Guangzhou office

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               Garden Tower, Guangzhou, 510064

Tel: 0086-20-83652682

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Italian Wine Tasting

30 Novembre 2008
Dante Wines e la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina sono lieti di invitarVi a provare una fantastica degustazione di vini italiani che si terrà Domenica 30 Novembre 2008 presso il Cafè e Bucatini a Canton.Speriamo vivamente che ci onorerete della Vostra presenza per rendere l`evento ancora più magnifico.Cordialissimi SalutiSolo 10 biglietti disponibili, ai seguenti prezzi:Membri: RMB 100Non Membri: RMB 150Vi preghiamo di confermare la vostra partecipazione all`evento entro e non oltre il 27 Novembre, 2008Time & Date: 17h30-19h30, November 29th 2008Venue: Cafe E Bucatini, No 1, Shuqian Lu, Dongshan, Guangzhou 

Italian Wine Tasting

30 Novembre 2008
Dante Wines and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce are glad to invite you to experience a fantastic Italian wines tasting at Café E Bucatini in Guangzhou on Sunday 30th 2008.We look forward to making this wine tasting event more magnificent with your honored presence and participation. We hope to see you there.10 tickets are open to you, please book it before November 27th, the rates are:Members: RMB100Non-members: RMB150Time & Date: 17h30-19h30, November 29th 2008Venue: Cafe E Bucatini, No 1, Shuqian Lu, Dongshan, Guangzhou

"Creative life FIAT test drive" a Canton

29 Novembre 2008
Il Gruppo FIAT Auto in Cina e la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina hanno il piacere di invitarVi all`evento "Creative life FIAT test drive", che si terrà in data 29 Novembre, 2008 presso il Centro Sportivo Olimpico di Canton.Programma:                 ORARIO REGISTRAZIONE    ORARIO TEST DRIVE           N. PERSONEPRIMO GRUPPO          13:15                       13:45-15:00                  20 invitatiSECONDO GRUPPO      14:15                       14:45-16:00                  20 invitatiTERZO GRUPPO         15:15                       15:45-17:00                  10 invitatiA causa del limitato numero di ingressi (max 50 persone), la partecipazione all`evento si baserà sul criterio del "primo arrivato, primo servito", per questa ragione Vi chiediamo cortesemente di confermare la Vostra partecipazione entro Venerdì 21 Novembre al seguente indirizzo e-mail: infoguangdong@cameraitacina.comL`accesso al test drive sarà permesso ai soli utenti in possesso della propria patente di guida in corso di validitàPer eventuali richieste o informazioni vi preghiamo di contattarci al suddetto indirizzo.Con la speranza di ricevere al più presto Vostre notizie Vi inviamo in nostri più cordiali saluti.Camera di Commercio Italiana in CinaGruppo FIAT Auto in Cina

Creative life FIAT test drive in Guangzhou

29 Novembre 2008
FIAT Group Automotive China and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce are glad to invite you to the "Creative life FIAT test drive" event, which will be held on November 29th, 2008 at the Olympic Sports Center in Guangzhou.Event schedule:                        TIME FOR SIGN IN    TEST DRIVE TIME           QUANTITYFIRST GROUP         13:15                    13:45-15:00                20 guestsSECOND GROUP     14:15                    14:45-16:00                20 guestsTHIRD GROUP        15:15                    15:45-17:00                10 guests   Due to the limited number of people allowed (maximum 50 people) to attend the event, the participation will be considered on the basis "first come, first served", for this reason we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance within Friday 21st November, to the following e-mail address: infoguangdong@cameraitacina.comWe also remind you to bring a valid driver`s license.Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us at the above mentioned address.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Our best regards,China-Italy Chamber of CommerceFiat Group Automotive China


03 Novembre 2008
On the occasion of the official opening by H.E. the Ambassador of Italy in Beijing, Riccardo Sessa of the new premises of the Consulate General and of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in Guangzhou, the Consul General, Paolo Miraglia del Giudice and the Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Davide Cucino request the pleasure of your company for a cocktail reception at the International Finance Place (15th Floor) Zhujiang New City, Huaxia Rd. 8 on November 03, 2008 at 15:00. To strengthen the cooperation between the Guangdong Government and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, a Memorandum of Understanding will be signed with CCPIT- Shenzhen during the opening ceremony.To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the opening of the Consulate General of Italy will be inaugurated the gallery "Art Spot" (14th Fl) with a selection of panels from the exhibition "Yesterday-Tomorrow" organized by Ferrara University and the South China University of Technology.Further confirmation is requested totel.: 020-3877-0892 e-mail:

Consulate General and CICC Guangzhou New Premises Opening

03 Novembre 2008
On the occasion of the official opening by H.E. the Ambassador of Italy in Beijing, Riccardo Sessa of the new premises of the Consulate General and of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in Guangzhou, the Consul General, Paolo Miraglia del Giudice and the Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Davide Cucino request the pleasure of your company for a cocktail reception at the International Finance Place (15th Floor) Zhujiang New City, Huaxia Rd. 8 on November 03, 2008 at 15:00.To strengthen the cooperation between the Guangdong Government and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, a Memorandum of Understanding will be signed with CCPIT- Shenzhen during the opening ceremony.To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the opening of the Consulate General of Italy will be inaugurated the gallery "Art Spot" (14th Fl) with a selection of panels from the exhibition "Yesterday-Tomorrow" organized by Ferrara University and the South China University of Technology.Further confirmation is requested totel.: 020-3877-0892  e-mail:

Consulate General and CICC Guangzhou New Premises Opening

03 Novembre 2008
On the occasion of the official opening by H.E. the Ambassador of Italy in Beijing, Riccardo Sessa of the new premises of the Consulate General and of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in Guangzhou, the Consul General, Paolo Miraglia del Giudice and the Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Davide Cucino request the pleasure of your company for a cocktail reception at the International Finance Place (15th Floor) Zhujiang New City, Huaxia Rd. 8 on November 03, 2008 at 15:00.To strengthen the cooperation between the Guangdong Government and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, a Memorandum of Understanding will be signed with CCPIT- Shenzhen during the opening ceremony.To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the opening of the Consulate General of Italy will be inaugurated the gallery "Art Spot" (14th Fl) with a selection of panels from the exhibition "Yesterday-Tomorrow" organized by Ferrara University and the South China University of Technology.Further confirmation is requested totel.: 020-3877-0892  e-mail:

VIII Annual Italian Language Week

20 Ottobre 2008
Now in its eighth year, Italian Language Week aims to promote the Italian language and is celebrated by 90 Italian Cultural Institutes worldwide. This year`s theme is Italian language and the Piazza. All events comprised in the 8th Annual Italian Language Week are organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Accademia della Crusca, Istituto Italiano di Cultura of San Francisco, and the Consulate General of Italy of San Francisco, with the support of the Presidency of the Italian Republic and in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institutes of Chicago and Los Angeles, COM.IT.ES, San Francisco, and Rizzoli. The events in the Italian Language Week are copresented with: BAIA (Business Association Italy America), BICA (Best of Italy Consumer Association), Fondazione Isabella Scelsi, IIE West Coast (Institute of International Education), Italiansonline, Italians by the Bay, Museo ItaloAmericano, NIAF (National Italian American Foundation), UC Berkeley, UC Davis, San Francisco State University, Stanford University, SVIEC (Silicon Valley Silicon Valley Italian Executive Council), C`era Una Volta Restaurant, Alameda, and Villa Florence Hotel, San Francisco.

VIII Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo

20 Ottobre 2008
La Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo alla sua ottava edizione, promuove la lingua italiana e viene celebrata da novanta Istituti Italiani in tutto il Mondo. Il tema scelto quest`anno è l`Italiano e la Piazza. Tutti gli eventi della ottava edizione della Settimana della lingua Italiana nel Mondo organizzata dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Accademia della Crusca, Istituto Italiano di Cultura San Francisco, Consolato Generale d`Italia, San Francisco, sono sotto l`alto patrocinio della Presidenza della Repubblica ed in collaborazione con gli Istituti Italiani di Cultura di Chicago e Los Angeles, COM.IT.ES, San Francisco e Rizzoli. Gli eventi della Settimana della Lingua sono copresentati con: BAIA (Business Association Italy America), BICA (Best of Italy Consumer Association), Fondazione Isabella Scelsi, IIE West Coast (Institute of International Education), Italiansonline, Italians by the Bay, Museo ItaloAmericano, NIAF (National Italian American Foundation ), UC Berkeley, UC Davis, San Francisco State University, Stanford University, SVIEC (Silicon Valley Silicon Valley Italian Executive Council) con il Ristorante C`era Una Volta, Alameda, e Villa Florence Hotel, San Francisco.


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