Alitalia Inaugural Promotion for CICC Members

23 May 2012

Dear Members, Dear Friends,


Alitalia is going to inaugurate its one year Beijing-Rome operation on the 1st of June 2012.


It is our great pleasure to offer the Promotion - FREE Millemiglia Club Card Upgrade to all eligible members, during inaugural month June 1st – 30th 2012.

To complete the Upgrade process, it is necessary to fill in the application form and send it to, along with a coloured copy of the valid Silver/Gold/Platinum frequent flyer card belonging to another company which is not part of SkyTeam Alliance. Application with complete information and document must be sent no later than the 30th June 2012.


Clients who are offered the promotion must travel with Alitalia before the 31st of December 2012 to activate the card.


For further information, please contact Ms. Teresa Qian.

tel: 010-84464070, ext. 811.


Best regards,


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