Winning in Today`s China Market - Effective Marketing and Brand Protection for European SMEs, 20th March, 2014, Shanghai

Event Description

China has become an increasingly diversified market as many of its regional markets are growing. Chinese consumers from different regions have different characteristics in terms of their purchasing power, income level, lifestyle, media and internet use, and consumption patterns. European SMEs wishing to succeed in today’s China market will need to adapt their marketing and brand protection strategies when they decide to launch their products in a new region of the country. In this context, the EU SME Centre, China IPR SME Helpdesk and European Chamber of Commerce invite you to a morning seminar to share best practices for developing effective marketing strategies and brand protection tactics in China. During the seminar you will learn:

• How to apply the classic 4Ps (product, price, place and promotion) marketing tool in the Chinese market
• How to leverage e-commerce and social media platforms to grow your business in China
• Why it is crucial to register your brand in China as soon as possible to avoid future problems
• Different methods to legally enforce your trade mark in the case of infringement
You will receive practical advice from our China experts and have the opportunity to attend a one-on-one consultation session to discuss your individual questions.

One-On-One Business Consultation Sessions
If you would like to receive confidential One-on-One advice about your business in China, sign up for a free, 20-minute consultation with the experts of the EU SME Centre or the China IPR SME Helpdesk. To ensure you have a chance to meet with the experts, please book your session in advance by indicating your interest when you register. Please specify the nature of your question and the expert you wish to book a session with. The One-on-One consultations are open to European SMEs on a first-come, first-served basis. Any information you provide to the EU SME Centre and the China IPR SME Helpdesk with be treated as confidential.

Registration and Cancellation
This seminar is available to European small and medium enterprises and SME intermediary organisations such as embassies or consulates, chambers of commerce and trade associations only. If you meet the criteria and would like to attend, please register by emailing with the name and date of the event in the subject line and your company information. You will receive a confirmation email.

Speaker Biographies

Simon Stewart – EU SME Centre expert & China-Britain Business Council
Simon holds a master degree in marketing from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland. He spent seven years working in the ICT sector in the UK in customer account manager roles prior to coming to China. Simon is now the China Business Advisor at China-Britain Business Council based in Shanghai and has spent the last eight years advising international companies from multiple sectors. He assisted them to navigate the China market, create market development plans and assess what areas of China are most suitable for their business development needs.

Valentina Salmoiraghi – IP Expert, China IPR SME Helpdesk
Valentina holds a Master Degree in Law - International Institutions - from Bocconi University, Milan (Italy), and a Master Degree in Law from University of Barcelona. After working for one year for a leading international Law Firm in Milan she started her practice on Chinese Law in 2007 working in Beijing with an Italian Law Firm advising Italian and European companies on Chinese Foreign Direct Investments and IP matters. Valentina was in charge of the coordination of the law firm`s China Desk and has also been appointed Chair of the SMEs Focus Group of the European Chber of Commerce in China - Beijing Chapter - before joining the CHINA IPR SME Helpdesk as IP Expert in August 2013. Valentina specializes in Europe - China cross border investments including IP rights, corporate, contracts and alternative dispute resolutions for companies engaged in several industries. She focuses on IP protection, licensing and franchising, as well as IP enforcement.



Emerald Ballroom, 2nd F, Regal International East Asia Hotel, Shanghai
Address No.516 Hengshan Road, Shanghai



Emerald Ballroom, 2nd F
8.30am - 9.00am: Registration 9.00am - 9.10am: Welcome Remarks - Alp Altun, Chair of the SME Forum, European Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai 9.10am - 9.20am: Introduction to the EU SME Centre 9.20am - 9.50am: Shaking the right marketing mix in China - Simon Stewart, EU SME Centre and China-Britain Business Council 9.50am - 10.00am: Coffee break 10.00am - 10.10am: Introduction to the China IPR SME Helpdesk 10.10am - 10.40am Best practices for brand protection in China Valentina Salmoiraghi, IP Expert, China IPR SME Helpdesk 10.40am - 11.10am: Q&A Session 11.10am - 11.30am: One-on-one Consultation Sessions
Please send an email to to reserve the seat(put in cc).
The China Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with China IPR SME Helpdesk and other foreign chambers in Shanghai, has the pleasure to invite you to a breakfast seminar to be held in Regal International East Asia Hotel on 20th March, 2014.
Event language: 
No charge but only open to European SMEs and SME intermediary organisations such as embassies or consulates, chambers of commerce and trade associations.

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