Latest News

14 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), along with the other 10 Chambers of Commerce, hosted a successful networking event, the Shenzhen ...

14 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to extend an invitation to you for a visit to the Italian National Pavilion at the 10th...

14 September 2024

On September 13th, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) organized a company visit to Kawasaki and Kuka.

Post Event: "CICC ​Food&Beverage Working Group Open Meeting", March 5th
10 March 2020

Post Event: "CICC ​Food&Beverage Working Group Open Meeting", March 5th

Summary of updated official policies and news on the COVID-19, 9/03/2020
09 March 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

To keep you up to date with the updated official information, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce prepared the weekly summary of official policies (3rd– 9th of March 2020) and news on the COVID-19 divided by districts, click HERE to read it.

Webinar - Interpretation of Shanghai's 28 Support Measures, March 12th 2020
09 March 2020

Webinar - Interpretation of Shanghai's 28 Support Measures, March 12th

Elezione Consiglio Direttivo Biennio 2020-2021 - Convocazione Assemblea Generale Elettiva- POSTICIPATA - 28 aprile 2020
06 March 2020

il Consiglio Direttivo della CCIC, riunitosi il 5 Marzo 2020, considerati gli effetti negativi che l’epidemia COVID-19 sta causando a livello globale e in particolar modo in Cina e in Italia, ha deciso di posticipare la data dell’Assemblea Generale Elettiva (biennio 2020-2021) al 28 aprile 2020.

Elezione Consiglio Direttivo Biennio 2020-2021- 28 aprile 2020 - REGOLAMENTO
06 March 2020

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina​ - Elezioni 2020 - Regolamento

L’elezione delle cariche sociali per il biennio 2020-21 è affidata all’Assemblea ("Assemblea Elettiva").

L’Assemblea Elettiva è convocata per il giorno 28 Aprile 2020 alle ore 9:00 am.

L’Assemblea Elettiva si svolge a Pechino, presso l’Auditorium dell’Istituto di Cultura, Ambasciata d’Italia, 2 Sanlitun Dong Er Jie (北京市朝阳区三里屯东二街2号).

Post event:Webinar on COVID-19: China Southwest Situation - March 5th 2020
05 March 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the Webinar on COVID–19: China Southwest Situation  was held on Thursday, March 5th.


Concert: "A flower of hope on the Silk Road. From Venice to Wuhan" - How to watch it
05 March 2020

On February 23rd a concert was held at Venice conservatory’s concert hall in support of Hubei province and China, at the center of the pneumonia epidemy for the past 2 months. The concert was a way to show support and tighten the relation between Italy and China and it will be broadcasted on the website

POST EVENT: CICC Logistic Working Group Open Meeting Webinar, 28th February 2020
04 March 2020

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the webinar on the “CICC Logistic Working Group Open Meeting Webinar” was successfully held on Friday, February 28th.

Concerto a supporto del popolo cinese: "Un fiore di speranza sulla Via della seta. Da Venezia a Wuhan"
04 March 2020

Nelle sale del Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello di Venezia, con la produzione della Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, si è tenuto un emozionante concerto ideato a Francesco Stochino Weiss.

POST EVENT: Webinar Tax Incentives Policies – 2nd March 2020
04 March 2020

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the webinar on “Tax Incentives Policies” was successfully held on Monday, March 2nd.



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