Latest News

26 September 2024

We are officially calling for candidates for the elections of the Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators of the Healthcare Working Group (CICC HCWG)...

26 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the launch of its 2025 Membership Campaign, starting on October 1st, 2024.

24 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the candidates for the FBWG Extra-ordinary Election 2024-25.

Board CCIC incontra e saluta S.E. l’Ambasciatore Luca Ferrari
25 November 2022

S.E. Luca Ferrari cesserà nelle prossime settimane dall’incarico di Ambasciatore d’Italia nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese in seguito alla prestigiosa nomina di Rappresentante Personale del Presidente del Consiglio per il G7 e il G20.

Commercial Flights: CICC, NEOS Renew Contract until April 2024
25 November 2022

Under the new agreement, CICC members are entitled to preferential fares and reserved seats on the weekly commercial flights operating from Milan Malpensa to both Tianjin and Nanjing.

Event Recap | Mentorship with Gi Group Holding. Becoming a Manager: Now What?
24 November 2022

This second appointment focused on Leadership Development for Young Managers: Human Leadership and Organizational Skills. 

Event Recap | Soil Remediation: China-Italy Experience Sharing
24 November 2022

This was an occasion to bring together institutions, academics, and companies to discuss increased collaboration in soil remediation between Italy and China. 

[Members Only] F&BWG Elections: Candidates Announcement
24 November 2022

F&BWG Members can now cast their vote until December 8th, 3 pm (Beijing Time)

Special Evening to Celebrate Week of Italian Cuisine in Shanghai
24 November 2022

The CICC would like to express its special thanks to all the participants for joining us in this event.

Event Recap | MEWG Company Visit at Zoppas
23 November 2022

Overall, 30 participants joined the networking event, which was composed of an informative session and a guided tour of the plant. 


Italy meets Tianjin: polo attrattivo per le aziende italiane
23 November 2022

Un appuntamento importante che ha ribadito il forte legame tra l’Italia e Tianjin, un’area di forte sviluppo e polo attrattivo per le aziende italiane.

Colloquio telefonico tra i Ministri Tajani e Wang Yi
22 November 2022

Il Ministro Tajani ha ribadito l’impegno a rilanciare il dialogo bilaterale e a rafforzare le relazioni economiche in settori cruciali quali transizione ed efficienza energetica

Event Recap | Week of Italian Cuisine in the World 2022 - South China
21 November 2022

Event Recap of Week of Italian Cuisine in the World 2022 - South China


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