
全商会欢迎回来网络之夜 – 2月28日 , 北京

28 February 2019
亲爱的会员与朋友们: 中国意大利商会与14家其他牵头商会很高兴的邀请您参加将于2月28日星期四在JW Marriott Hotel 酒店召开的全商会欢迎回来网络之夜。本次聚会是本年度最大规模的网络活动,预计将有来自不同行业的400多名参与者参加这场有趣又充满活力的活动。带上您的朋友、同事和商业合作伙伴一起来,遇见更多商业合作伙伴!敬请莅临。     日期: 2019年2月28日 时间:6:00pm-8:30pm 门票价格:会员价150元人民币;非会员250元人民币   如需登记,请扫描下方的二维码或发送一封电子邮件至     顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队

All Chamber Welcome Back Networking – Beijing, February 28th

28 February 2019
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with 14 other leading Chambers, is delighted to invite you to the All-Chamber Welcome Back Networking Night at JW Marriott Hotel on Thursday, February 28th. This gathering is the largest networking event of the year and more than 400 attendees from different industries are expected to take part in this fun and dynamic session. Meet new business contacts and bring friends, colleagues, and business partners with you! We look forward to seeing you then.     Date: February 28th, 2019 Time: 6:00pm-8:30pm Venue: JW Marriott Beijing, 83 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing - 北京市朝阳区华贸中心建国路83号 Tickets Price: 150RMB for Members; 250RMB for Non-Members   To register, please scan the QR code below or send an email to:   Kind Regards, CICC Team

All Chamber Welcome Back Networking – Beijing, February 28th

28 February 2019
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with 14 other leading Chambers, is delighted to invite you to the All-Chamber Welcome Back Networking Night at JW Marriott Hotel on Thursday, February 28th. This gathering is the largest networking event of the year and more than 400 attendees from different industries are expected to take part in this fun and dynamic session. Meet new business contacts and bring friends, colleagues, and business partners with you! We look forward to seeing you then.     Date: February 28th, 2019 Time: 6:00pm-8:30pm Venue: JW Marriott Beijing, 83 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing - 北京市朝阳区华贸中心建国路83号 Tickets Price: 150RMB for Members; 250RMB for Non-Members   To register, please scan the QR code below or send an email to:   Kind Regards, CICC Team

Vivere la Montagna all’Italiana 2019 – Chongli, 9-10 Marzo 2019

09 March 2019
  La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di presentare l’iniziativa: “Vivere la montagna all’italiana” un weekend all’insegna dello sci presso il Taiwoo Resort di Chongli, sede dei Giochi Olimpici Invernali del 2022.  “Vivere la montagna all’italiana” è un’attività organizzata in collaborazione con: Ambasciata d’Italia nella R.P.C., Agenzia ICE, AGIC (Associazione Giovani Italiani in Cina) e Scuola Italiana Parificata d’Ambasciata di Pechino.   Registrazioni Tariffa scontata Early Birds: scadenza 20 Febbraio Tariffa intera: scadenza 1 Marzo Per visualizzare il programma e le tariffe cliccare qui. Per maggiori informazioni si prega di inviare un’email a: Si ricorda che per effettuare la registrazione è necessario contattare AGIC all’indirizzo email   Cordiali saluti, CICC Team

Vivere la Montagna all'Italiana 2019 – Chongli, 9-10 March 2019

09 March 2019
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present the initiative: "Vivere la Montagna all'Italiana" a skiing weekend at the Taiwoo Resort in Chongli, home to the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. "Vivere la Montagna all'Italiana" is an activity organized in cooperation with: Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C, ICE-Italian Trade Agency, AGIC (Association of Italian Young Professionals in China) and Accredited Italian Embassy School in Beijing. Registration deadlines: Early Birds fee: February 20th  Regular fee: March 1st  To know more about the activities' agenda, fees and to fill in the registration form, please click here. For more information please send an email to: Please note: to register, please fill in the registration form and return it to the following email address   Kind Regards, CICC Team  

Vivere la Montagna all’Italiana 2019 – Chongli, 9-10 Marzo 2019

09 March 2019
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present the initiative: "Vivere la Montagna all'Italiana" A skiing weekend at the Taiwoo Resort in Chongli, where the next Winter Olympic Games will take place in 2022. "Vivere la Montagna all'Italiana" is an activity organized in collaboration with: Italian Embassy, ICE, AGIC (Association of Italian Young Professionals in China) and Accredited Italian Embassy School in Beijing.   Registrations Early Birds Discounted Fare – deadline 20/02 Full Fare – deadline 01/03 To view the program and the fares click here. For more information please send an email to: Please note: to register you must contact AGIC at the email address   Kind Regards, CICC Team  

CICC Morning Talk: "Strategic branding in China", February 26th 2019, Beijing

26 February 2019
  Dear Members and Friends of CICC,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to welcome you to the first Morning Talk Seminar, on February 26th, focused on Strategic branding in China: challenges and implication for international brands in an evolving consumer goods market.   Date&Time:  February 26th, 9:00-10:30 am   Rundown:  8:45-9:00 am - Registration                     9:00-10:30 am - Seminar   Speakers:  Guido Giacconi, In3act Business Investment Consulting                    Yang Yang 杨旸, DACA-i Powertrain Engineering Fee:  Members 200RMB          Non-Members 300RMB   Place:  CICC’s New Beijing Office, 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No. 1,​              Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100027, P.R.C.             北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 – 100027   To register, please click here.   Kind regards,  CICC Team

CICC Morning Talk: "Strategic branding in China", February 26th 2019, Beijing

26 February 2019
  Dear Members and Friends of CICC,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to welcome you to the first Morning Talk Seminar, on February 26th, focused on Strategic branding in China: challenges and implication for international brands in an evolving consumer goods market.   Date&Time:  February 26th, 9:00-10:30 am   Rundown:  8:45-9:00 am - Registration                     9:00-10:30 am - Seminar Speakers:  Guido Giacconi, In3act Business Investment Consulting                    Yang Yang 杨旸, DACA-i Powertrain Engineering Fee:  Members 200RMB          Non-Members 300RMB   Place:  CICC’s New Beijing Office, 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No. 1,​              Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100027, P.R.C.             北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 – 100027   To register, please click here.   Kind regards,  CICC Team

CICC Morning Talk: "Strategic branding in China", February 26th 2019, Beijing

26 February 2019
  Dear Members and Friends of CICC,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to welcome you to the first Morning Talk Seminar, on February 26th, focused on Strategic branding in China: challenges and implication for international brands in an evolving consumer goods market.   Date&Time:  February 26th, 9:00-10:30 am   Rundown:  8:45-9:00 am - Registration                     9:00-10:30 am - Seminar Speakers:  Guido Giacconi, In3act Business Investment Consulting                    Yang Yang 杨旸, DACA-i Powertrain Engineering Fee:  Members 200RMB          Non-Members 300RMB   Place:  CICC’s New Beijing Office, 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No. 1,​              Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100027, P.R.C.             北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 – 100027   To register, please click here.   Kind regards,  CICC Team

Invito: Ministro Sen. Gian Marco Centinaio, 22 Gennaio 2019, Pechino

22 January 2019
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC,   La Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina è lieta di trasmettere l'invito relativo all'incontro con il Ministro Sen. Gian Marco Centinaio, da parte dell'Ambasciatore d'Italia Ettore Francesco Sequi. Per confermare la partecipazione si prega di specificare le seguenti informazioni: nome, cognome, azienda, numero di passaporto. L'accesso sarà consentito solo alle persone in possesso di un documento di riconoscimento. A termine dell’incontro è prevista una degustazione di prodotti DOP e IGP italiani. RSVP: entro lunedì 21 gennaio 2019.   Cordiali saluti, CCIC Team


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