cinesi di rilievo. Le conferenze, inoltre, approfondiranno le collaborazioni in essere tra Italia e Cina sui vari fronti e le prospettive di sviluppo comune.   Le proiezioni serali prevedono una selezione di opere, spettacoli, balletti, concerti e film italiani: tra questi La Traviata di Giuseppe Verdi, il Lago dei Cigni con Roberto Bolle, il film Leopardi di Mario Martone e il film Italy in a Day di Gabriele Salvadores.   Ogni sera CASA ITALIANA ATLETICA ospiterà degustazioni di prodotti tipici italiani, magistralmente preparati dallo Chef stellato Gianfranco Vissani, grazie al quale i prodotti dei territori e delle Regioni italiane saranno protagonisti assieme allo sport e agli atleti in gara.   FIDAL è l’ente di riferimento per la pratica dell’Atletica Leggera in Italia. Conta di innumerevoli rapporti sul territorio grazie agli oltre 2.500 club affiliati, con 180.000 atleti tesserati e 24mila tra dirigenti, tecnici, giudici e medici). Le loro relazioni con gli appassionati di tutte le età garantiscono una forte e radicata impronta sul tessuto nazionale, così come le migliaia di manifestazioni organizzate ogni anno. Un panorama vastissimo, che racchiude l`attività di vertice - una storia illuminata da immensi campioni che hanno indossato con orgoglio la maglia azzurra nelle più grandi manifestazioni sportive - e quella di base, l`altissimo profilo agonistico e quello di sostegno allo sviluppo dei giovani e alla tutela della salute degli adulti. La Federazione è parte sia degli organismi internazionali dell’atletica (IAAF ed EA), sia del CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano).   Rai Com è la nuova società commerciale del Gruppo Rai, nata con la mission di valorizzare il patrimonio di diritti dell’Azienda in Italia e nel mondo e con l’obiettivo di sviluppare nuovi prodotti commerciali. Le attività di Rai Com sono numerose e molto diverse tra loro e comprendono, fra gli altri, i progetti di comunicazione per la Pubblica Amministrazione, le iniziative editoriali e multimediali orientate al target consumer ed alla commercializzazione di contenuti Rai su nuove piattaforme. Grande rilevanza rivestono la commercializzazione e distribuzione dei prodotti audiovisivi e dei canali Rai nel mondo. Rai Com gestisce, inoltre, lo storico brand editoriale Rai Eri, con cui il Gruppo Rai da oltre 50 anni svolge principalmente la propria attività editoriale libraria ed home video.   Clicca qui per scaricare l`invito alla Conferenza Stampa di presentazione di Casa Italiana Atletica.

World of Food Beijing 2015

18 November 2015
  The China Italy Chamber of Commerce, promote the next edition of the Beijing World of Food Fair.                                                     China, a strong growing momentum in food industry, contributes US$43 billion to food imports in 2014. To get access to this huge potential market, that's what World of Food for. As an international trade fair for food retail and hospitality in Northern China, World of Food Beijing is the leading food event for North China.   Furthermore, WoF is more than just a trade show. In 2014, WoF organised more than 20 conferences and seminars, invited more than 50 speakers and had participants from more than 12 countries, plus, the business matching program offers a chance talking face to face with the clients.   Why choose EU SME Pavilion   The EU-SME centre is an EU funded project which helps EU SMEs prepare to do business in China by providing them with a range of information, advice and support services. In the WoF, the EU-SME Pavilion offers your company: Premium services (seminars, B2B meetings, translation, etc) A one-stop service (competitive package, logistics, transportation, hotel, etc) A SME special price for your booth which is situated at the first row with a great visibility and for the five-star hotel. All you need is focusing on developing your business and start your business this November 18th!   For further information about the EU SME Pavilion, read here the presentation.   To reserve a booth in the pavilion please contact Ms. Samantha Zhang at    

World of Food Beijing 2015

18 November 2015
  The China Italy Chamber of Commerce, promote the next edition of the Beijing World of Food Fair.                                                     China, a strong growing momentum in food industry, contributes US$43 billion to food imports in 2014. To get access to this huge potential market, that's what World of Food for. As an international trade fair for food retail and hospitality in Northern China, World of Food Beijing is the leading food event for North China.   Furthermore, WoF is more than just a trade show. In 2014, WoF organised more than 20 conferences and seminars, invited more than 50 speakers and had participants from more than 12 countries, plus, the business matching program offers a chance talking face to face with the clients.   Why choose EU SME Pavilion   The EU-SME centre is an EU funded project which helps EU SMEs prepare to do business in China by providing them with a range of information, advice and support services. In the WoF, the EU-SME Pavilion offers your company: Premium services (seminars, B2B meetings, translation, etc) A one-stop service (competitive package, logistics, transportation, hotel, etc) A SME special price for your booth which is situated at the first row with a great visibility and for the five-star hotel. All you need is focusing on developing your business and start your business this November 18th!   For further information about the EU SME Pavilion, read here the presentation.   To reserve a booth in the pavilion please contact Ms. Samantha Zhang at    

World of Food Beijing 2015

18 November 2015
  The China Italy Chamber of Commerce, promote the next edition of the Beijing World of Food Fair.                                                     China, a strong growing momentum in food industry, contributes US$43 billion to food imports in 2014. To get access to this huge potential market, that's what World of Food for. As an international trade fair for food retail and hospitality in Northern China, World of Food Beijing is the leading food event for North China.   Furthermore, WoF is more than just a trade show. In 2014, WoF organised more than 20 conferences and seminars, invited more than 50 speakers and had participants from more than 12 countries, plus, the business matching program offers a chance talking face to face with the clients.   Why choose EU SME Pavilion   The EU-SME centre is an EU funded project which helps EU SMEs prepare to do business in China by providing them with a range of information, advice and support services. In the WoF, the EU-SME Pavilion offers your company: Premium services (seminars, B2B meetings, translation, etc) A one-stop service (competitive package, logistics, transportation, hotel, etc) A SME special price for your booth which is situated at the first row with a great visibility and for the five-star hotel. All you need is focusing on developing your business and start your business this November 18th!   For further information about the EU SME Pavilion, read here the presentation.   To reserve a booth in the pavilion please contact Ms. Samantha Zhang at    

Taxation update for Italian Subsidiary

24 September 2015
    Taxation update for Italian Subsidiary     Deloitte China is one of the leading professional services providers with 22 offices in China. Since 1917 deliver a full range of business assistance in matter of audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax . The Italian desk of AP ICE is mainly engaged in helping Chinese companies to bridge the gap among China and Italy. Being located In China, Deloitte can also assist the Italian enterprises and facilitate their business through the Chinese market. Rundown: - 8:30–9:00 am. Registration. - 9:00–9:10 Opening remarks from China - Italy Chamber of Commerce and the Deloitte Asia –Pacific Italian Desk. - 9:10–9:30 China legal update: Employment of expatriates in China – the key legal issues. - 9:30–9:50 China individual income tax ("IIT") updates on the recent change or development of PRC IIT in relation to expatriates                     working in China and Sharing of tax authority`s focus during IIT audit exercise. - 9:50–10:10 China corporate tax update: Bulletin 16 – New rules to strengthen Transfer Price Administration on Intra-group out                         bound charges. - 10:10–10:30 Q & A.   Experts/Speakers: Olderigo Fantacci, Partner - Deloitte Hong Kong Olderigo is a member of the Asia Pacific International Core of Excellence (AP ICE) of Hong Kong which is a core group of senior tax professionals that provides international tax services to Asia Pacific based companies investing abroad as well as multinational companies investing in the region. Jolin Song, Shanghai Qin Li Law Firm - Deloitte Global Network Counsel Jolin Song has more than 12 years of experience in providing legal services for inbound and outbound investments, mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments and financing, and real estate financing and acquisitions. She has represented international and domestic clients in structuring, negotiating and documenting their business transactions for direct investments and acquisitions. Her client portfolio covers a wide spectrum of industries including real estate, telecommunications and information technology, insurance, banking, oil and gas, retail and manufacturing. Huan Wang, Partner - Global Employer services, Deloitte Huan Wang has over 20 years of experience providing tax services to MNCs. Since 2000, she has been focusing on GES practice and her main clients include many famous MNC companies. Being one of the pioneers setting up the GES practice in China market when she worked for the former employer which is also Big Four, she has extensive experience in providing PRC individual income tax (“IIT”) and social security related consulting service, advice on PRC IIT implications and planning for income derived from stock-based incentives to MNCs and high net worth individuals. Julie Zhang, Partner - International Tax , Deloitte Julie Zhang has more than 16 years of experience in advising financial investors and multinational corporations in various industries on the PRC and international tax implications of a wide range of issues related to investment in China, including entry strategies, joint venture formation, mergers and acquisitions tax planning, reorganizations, individual income tax issues, permanent establishment issues, application of tax incentives, etc. Julie also frequently participates in consultation meetings with the State Administration of the Taxation on PRC tax issues. Prior to returning to China, Julie worked in New York City and Silicon Valley for five years, focusing on mergers and acquisitions and international tax planning.   Venue: 6th Floor, Building A,Xing Long International Building18 Qi Nian Avenue,Dong Cheng District, Beijing. 兴隆国际大厦,北京市东城区祈年大街18号兴隆国际大厦A座6层. RSVP: Please register sending an email at the attention of Ilaria Perla within Friday, September 18th 2015 including the information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number.  

Taxation update for Italian Subsidiary

24 September 2015
    Taxation update for Italian Subsidiary     Deloitte China is one of the leading professional services providers with 22 offices in China. Since 1917 deliver a full range of business assistance in matter of audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax . The Italian desk of AP ICE is mainly engaged in helping Chinese companies to bridge the gap among China and Italy. Being located In China, Deloitte can also assist the Italian enterprises and facilitate their business through the Chinese market. Rundown: - 8:30–9:00 am. Registration. - 9:00–9:10 Opening remarks from China - Italy Chamber of Commerce and the Deloitte Asia –Pacific Italian Desk. - 9:10–9:30 China legal update: Employment of expatriates in China – the key legal issues. - 9:30–9:50 China individual income tax ("IIT") updates on the recent change or development of PRC IIT in relation to expatriates                     working in China and Sharing of tax authority`s focus during IIT audit exercise. - 9:50–10:10 China corporate tax update: Bulletin 16 – New rules to strengthen Transfer Price Administration on Intra-group out                         bound charges. - 10:10–10:30 Q & A.   Experts/Speakers: Olderigo Fantacci, Partner - Deloitte Hong Kong Olderigo is a member of the Asia Pacific International Core of Excellence (AP ICE) of Hong Kong which is a core group of senior tax professionals that provides international tax services to Asia Pacific based companies investing abroad as well as multinational companies investing in the region. Jolin Song, Shanghai Qin Li Law Firm - Deloitte Global Network Counsel Jolin Song has more than 12 years of experience in providing legal services for inbound and outbound investments, mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments and financing, and real estate financing and acquisitions. She has represented international and domestic clients in structuring, negotiating and documenting their business transactions for direct investments and acquisitions. Her client portfolio covers a wide spectrum of industries including real estate, telecommunications and information technology, insurance, banking, oil and gas, retail and manufacturing. Huan Wang, Partner - Global Employer services, Deloitte Huan Wang has over 20 years of experience providing tax services to MNCs. Since 2000, she has been focusing on GES practice and her main clients include many famous MNC companies. Being one of the pioneers setting up the GES practice in China market when she worked for the former employer which is also Big Four, she has extensive experience in providing PRC individual income tax (“IIT”) and social security related consulting service, advice on PRC IIT implications and planning for income derived from stock-based incentives to MNCs and high net worth individuals. Julie Zhang, Partner - International Tax , Deloitte Julie Zhang has more than 16 years of experience in advising financial investors and multinational corporations in various industries on the PRC and international tax implications of a wide range of issues related to investment in China, including entry strategies, joint venture formation, mergers and acquisitions tax planning, reorganizations, individual income tax issues, permanent establishment issues, application of tax incentives, etc. Julie also frequently participates in consultation meetings with the State Administration of the Taxation on PRC tax issues. Prior to returning to China, Julie worked in New York City and Silicon Valley for five years, focusing on mergers and acquisitions and international tax planning.   Venue: 6th Floor, Building A,Xing Long International Building18 Qi Nian Avenue,Dong Cheng District, Beijing. 兴隆国际大厦,北京市东城区祈年大街18号兴隆国际大厦A座6层. RSVP: Please register sending an email at the attention of Ilaria Perla within Friday, September 18th 2015 including the information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number.  

Taxation update for Italian Subsidiary

24 September 2015
    Taxation update for Italian Subsidiary     Deloitte China is one of the leading professional services providers with 22 offices in China. Since 1917 deliver a full range of business assistance in matter of audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax . The Italian desk of AP ICE is mainly engaged in helping Chinese companies to bridge the gap among China and Italy. Being located In China, Deloitte can also assist the Italian enterprises and facilitate their business through the Chinese market. Rundown: - 8:30–9:00 am. Registration. - 9:00–9:10 Opening remarks from China - Italy Chamber of Commerce and the Deloitte Asia –Pacific Italian Desk. - 9:10–9:30 China legal update: Employment of expatriates in China – the key legal issues. - 9:30–9:50 China individual income tax ("IIT") updates on the recent change or development of PRC IIT in relation to expatriates                     working in China and Sharing of tax authority`s focus during IIT audit exercise. - 9:50–10:10 China corporate tax update: Bulletin 16 – New rules to strengthen Transfer Price Administration on Intra-group out                         bound charges. - 10:10–10:30 Q & A.   Experts/Speakers: Olderigo Fantacci, Partner - Deloitte Hong Kong Olderigo is a member of the Asia Pacific International Core of Excellence (AP ICE) of Hong Kong which is a core group of senior tax professionals that provides international tax services to Asia Pacific based companies investing abroad as well as multinational companies investing in the region. Jolin Song, Shanghai Qin Li Law Firm - Deloitte Global Network Counsel Jolin Song has more than 12 years of experience in providing legal services for inbound and outbound investments, mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments and financing, and real estate financing and acquisitions. She has represented international and domestic clients in structuring, negotiating and documenting their business transactions for direct investments and acquisitions. Her client portfolio covers a wide spectrum of industries including real estate, telecommunications and information technology, insurance, banking, oil and gas, retail and manufacturing. Huan Wang, Partner - Global Employer services, Deloitte Huan Wang has over 20 years of experience providing tax services to MNCs. Since 2000, she has been focusing on GES practice and her main clients include many famous MNC companies. Being one of the pioneers setting up the GES practice in China market when she worked for the former employer which is also Big Four, she has extensive experience in providing PRC individual income tax (“IIT”) and social security related consulting service, advice on PRC IIT implications and planning for income derived from stock-based incentives to MNCs and high net worth individuals. Julie Zhang, Partner - International Tax , Deloitte Julie Zhang has more than 16 years of experience in advising financial investors and multinational corporations in various industries on the PRC and international tax implications of a wide range of issues related to investment in China, including entry strategies, joint venture formation, mergers and acquisitions tax planning, reorganizations, individual income tax issues, permanent establishment issues, application of tax incentives, etc. Julie also frequently participates in consultation meetings with the State Administration of the Taxation on PRC tax issues. Prior to returning to China, Julie worked in New York City and Silicon Valley for five years, focusing on mergers and acquisitions and international tax planning.   Venue: 6th Floor, Building A,Xing Long International Building18 Qi Nian Avenue,Dong Cheng District, Beijing. 兴隆国际大厦,北京市东城区祈年大街18号兴隆国际大厦A座6层. RSVP: Please register sending an email at the attention of Ilaria Perla within Friday, September 18th 2015 including the information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number.  

All Chamber Welcome Back Networking

25 August 2015
    中国意大利商会与14家在京主要外国商会合作,很高兴的邀请您参加网络“All Chamber Welcome Back Networking – Flower Edition”   活动地点:Pine Garden;活动日期: 8月25号,18:30 至 21:30 。       商会鼓励您带朋友和同事并把这个邀请转发您的商业伙伴。这是扩大社交网络的良机,您可以互换联系方式,认识各商会的工作人员并通过他们获悉商会的服务和活动。   地点: Pine Garden, 北京国贸大酒店6层, 建国门外大街1号 电话: (86-10) 8571 6351   票价: 100 RMB 会员 200 RMB 非会员   费用包括两个饮料和小吃。   RSVP: 请您在8月24号下午5点之前给Cristina Roma 发一份电子邮件以提供: • 姓名• 公司名称 • 职位 • 手机号   我们期待您的光临!   活动是与美国商会,中国澳大利亚商会,中国比荷卢经济联盟商会,中国英国商会,中国加拿大商会,欧盟商会,中国法国工商会,中国德国商会 – 华北及东北地区,中国以色列商会,中国马来西亚商会,中国新加坡工商会,中国瑞典商会,中国香港(地区)商会,中国瑞士商会合作组织的。  

All Chamber Welcome Back Networking

25 August 2015
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with other 14 leading foreign Chambers in Beijing is delighted to invite you to the All Chamber Welcome Back Networking – Flower Edition.   The event will be held at the Pine Garden, on Tuesday, August 25th from 18:30 to 21:30.       The Chambers encourage you to bring friends and colleagues and forward this invitation to your business partners. It is a great opportunity to network, exchange contacts and meet Chamber staff to learn more about the Chambers` services and activities.   Venue: Pine Garden 6th floor, China World Summit Wing, Beijing, No.1 Jian guo Men Wai Avenue, Beijing 北京国贸大酒店6层, 建国门外大街1号 Tel: (86-10) 8571 6351   Ticket Price: 100 RMB Member 200 RMB Non Member Registration price includes two drinks and a selection of canapés.   RSVP: Please send an e-mail to Cristina Roma by August 24th 5pm, including: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number   We look forward to welcoming you!   The event is organised in cooperation with:   American Chamber of Commerce, Australian Chamber of Commerce, Benelux Chamber of Commerce, British Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, European Union Chamber of Commerce, French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, German Chamber of Commerce - North China, Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China, Israel Chamber of Commerce in China, Malaysia Chamber of Commerce, Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Swedish Chamber of Commerce, Swiss Chamber of Commerce.  

All Chamber Welcome Back Networking

25 August 2015
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with other 14 leading foreign Chambers in Beijing is delighted to invite you to the All Chamber Welcome Back Networking – Flower Edition.   The event will be held at the Pine Garden, on Tuesday, August 25th from 18:30 to 21:30.     The Chambers encourage you to bring friends and colleagues and forward this invitation to your business partners. It is a great opportunity to network, exchange contacts and meet Chamber staff to learn more about the Chambers` services and activities.   Venue: Pine Garden 6th floor, China World Summit Wing, Beijing, No.1 Jian guo Men Wai Avenue, Beijing 北京国贸大酒店6层, 建国门外大街1号 Tel: (86-10) 8571 6351   Ticket Price: 100 RMB Member 200 RMB Non Member Registration price includes two drinks and a selection of canapés.   RSVP: Please send an e-mail to Cristina Roma by August 24th 5pm, including: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number   We look forward to welcoming you!   The event is organized in cooperation with:   American Chamber of Commerce, Australian Chamber of Commerce, Benelux Chamber of Commerce, British Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, European Union Chamber of Commerce, French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, German Chamber of Commerce - North China, Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China, Israel Chamber of Commerce in China, Malaysia Chamber of Commerce, Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Swedish Chamber of Commerce, Swiss Chamber of Commerce.  


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