6 things you should know about HR in China, Beijing, Jan. 19th

For foreign companies in China most HR related matters revolve around common issues such as how to hire and fire an employee, what social benefits should be paid for Chinese employees, how many days holiday employees are entitled to and much more. However many managers are unaware of key elements of the labour law in China and employees are often not aware of the benefits they are entitles to. This session aims to give you the opportunity to clarify any HR related issues you are unsure of and finally get the answers you have been looking for (Employment, Mandatory benefits, Working hours & days, Annual leave, sick leave, medical period, Maternity leave for female employees, Termination & severance payment).


The seminar will be presented by Ms. May Bai, HR Services Manager at The JLJ Group.


Capital Club,
50/F Capital Mansion,
No. 6 Xin Yuan Nan Road,
Chao Yang District, Beijing 


For questions or further information, please contact Ms. Elena Tosana at +86 10 85910545.

Capital Club
08.30 – 09.00 Registration; 09.00 – 10.00 Speaker; 10.00 – 10.15 Q&A.
General Conditions of Sale: We will confirm your registration by e-mail. Our confirmation e-mail is the proof of your registration. Cancellation Policy: You are liable for 100% of the registration fee in case your cancellation is received less than 24 hours before the event. Your registration implies acceptance of these General Conditions of Sale.
Reservation must be made by email (info@cameraitacina.com) until 17 January 2011. Registration fee to be paid at the entrance.
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in Beijing and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China, together with The JLJ Group (Solutions for China Entry & Growth), invite you to join the seminar on the topic “6 things you should know about HR in China”, in Beijing on Jan. 19th 2011.
Event language: 
Members: 100RMB; Non-members: 200RMB.

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