
CICC MEWG Business Networking Event | September 28th, Suzhou

28 Settembre 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to take part in the CICC MEWG Business Networking Event, organized in collaboration with our Suzhou Chapter. The informal meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 28th, at Il Milione in Suzhou (Jiangsu Tongli National Wetland Park, North Gate, Suzhou - 苏州市吴江区同里镇肖甸街道天空之村酒店), starting from 7:00 pm. The registration starts at 6:30 pm. During the informal meeting, the MEWG in cooperation with the Logistic Working Group (LWG) will discuss the topic "Containers and Shipping: Current Situation, Issues and Perspectives".  The dinner ticket price to be paid is 280 RMB, which includes buffet and drinks. Please note that this is an event with limited seats, and priority will be given to Members of the Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG), CICC Members and companies from the industrial manufacturing sector.     Interested in joining? Scan the QR code on the flyer to sign up!     Know more about MEWG The MEWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the sector on a national base. MEWG Objectives ▪ Coordinate and promote all Italian members’ needs which are active in many different industries of the Chinese mechanical engineering sector (machinery, automotive, component manufacturers, mechanical engineering …); ▪ Promote and raise awareness on the size and the importance of the Italian technology in the sector to all institutions in China and Italy that are our natural counterparts, in order to develop business opportunities; ▪ Coordinate and promote activities and events that boost the visibility and the image of “Technology Made in Italy”; ▪ Inform all members on the topic Made in China 2025, particularly with regard to risks and opportunities for Italian businesses; ▪ Become a reference for all mechanical engineering companies within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), lobbying private and public institutions active in the Chinese market.   For more information about the MEWG Group please contact   Not a member yet?  Send an email to   For more information about the CICC Suzhou Chapter please contact   The CICC Team

Monthly Networking Dinner in Shanghai, September 22nd

22 Settembre 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to take part in the next Monthly Networking Dinner. The networking event will take place on Wednesday, September 22nd, at Caminetto (1/F, The Roof, 458 Madang Lu, Huangpu District, Shanghai /上海市黄浦区恒基旭辉天地1楼,马当路458弄) starting from 7:30 pm. Registration starts at 7:00 pm. The dinner price to be paid online is 300 RMB, and it includes both dinner and drinks.   Why Monthly Networking Dinner? The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organizes a monthly appointment in Shanghai in order to offer members and non-members an important networking opportunity. Since it is essential for us to raise the awareness of authentic and genuine Italian food and wine, we choose every month a different Italian restaurant as the venue for our informal dinners.   Interested in joining? Scan the QR code on the flyer to sign up!     The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members!   Not a Member yet? Send an email to   The wine is sponsored by:   The CICC Team

Monthly Networking Dinner in Shanghai, September 22nd

22 Settembre 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to take part in the next Monthly Networking Dinner. The networking event will take place on Wednesday, September 22nd, at Caminetto (1/F, The Roof, 458 Madang Lu, Huangpu District, Shanghai /上海市黄浦区恒基旭辉天地1楼,马当路458弄) starting from 7:30 pm. Registration starts at 7:00 pm. The dinner price to be paid online is 300 RMB, and it includes both dinner and drinks.   Why Monthly Networking Dinner? The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organizes a monthly appointment in Shanghai in order to offer members and non-members an important networking opportunity. Since it is essential for us to raise the awareness of authentic and genuine Italian food and wine, we choose every month a different Italian restaurant as the venue for our informal dinners.   Interested in joining? Scan the QR code on the flyer to sign up!     The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members!   Not a Member yet? Send an email to   The wine is sponsored by:   The CICC Team

CICC MEWG Business Networking Event | September 28th, Suzhou

28 Settembre 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to take part in the CICC MEWG Business Networking Event, organized in collaboration with our Suzhou Chapter. The informal meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 28th, at Il Milione in Suzhou (Jiangsu Tongli National Wetland Park, North Gate, Suzhou - 苏州市吴江区同里镇肖甸街道天空之村酒店), starting from 7:00 pm. The registration starts at 6:30 pm. During the informal meeting, the MEWG in cooperation with the Logistic Working Group (LWG) will discuss the topic "Containers and Shipping: Current Situation, Issues and Perspectives".  The dinner ticket price to be paid is 280 RMB, which includes buffet and drinks. Please note that this is an event with limited seats, and priority will be given to Members of the Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG), CICC Members and companies from the industrial manufacturing sector.     Interested in joining? Scan the QR code on the flyer to sign up!     Know more about MEWG The MEWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the sector on a national base. MEWG Objectives ▪ Coordinate and promote all Italian members’ needs which are active in many different industries of the Chinese mechanical engineering sector (machinery, automotive, component manufacturers, mechanical engineering …); ▪ Promote and raise awareness on the size and the importance of the Italian technology in the sector to all institutions in China and Italy that are our natural counterparts, in order to develop business opportunities; ▪ Coordinate and promote activities and events that boost the visibility and the image of “Technology Made in Italy”; ▪ Inform all members on the topic Made in China 2025, particularly with regard to risks and opportunities for Italian businesses; ▪ Become a reference for all mechanical engineering companies within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), lobbying private and public institutions active in the Chinese market.   For more information about the MEWG Group please contact   Not a member yet?  Send an email to   For more information about the CICC Suzhou Chapter please contact   The CICC Team

Monthly Networking Dinner in Shanghai, September 22nd

22 Settembre 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to take part in the next Monthly Networking Dinner. The networking event will take place on Wednesday, September 22nd, at Caminetto (1/F, The Roof, 458 Madang Lu, Huangpu District, Shanghai /上海市黄浦区恒基旭辉天地1楼,马当路458弄) starting from 7:30 pm. Registration starts at 7:00 pm. The dinner price to be paid online is 300 RMB, and it includes both dinner and drinks.   Why Monthly Networking Dinner? The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organizes a monthly appointment in Shanghai in order to offer members and non-members an important networking opportunity. Since it is essential for us to raise the awareness of authentic and genuine Italian food and wine, we choose every month a different Italian restaurant as the venue for our informal dinners.   Interested in joining? Scan the QR code on the flyer to sign up!     The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members!   Not a Member yet? Send an email to   The wine is sponsored by:   The CICC Team

Registrazione Assemblea Generale Soci CICC, Pechino, 26 Marzo 2021

26 Marzo 2021
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, L’Assemblea Generale della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina si svolgerà Venerdì 26 Marzo 2021 alle ore 15:30 (Beijing time) presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Pechino.    Ordine del Giorno 15:00-15:30 Registrazione 15:30-15:40 Saluto di benvenuto - Luca Ferrari, Ambasciatore d’Italia nella R.P.C. 15:40-15:50 Relazione della CCIC 2020-21 - Paolo Bazzoni, Presidente CCIC  15:50-16:00 Relazione finanziaria 2020 - Lorenzo Riccardi, Tesoriere CCIC 16:00-16:10 Relazione attività 2020 e presentazione del programma attività 2021 - Giulia Gallarati, Segretario Generale CCIC 16:10-16:20 Programma attività 2021 nei territori Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou – Rappresentanti del Consiglio Direttivo CCIC  16:20-16:30 Q&A 16:30 – 16:40 Votazione del Bilancio Consuntivo 2020  16:40-16:45 Aggiornamento attività Agenzia ICE – Gianpaolo Bruno, Direttore e Coordinatore Rete ICE Cina e Mongolia 16:45-16:50 Aggiornamento attività ENIT – Cristiano Varotti, ENIT   Modalità di votazione del bilancio consuntivo Il voto può essere espresso (a) di persona a Pechino il giorno dell’Assemblea o (b) per via elettronica. I soci riceveranno un’email contenente un link tramite il quale esprimere il proprio voto attraverso la piattaforma dedicata dal 19 Marzo p.v. al 24 Marzo p.v. alle ore 12:00. Si ricorda che per votare è necessario essere in possesso dell’associazione camerale in corso di validità. Per rinnovare l’associazione preghiamo di cliccare sul link (la data ultima per il rinnovo ai fini della votazione del bilancio consuntivo è il giorno 12/03/2021). I risultati saranno annunciati in sede di Assemblea e successivamente pubblicati sul sito web camerale. Per gli ultimi aggiornamenti relativi alla votazione cliccare qui.  Registrazione e partecipazione all’Assemblea Generale La partecipazione sarà possibile in loco presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura e online tramite piattaforma Zoom. È possibile registrarsi cliccando qui.   Cordiali saluti, Il Team CCIC 

Registrazione Assemblea Generale Soci CICC, Pechino, 26 Marzo 2021

26 Marzo 2021
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, L’Assemblea Generale della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina si svolgerà Venerdì 26 Marzo 2021 alle ore 15:30 (Beijing time) presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Pechino.    Ordine del Giorno 15:00-15:30 Registrazione 15:30-15:40 Saluto di benvenuto - Luca Ferrari, Ambasciatore d’Italia nella R.P.C. 15:40-15:50 Relazione della CCIC 2020-21 - Paolo Bazzoni, Presidente CCIC  15:50-16:00 Relazione finanziaria 2020 - Lorenzo Riccardi, Tesoriere CCIC 16:00-16:10 Relazione attività 2020 e presentazione del programma attività 2021 - Giulia Gallarati, Segretario Generale CCIC 16:10-16:20 Programma attività 2021 nei territori Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou – Rappresentanti del Consiglio Direttivo CCIC  16:20-16:30 Q&A 16:30 – 16:40 Votazione del Bilancio Consuntivo 2020  16:40-16:45 Aggiornamento attività Agenzia ICE – Gianpaolo Bruno, Direttore e Coordinatore Rete ICE Cina e Mongolia 16:45-16:50 Aggiornamento attività ENIT – Cristiano Varotti, ENIT   Modalità di votazione del bilancio consuntivo Il voto può essere espresso (a) di persona a Pechino il giorno dell’Assemblea o (b) per via elettronica. I soci riceveranno un’ email contenente un link tramite il quale esprimere il proprio voto attraverso la piattaforma dedicata dal 19 Marzo p.v. al 24 Marzo p.v. alle ore 12:00. Si ricorda che per votare è necessario essere in possesso dell’associazione camerale in corso di validità. Per rinnovare l’associazione preghiamo di cliccare sul link (la data ultima per il rinnovo ai fini della votazione del bilancio consuntivo è il giorno 12/03/2021). I risultati saranno annunciati in sede di Assemblea e successivamente pubblicati sul sito web camerale. Per gli ultimi aggiornamenti relativi alla votazione cliccare qui.  Registrazione e partecipazione all’Assemblea Generale La partecipazione sarà possibile in loco presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura e online tramite piattaforma Zoom. È possibile registrarsi cliccando qui.   Cordiali saluti, Il Team CCIC 

Registrazione Assemblea Generale Soci CICC, Pechino, 26 Marzo 2021

26 Marzo 2021
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, L’Assemblea Generale della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina si svolgerà Venerdì 26 Marzo 2021 alle ore 15:30 (Beijing time) presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Pechino.    Ordine del Giorno 15:00-15:30 Registrazione 15:30-15:40 Saluto di benvenuto - Luca Ferrari, Ambasciatore d’Italia nella R.P.C. 15:40-15:50 Relazione della CCIC 2020-21 - Paolo Bazzoni, Presidente CCIC  15:50-16:00 Relazione finanziaria 2020 - Lorenzo Riccardi, Tesoriere CCIC 16:00-16:10 Relazione attività 2020 e presentazione del programma attività 2021 - Giulia Gallarati, Segretario Generale CCIC 16:10-16:20 Programma attività 2021 nei territori Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou – Rappresentanti del Consiglio Direttivo CCIC  16:20-16:30 Q&A 16:30 – 16:40 Votazione del Bilancio Consuntivo 2020  16:40-16:45 Aggiornamento attività Agenzia ICE – Gianpaolo Bruno, Direttore e Coordinatore Rete ICE Cina e Mongolia 16:45-16:50 Aggiornamento attività ENIT – Cristiano Varotti, ENIT   Modalità di votazione del bilancio consuntivo Il voto può essere espresso (a) di persona a Pechino il giorno dell’Assemblea o (b) per via elettronica. I soci riceveranno un’ email contenente un link tramite il quale esprimere il proprio voto attraverso la piattaforma dedicata dal 19 Marzo p.v. al 24 Marzo p.v. alle ore 12:00. Si ricorda che per votare è necessario essere in possesso dell’associazione camerale in corso di validità. Per rinnovare l’associazione preghiamo di cliccare sul link (la data ultima per il rinnovo ai fini della votazione del bilancio consuntivo è il giorno 12/03/2021). I risultati saranno annunciati in sede di Assemblea e successivamente pubblicati sul sito web camerale. Per gli ultimi aggiornamenti relativi alla votazione cliccare qui.  Registrazione e partecipazione all’Assemblea Generale La partecipazione sarà possibile in loco presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura e online tramite piattaforma Zoom. È possibile registrarsi cliccando qui.   Cordiali saluti, Il Team CCIC 

Join Our First Informal Dinner of the New Year – January 12, Shanghai

12 Gennaio 2021
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform you that the first SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting of 2021 will take place on Tuesday, 12th of January at The Fellas starting from 7:30 pm.    The dinner price, to be paid at the venue, is 350 RMB per person. The menu includes appetizer, main course, dessert and two drinks.   For registration please click here or scan the QR code on the flyer.     First come, first served, limited seats available!   For more information contact us at   Open to CICC Members and Non-Members!   Not a Member yet? Send an email to   Thank you and Kind Regards,   CICC Team    

Festival “Festa dei Sapori Italiani” - Invitation, May 2-3, Shanghai

02 Maggio 2020
Dear Members and Friends, The Food and Beverage Working Group (F&BWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC)  is delighted to invite you to “Festa dei Sapori Italiani”, a festival of Italian flavors with Italian food and wine, that will be held on May 2nd and 3rd at Columbia Circle, in Shanghai (上海长宁区延安西路1262号 - Shanghai Yananxi Road 1262 ) from 11:00 am to 19:00 pm.   Join us for a weekend of Italian food and live music!   "Festa dei Sapori Italiani" is an outdoor market where Italian enterprises operating in China will offer to the local and international audience an "Italian" experience, showcasing and selling Italian Food & Beverages products. Throughout the two days the participants will taste the excellencies that make Italy a global benchmark in the Food and Beverage sector and enjoy entertaining activities with live music. Please note: the entrance is free of charge. We look forward to welcoming you, your friends, your families and your business partners! Fore more information please contact Best regards, CICC Team  


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