Western China (Sichuan) Import-Expo & International Investment Fair

Western China (Sichuan) Import-Expo & International Investment Fair (WCIIF)

The fair will be held from October 23rd to 27th in Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center Chengdu, Sichuan.



Being the only fair completely focused on import in western china, the event is a unique opportunity to promote trade development and expand investment cooperation in the area and South-West China.

Over 20,000 guests and business exhibitors will be invited at the Conference including international companies, high-ranking officials, internationally recognized scholars, investors, and well-known company leaders.

For the Italian companies will be provided a free exhibition space and set-up under its 2002 Italian pavilion.


Benefits for registered Italian Companies will also Include:
- Free booth space and set-up;
- No attendance fee;
- Free entrance to VIP meetings;
- Free entrance to various matchmaking meetings and visits to local companies;
- Participation to B2B sessions.


For registration and further information please contact the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing at commerciale.cq@qq.com by September 28th.

For more information download the event brochure or visit the event website.


Best Regards,

CICC Chongqing

Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center
Please refer to the text
Please contact the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing at commerciale.cq@qq.com by September 28th
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in cooperation with The Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing has the pleasure to draw your attention to the:
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Please refer to the text

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