
POST EVENT - Breakfast Seminar: China Social Credit System - April 11th, 2019

12 April 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The first Breakfast Seminar “China Social Credit System” was successfully held on April 11th in Beijing. After a brief introduction of the Seminar made by CICC Chairman Davide Cucino, Mr. Bruce Wei, lawyer at Beijing Anbo Law Firm and Senior Director of Shenzhen Billions Finance offered an overview on “Introduction to the National Credit System and implications for SMEs”. Afterwards, Mr. Erji Gao, Vice President of Caixin Media and Executive President of Caixin Insight, followed up by focusing on how to “Support SME - A Systematical Project “. In the last part of the Seminar, the speakers answered to the questions of the participants. CICC would like to give our sincere thanks to the speakers and the participants who joined in the event. The seminar was organised in cooperation with EU SME Centre.  CICC Team

POST EVENT - Breakfast Seminar: China Social Credit System - April 11th, 2019

12 April 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The first Breakfast Seminar “China Social Credit System” was successfully held on April 11th in Beijing. After a brief introduction of the Seminar made by CICC Chairman Davide Cucino, Mr. Bruce Wei, lawyer at Beijing Anbo Law Firm and Senior Director of Shenzhen Billions Finance offered an overview on “Introduction to the National Credit System and implications for SMEs”. Afterwards, Mr. Erji Gao, Vice President of Caixin Media and Executive President of Caixin Insight, followed up by focusing on how to “Support SME - A Systematical Project “. In the last part of the Seminar, the speakers answered to the questions of the participants. CICC would like to give our sincere thanks to the speakers and the participants who joined in the event. The seminar was organised in cooperation with EU SME Centre.  CICC Team

POST EVENT - CICC Seminar Dinner con SACE SIMEST - 11 Aprile 2019

12 April 2019
Cari Soci e Amici,   In data 11 Aprile 2019, la CCIC ha organizzato un cena-seminario in collaborazione con  SACE SIMEST dal titolo “Export Credit e non solo: soluzioni integrate per la crescita e l’internalizzazione”. Il seminario è stato introdotto dal Presidente della Camera di commercio italiana in Cina Davide Cucino, il quale ha poi lasciato la parola a Marco Ferioli, Head of Hong Kong and APAC Region of SACE SIMEST che ha fornito una panoramica sui servizi che l’agenzia mette a disposizione per le aziende italiane.​ La serata ha visto la partecipazione di 25 ospiti, la maggior parte dei quali appartenenti alla base associativa camerale. La CCIC ringrazia tutti coloro che hanno preso parte all’evento. Cordiali saluti CICC Team


04 April 2019
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di invitarvi a partecipare al Seminar Dinner "Export Credit e non solo: soluzioni integrate per la crescita e l'internazionalizzazione", in collaborazione con SACE SIMEST, il giorno 11 Aprile 2019.     Relatore: Marco Ferioli, Head of Hong Kong and APAC Region of SACE SIMEST. Orario: 19:00-21:00    Agenda: 18:45 Registrazione 19:00-20:00 Seminario  20:00-21:00 Cena   Venue: La Pizza Soho Shangdu Indirizzo: No.1112 SOHO Shangdu, No.8 Dongdaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District,北京市朝阳区东大桥路8号Soho尚都1112号, Beijing. Prezzo: 200 Soci CCIC / 250 Non Soci CCIC RSVP: scannerizzare il codice QR               Per maggiori informazioni contattare:   Cordiali Saluti, CCIC Team  


04 April 2019
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di invitarvi a partecipare al Seminar Dinner "Export Credit e non solo: soluzioni integrate per la crescita e l'internazionalizzazione", in collaborazione con SACE SIMEST, il giorno 11 Aprile 2019.     Relatore: Marco Ferioli, Head of Hong Kong and APAC Region of SACE SIMEST. Orario: 19:00-21:00    Agenda: 18:45 Registrazione 19:00-20:00 Seminario  20:00-21:00 Cena   Venue: La Pizza Soho Shangdu Indirizzo: No.1112 SOHO Shangdu, No.8 Dongdaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District,北京市朝阳区东大桥路8号Soho尚都1112号, Beijing. Prezzo: 200 Soci CCIC / 250 Non Soci CCIC RSVP: scannerizzare il codice QR               Per maggiori informazioni contattare:   Cordiali Saluti, CCIC Team  


04 April 2019
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di invitarvi a partecipare al Seminar Dinner "Export Credit e non solo: soluzioni integrate per la crescita e l'internazionalizzazione", in collaborazione con SACE SIMEST, il giorno 11 Aprile 2019.     Relatore: Marco Ferioli, Head of Hong Kong and APAC Region of SACE SIMEST. Orario: 19:00-21:00    Agenda: 18:45 Registrazione 19:00-20:00 Seminario  20:00-21:00 Cena   Venue: La Pizza Soho Shangdu Indirizzo: No.1112 SOHO Shangdu, No.8 Dongdaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District,北京市朝阳区东大桥路8号Soho尚都1112号, Beijing. Prezzo: 200 Soci CCIC / 250 Non Soci CCIC RSVP: scannerizzare il codice QR               Per maggiori informazioni contattare:   Cordiali Saluti, CCIC Team  

Beijing Breakfast Seminar - China Social Credit System, Beijing 11th April 2019

11 April 2019
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Breakfast Seminar on April 11th, focused on China Social Credit System.     Time: 8:45-10:30 Agenda: 8:45 Registration 9:00-10:30 Seminar Venue: CICC’s Beijing Office 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No.1 Chaoyang District, Beijing  100027, P.R.C. 北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 - 100027 Fee: 150 CICC Members / 200 CICC Non Members RSVP: About the speakers:  Bruce Wei Mr. Bruce Wei  currently is the lawyer at Beijing Anbo Law Firm and Senior Director of Shenzhen Billions Finance Co., Ltd. He is a qualified lawyer, certified public accountant, certified tax agent and member of AIA (Association of International Accountants). Mr. Wei is familiar with China's credit system, financing business and foreign direct investment. He is adept at handling legal affairs in finance, equity, intellectual property, taxation and litigation matters.    Gao Erji Mr. Gao Erji is Vice President of Caixin Media, heading the capital operation and business development. He is also Executive President of Caixin Insight, leading the product innovation and business development of financial information services. Mr. Gao holds both MA and BA from Tsinghua University. As an expert in cross border M&A, Mr. Gao participated in the "China M&A Industry Code of Conduct " by CMAA, and "China Going Global----Manufacturing" by CGG Think Tank. Mr. Gao also published his own poetry anthology, "The Flavor of the City " in 2014, and finished writing an online novel, "The Tycoon Banker" in 2015.   The seminar is organised in cooperation with EU SME Centre.    Kind Regards, CICC Team  

Beijing Breakfast Seminar - China Social Credit System, Beijing 11th April 2019

11 April 2019
尊敬的中国意大利商会会员:   2019年4月11日,中国意大利商会荣幸地邀请您参加“the Morning Talk Seminar”早间研讨会:中国社会信用体系.     时间:8:45-10:30   费用:会员 150元/人,非会员 200元/人 地点:北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 - 100027 主讲人: 魏轶明 魏轶明先生,北京市安博律师事务所律师,深圳市佰仟金融服务有限公司高级董事。魏先生拥有律师资格、注册会计师资格,也是注册税务师和国际会计师公会(Association of International Accountants)的会员。魏先生熟悉中国的信用体系、金融业务和外商直接投资事务,擅长处理各类金融、股权、知识产权、税收和诉讼法律事务。   高尔基 高尔基先生是财新传媒副总裁,负责资本运营和业务发展。他还是财新智库执行总裁,领导金融信息服务的产品创新和业务发展。高先生同时拥有清华大学的金融学硕士和学士学位。作为跨国并购领域的专家,高先生参加了中国并购协会的《中国并购行业行为准则》和CGG智库的《中国走出去——制造业》。高先生还于2014年出版了自己的诗集《城市的味道》,并于2015年完成了一部网络小说《大投行家》。   RSVP: 活动尤中国意大利商会和欧盟中小企业中心联合举办。 Kind Regards, CICCTeam

Beijing Breakfast Seminar - China Social Credit System, Beijing 11th April 2019

11 April 2019
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Breakfast Seminar on April 11th, focused on China Social Credit System.     Time: 8:45-10:30 Agenda: 8:45 Registration 9:00-10:30 Seminar Venue: CICC’s Beijing Office 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No.1 Chaoyang District, Beijing  100027, P.R.C. 北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 - 100027 Fee: 150 CICC Members / 200 CICC Non Members RSVP: About the speakers:  Bruce Wei Mr. Bruce Wei  currently is the lawyer at Beijing Anbo Law Firm and Senior Director of Shenzhen Billions Finance Co., Ltd. He is a qualified lawyer, certified public accountant, certified tax agent and member of AIA (Association of International Accountants). Mr. Wei is familiar with China's credit system, financing business and foreign direct investment. He is adept at handling legal affairs in finance, equity, intellectual property, taxation and litigation matters.  Erji Gao Mr. Erji Gao is Vice President of Caixin Media, heading the capital operation and business development. He is also Executive President of Caixin Insight, leading the product innovation and business development of financial information services. Mr. Gao holds both MA and BA from Tsinghua University. As an expert in cross border M&A, Mr. Gao participated in the "China M&A Industry Code of Conduct " by CMAA, and "China Going Global----Manufacturing" by CGG Think Tank. Mr. Gao also published his own poetry anthology, "The Flavor of the City " in 2014, and finished writing an online novel, "The Tycoon Banker" in 2015.   The seminar is organised in cooperation with EU SME Centre.    Kind Regards, CICC Team  


Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to share that it will take part in True Italian Taste, a project promoted and funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE), which aims at promoting authentic Italian food & beverage products.

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