UFI & Sofima Asia-Pacific Headquarters and Plant visit

25 June 2024

On June 18, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce was delighted to participate in the Company visit at UFI & SOFIMA organized on the occasion of “International Organization Month” at Tongji University. This event gathered almost 40 participants among which Chinese and International students and representatives from the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and the Sino-Italian Campus.


This experience allowed for an interesting discussion on Italian enterprises in China and their development, trends and innovation in digital intelligence and green transformation, and much more.


Tongji University and the CICC, two of the parties involved in organising this event, were represented by three speakers who shared inspiring words and points of view. We are talking about Ms Yu Zhou, Lecturer, Assistant Dean of Sino Italian Campus, Deputy Director of Center of Italian Studies of Tongji University; Mr Emilio Cassanelli, CICC Board Member & VP China Operations, GM Italgroup Hydraulic Motors (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd; Prof. Avril Accolla, Associate Professor of College of Design and Innovation of Tongji University, Board Member of China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.  On the side of UFI & Sofima, Mr. Simone Trazzi, COO of UFI & Sofima Asia-Pacific Region, gave an overview of the company’s background and core values and showcased their cutting-edge product developments.




This moment left the students with great curiosity which were able to fulfil in a rich Q&A moment and discussion with the present faculty and representatives of the company. Important insights were given by our speakers with the support of Cristiano Casini, IT Manager, Francesca Bonesi, APACPM Director, Peter Wang, APACR&D Director, and Penny Pan, BTMS R&D Director.



The event continued to one of the day's main focuses: the visit to two of the company's plants, Sofima Automotive Filter Plant and UFI Filters Plant. Here the attendees were guided through the advanced automotive filter manufacturing plant and were offered insights into production methodologies and technological advancements.



We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this day, in particular, the International Exchange and Cooperation Office and Career Development Center of Tongji University, the Sino-Italian Campus, the Center of Italian Studies of Tongji University and of course our host UFI Filters Group / Sofima Automotive Filters.

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