Food & Beverage in China: everything you have to know to import and sell your products in China

The outlander food & beverage sector in China is subjected to specific rules and to complex supervision administrations that make it so sensible to sudden legislation’s changes and to the State Administration’s dispositions.
CICC committed itself to organize a meeting in order to inform the “insiders” about the state of affairs. This seminar aim is to keep everyone up-dated about the Food & Beverage products normative in China. The topics deals with quality certification matters in Chinese law, import and export rules, safety and quality in the European regulation and the Chinese new project on safety food law.
The second part is about future prospect on “Made in Europe” Food&Beverage develop in China.

Welcome address: H. E. Riccardo Sessa, Italian Ambassador to China


Mr. Stefano Vero, LCA – Lega Colucci e Associati, Beijing Representative Office: Mr. Stefano Vero, joined LCA - Lega Colucci e Associati in 2006 as the chief of China practices. Mr. Vero has worked in China since 2003 and has a deep knowledge and experience on international and PRC company law.

Mr. Raimondo Serra, Agricultural Counselor at the European Commission Delegation in Beijing: Raimondo Serra has a very long experience in Food and Beverage international rules and laws. In 2002 he joined the Unit responsible for management and improvement of the fruit and vegetable Common Market Organization (CMO). In 2005 he was appointed Head of sector “Horticultural products”, where political appreciation and advice on policy making for the sector was involved. He was in charge, in particular, of the “CMO reform” file. Since June 2006 he is Counsellor at the European Commission Delegation in China and Head of the Agricultural section.

Closing Remarks:

Mr. Luca Trifone:
Counsellor, Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Italy in Beijing

Time: Wednesday 11 June 2008
8:30 - Registration and breakfast
9:00 - Speeches
10:15 - Questions & Answers

Location: Grand Millennium Beijing (北京千禧大酒店 )
Fortune Plaza, 7 DongSanHuan Middle Road (中国北京朝阳区东三环中路7号)
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 (邮政编码:100020)
T: 8610 8587 6888

Entrance Fee:
Chambers Members 150 RMB / Non-Chambers Members 250 RMB (to be payed at the entrance)

Registration deadline: to register for this event please send en email at by Friday 6 June, 4 pm. Persons without prior confirmation will only be allowed to entrance only if seats are available.

Millennium Hotel (Fortune Plaza, 7 DongSanHuan Middle RoadChaoyang District, Beijing 100020, tel. 8587 6888

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