Latest News

02 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the XI Edition of the signature yearly event Italian Night “Notte Italiana” to...

26 August 2024

Con la presente si convoca l’Assemblea Elettiva suppletiva per l’elezione delle cariche di 1) Vice Presidente e 1) Consigliere ...

23 August 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) successfully held its Monthly Networking Dinner on Wednesday, August 21st at Cellar to Table, in ...

Post Event | CICC MEWG Intercompany Network at Danieli China | October 13th, 2021, Changshu
13 October 2021

CICC MEWG Intercompany Network at Danieli China | October 13th, 2021, Changshu

Call for Sponsors | "Notte in Galleria" - A Unique Italian Style Showcase, December 11th, Beijing
13 October 2021

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to be our sponsor in the signature Italian Gala Night 2021: “Notte in Galleria” – A Discovery into the Unique Italian Style  (December 11th, Beijing).  

We offer you the opportunity to participate as a sponsor of the first night devoted to promoting the iconic style and design of Italian products, among the main success factors of our products in China and all over the world. As sponsor, you will have the exclusive opportunity to secure a space in the event and enjoy different benefits according to the following sponsorship type:

CICC New Campaign: Get Your 2022 Membership!
12 October 2021

Become a member by joining a network of over 800 companies.

Informativa sulla mobilità di viaggio tra Italia e Cina
09 October 2021

Riguardo al tema della mobilità di viaggio tra Italia e Cina, la nostra Camera di Commercio, insieme alla rete Diplomatico-Consolare Italiana presente sul territorio cinese, già dal maggio 2020 si sta prodigando per la causa fornendo soluzioni alternative per sopperire alla mancanza temporanea di connessioni aeree dirette tra Italia e Cina. Come molti di voi sanno, in totale, sono stati organizzati nel biennio 2020-2021 cinque voli che hanno consentito il rientro nella Repubblica Popolare a più di 1000 connazionali e imprenditori.

Informativa sulle restrizioni al consumo di energia elettrica in Cina
09 October 2021

Dalle informazioni disponibili, risulta che nuove restrizioni persisteranno fino alla fine dell’anno.

Candidates Announcement | Election F&BWG Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators, October 27th, 2021
08 October 2021

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the candidates for the role of Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators of the Food and Beverage Working Group (F&BWG)

Prevention Is a Priority When It Comes to EHS
29 September 2021

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is delighted to announce that the seminar "EHS: Environment, Health and Safety | What Do We Need to Know" was held online and offline at CICC Shanghai Office on September 29th 2021.

How Much Did You Learn about Containers and Shipping?
28 September 2021

Dear Members and Friends,

The 6th Edition of CICC MEWG Business Networking Event was held on September 28th in Suzhou.

2021 “West of China in Focus”-Sino Italian Cultural Innovation Park of Tianfu New Area Economic and Trade Promotion Online Conference, Chengdu, Sep. 28th
28 September 2021

Dear Members and Friends:

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The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that 2021 “West of China in Focus”-Sino-Italian Cultural Innovation Park of Tianfu New Area Economic and Trade Promotion Online Conference was held successfully on September 28th, 2021. The event was co-organized by Tianfu New Area Sino - Italian Cultural Innovation Park and CICC, co-sponsored by Bank of Sichuan and also strongly supported by the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing.

Call for Participants | 2021 “West of China in Focus” - Sino-Italian Cultural Innovation Park of Tianfu New Area Economic and Trade Promotion Online Conference - Chengdu, September 28th
28 September 2021

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that 2021 “West of China in Focus”-Sino-Italian Cultural Innovation Park of Tianfu New Area Economic and Trade Promotion Online Conference will be held on September 28th, 2021. The event will be co-organized by  Tianfu New Area Sino - Italian Cultural Innovation Park and CICC, co-sponsored by Bank of Sichuan and also strongly supported by the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing.


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