Shanghai office

Address: N. 777 Weihai road,

                2nd Floor, Room 202,

                Jing'An District Shanghai

Tel: 21-63810268



Partnering for Success: Finding and Working with Chinese Business Partners, Shanghai, 14th November, 2012

14 Novembre 2012
Event Description The EU SME Centre and the China IPR SME Helpdesk are organising a breakfast seminar on how to find and work with Chinese business partners. This seminar will deliver key messages on how to effectively protect your company`s assets in business dealings with China, as well as give an overview of the most important considerations when working with Chinese business partners. The experts from the EU SME Centre and the China IPR SME Helpdesk will provide practical and business-focused advice on doing business in China and will give you the opportunity to: - Find out more about due diligence when dealing with legal, financial and operational issues - Learn useful and practical tips on how to protect your business - Gain insight in what the term ‘trade secrets’ means, and learn how to use them in your relations with (potential) Chinese business partners - Learn why trade secrets are important to protect your company’s intellectual property - Get the opportunity to book a private one-on-one consultation session with one of the experts following the seminar to discuss issues you may have in a confidential environment. Breakfast will be served during the seminar. Tentative Agenda 08.00 am - 08.30 am Registration and networking 08.30 am - 09.15 am - Introduction to the EU SME Centre                             - Preliminary due diligence on business partners                                  Helen Ju, Legal Manager, EU SME Centre 09.15 am - 10.00 am - Introduction to the China IPR SME Helpdesk                                  - Using Trade Secrets to protect your Intellectual Property with business partners                                  Beata Suwala, IP Expert, China IPR SME Helpdesk 10.00 am - 10.30 am Q&A Session One-on-One Consultation Sessions If you would like to receive confidential One-on-One advice about your business in China, sign up for a free, 20-minute consultation with the experts of the EU SME Centre or the China IPR SME Helpdesk. To ensure you have a chance to meet with the experts, please book your session in advance by indicating your interest when you register. Please specify the nature of your question and the expert you wish to book a session with. The One-on-One consultations are open to European SMEs on a first-come, first-served basis. Any information you provide to the EU SME Centre and the China IPR SME Helpdesk with be treated as confidential. Speaker Biographies Helen Ju, Legal Manager, EU SME Centre Helen is a legal expert at the EU SME Centre providing legal advice on various aspects of economic cooperation between Europe and China to EU SMEs looking to establish themselves in the Chinese market. Before joining EU SME Centre, Helen worked as a lawyer for over seven years specializing in foreign direct investment, general corporate and commercial laws, and tax law etc. Among others, she provided full legal support to clients from Europe, the US and Singapore, advising on the feasibility of their proposed transaction models and compliance of the models with PRC regulations, issuing legal opinion and advice, and drafting and reviewing legal documents. She also has five years’ experience with an export and import company. Helen has gained broad knowledge and rich experience especially in company law, labour law, contract law, tax law and social insurance law. Beata Suwala, IP Expert, China IPR SME Helpdesk Beata is a Polish patent attorney and European trademark attorney.She holds a master degree in law from the University of Warsaw and obtained a LL.M degree in IP Law in Spain. Beata has worked for more than three years in law firms in Poland and in Spain where she dealt with international IP portfolios including IP rights prosecutions, enforcement actions and drafting contracts. Afterwards she joined the European IPR Helpdesk, where she advised on IP and in particular on technology transfer under the European Commission`s funded projects (the 7th Framework Programme and Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme). Beata joined the China IPR SME Helpdesk in June 2011. Registration and cancellation China IPR SME Helpdesk events are available to European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and SME intermediary organisations such as embassies or consulates, chambers of commerce and trade associations only. China IPR SME Helpdesk events are closed to law firms and consultants who offer IPR services. If you meet the criteria and would like to attend please register by emailing with the name and date of the event in the subject line and your company information. You will receive a confirmation email. Because places are limited, in the case of unexpected cancellations please inform the Helpdesk as soon as possible. About the China IPR SME Helpdesk The China IPR SME Helpdesk provides free information, first-line advice and training to SMEs to protect and enforce their IPR in China. The Helpdesk’s services are free to European SMEs and SME intermediaries (including EU embassies) and includes training events in China and Europe; online tools and materials at and tailored advice from our expert by phone, Email or though the website. About the EU SME Centre The EU SME Centre is a support service provider for European SMEs facilitating market access in China. The Centre provides practical information, advice and business tools free of charge, aimed at better equipping SMEs to develop their business and tackle challenges faced in the Chinese market. The online portal will help SMEs gain a clearer insight into conducting business in China, by offering professional information and confidential advice. 

企业在华保护知识产权, 上海,2012年11月13号

13 Novembre 2012
活动内容 欧盟中小企业中国知识产权服务处,诚挚邀请您参加此次关于在华知识产权保护的主题讲座。   尽管越来越多的人日渐了解知识产权保护的重要性,但具体到每一家公司到底有哪些重要财产可以作为知识产权加以保护呢?如果你的公司有自己的品牌或标志,有客 户数据库,一些技术,图像,有公司网站或产品促销目录,听过此次讲座后你会很容易确定这些资产究竟能为你带来怎样的价值。讲座将对如何保护企业的知识产权 以及最新立法动向作详细阐述,使您能对以下问题有全面理解: • 中国知识产权概况及企业应如何保护知识产权 • 哪些资产可以构成知识产权 • 中国知识产权立法最新变化 • 与本土专家单独交流,获得实用的业务帮助   演讲者简介  陈炽, 合伙人, 众达律师事务所 陈炽律师代表高技术和生物技术公司有20年的经验。他的业务集中于知识产权诉讼、技术交易和组建新兴技术公司。他曾经代表多家中国企业在海外成功应 诉知识产权诉讼,他也代表中国企业申请和收购全球范围的知识产权。此外,他还为上海和苏州的科技园区就生命科学技术及知识产权方面的相关事务提供咨询。 陈律师于2000年在美国硅谷创办了一家生物技术公司以发展促进药品开发的相关技术,该公司获得了美国、欧洲、亚洲著名风险基金投资者的大力支持。陈律师具有美国加利福尼亚州律师资格和美国专利商标局的执业资格。陈律师能够说流利的普通话和英语。   湖文静, 律师, 众达律师事务所 胡律师的业务主要侧重于中国的知识产权咨询服务和执法事务。她拥有丰富的知识和经验处理在中国的知识产权侵权纠纷,涉及同包括工商行政管理局(AIC)、商标局(TMO)、商标评审委员会(TRAB)、中国国际经济贸易仲裁中心(CIETAC)以及许多法院交涉和协调。她在有关知识产权的权属、侵犯商标权、著作权、专利权、不正当竞争,以及域名纠纷争议方面具有丰富经验。 胡律师的职业生涯始于北京。她也向制药、电气、汽车和快速消费品行业的客户给予对中国法律的合规性方面的咨询意见。她也协助客户审查和建议涉及知识产权资产安排的业务结构,并对有关在中国的现有分销商或合作伙伴之间的纠纷提供意见。   与专家一对一咨询 如果您想单独与专家交流, 就您的中国知识产权问题获得有针对性的建议,我们可以安排您与资深律师20分钟的免费咨询。为确保获得此机会,请务必在注册时告知您希望预约这样的单独咨 询。所有预约将遵循“先到先得”及只针对中小企业开放的原则。我们承诺对您提供的所有信息进行严格保密。   注册与取消 欧盟中小企业中国知识产权服务处举办的各类培训活动仅对欧洲的中小企业及中小企业组织,例如使领馆、商协会等开放。务请律师事务所或提供有关知识产权服务的咨询公司回避。如果贵企业符合条件并希望参加该活动请通过电子邮件注册,邮件地址,并在主题栏注明姓名,活动日期以及附上公司信息。我们会向符合条件的企业发送确认邮件。    关于欧盟中小企业中国知识产权服务处  欧盟中小企业中国知识产权服务处通过免费向欧洲的中小企业提供有关中国知识产权的基本信息,问题咨询以及相关培训,帮助他们在中国保护和实施其知识产权。除 了对欧洲的中小企业提供以上免费服务,欧洲的中小企业中间人(包括各成员国驻华使馆)也是服务处的受益者。服务处的服务项目涉及广泛,不仅有在中国和欧洲 举办的各种培训活动,还有通过其网站 提供的免费学习工具和指南,更有专家为中小企业量身制定的解决方案——打电话,发邮件还是登录服务处网站均可获得。    

Protecting Your Company`s Intellectual Property in China, Shanghai, 13th November, 2012

13 Novembre 2012
Event Description   The China IPR SME Helpdesk is pleased to invite you to an informative workshop on Intellectual Property Protection in China. This workshop will be conducted in Chinese.   Although the general awareness about the importance of Intellectual Property protection is increasing, it may be difficult to determine which of your company`s assets can be considered as Intellectual Property. If you have a brand name or logo, a database of contacts, technology, graphics, a website or a catalogue promoting your products, this workshop will help you to determine the value of these assets. The workshop will give you a thorough understanding on how you can protect your company`s Intellectual Property and will address recent changes in the Chinese Intellectual Property law. By attending the workshop you will: • Discover China`s Intellectual Property landscape and learn how to protect your company`s IP • Find out which of your company`s assets can be considered as IP • Get updated on recent developments in the Chinese IP law • Receive practical and business-focused advice from a China IPR expert   Speaker Biographies   Tony Chen, Partner, Jones Day Tony Chen represents technology and life science companies in their intellecutal property matters. Tony has assisted companies in enforcing their intellectual property rights in civil and criminal actions and in reducing intellectual property risks in R&D collaborations. He has represented Chinese companies in defending infringement lawsuits and licensing technology on a worldwide basis. Tony`s recent representative matters include: defending companies in patent infringement lawsuits in China, defending the Chinese patent of a biotechnology company in an invalidation action, fighting pharmaceutical counterfeiting in China and representing biotechnology companies in technology licensing. Tony writes and speaks frequently about the development of intellecutal property law and the life sciences industry in China. His commentaries have reached the international and legal business community through the Economist, Financial Times and Business week. Furthermore, Tony has consulted technology parks in Shanghai and Suzhou on the life sciences industry and intellectual property matters.   Alice Hu, Associate, Jones Day Alice Hu`s practice focuses on IP counseling and enforcement in the PRC. She has in-depth knowledge and experience in handling disputes in the PRC before the Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC), the Trademark Office (TMO), the China Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB), the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), and many courts. She has worked on disputes regarding IP ownership, infringement of trademark, copyrights and patents, unfair competition, and domain name disputes. Alice has advised clients in the pharmaceutical, electronic appliance, automobile, and consumer goods industries on regulatory compliance of PRC laws. She has assisted clients in reviewing and advising on their business structure in the PRC as it relates to the arrangements of IP assets as well as advising on disputes with existing distributors/partners.   One-on-One IPR Consultation Sessions If you would like to receive confidential one-on-one advice about your China IPR, sign up for a free, 20-minute consultation with our qualified IP lawyer. To ensure you have a chance to meet with the expert, please book your session in advance by indicating your interest when you register. The IPR one-on-one consultation is open to European SMEs on a first-come, first-served basis. Any information you provide to the China IPR SME Helpdesk with be treated as confidential.   Registration and cancellation China IPR SME Helpdesk events are available to European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and SME intermediary organisations such as embassies or consulates, chambers of commerce and trade associations only. China IPR SME Helpdesk events are closed to law firms and consultants who offer IPR services. If you meet the criteria and would like to attend please register by emailing with the name and date of the event in the subject line and your company information. You will receive a confirmation email. Because places are limited, in the case of unexpected cancellations please inform the Helpdesk as soon as possible.   About the China IPR Helpdesk The China IPR SME Helpdesk provides free information, first-line advice and training to SMEs to protect and enforce their IPR in China. The Helpdesk’s services are free to European SMEs and SME intermediaries (including EU embassies) and includes training events in China and Europe; online tools and materials at and tailored advice from our expert by phone, Email or though the website.  

Protecting Your Company`s Intellectual Property in China, Shanghai, 13th November, 2012

13 Novembre 2012
Event Description The China IPR SME Helpdesk is pleased to invite you to an informative workshop on Intellectual Property Protection in China. This workshop will be conducted in Chinese.   Although the general awareness about the importance of Intellectual Property protection is increasing, it may be difficult to determine which of your company`s assets can be considered as Intellectual Property. If you have a brand name or logo, a database of contacts, technology, graphics, a website or a catalogue promoting your products, this workshop will help you to determine the value of these assets. The workshop will give you a thorough understanding on how you can protect your company`s Intellectual Property and will address recent changes in the Chinese Intellectual Property law. By attending the workshop you will: • Discover China`s Intellectual Property landscape and learn how to protect your company`s IP • Find out which of your company`s assets can be considered as IP • Get updated on recent developments in the Chinese IP law • Receive practical and business-focused advice from a China IPR expert   Speaker Biographies   Tony Chen, Partner, Jones Day Tony Chen represents technology and life science companies in their intellecutal property matters. Tony has assisted companies in enforcing their intellectual property rights in civil and criminal actions and in reducing intellectual property risks in R&D collaborations. He has represented Chinese companies in defending infringement lawsuits and licensing technology on a worldwide basis. Tony`s recent representative matters include: defending companies in patent infringement lawsuits in China, defending the Chinese patent of a biotechnology company in an invalidation action, fighting pharmaceutical counterfeiting in China and representing biotechnology companies in technology licensing. Tony writes and speaks frequently about the development of intellecutal property law and the life sciences industry in China. His commentaries have reached the international and legal business community through the Economist, Financial Times and Business week. Furthermore, Tony has consulted technology parks in Shanghai and Suzhou on the life sciences industry and intellectual property matters.   Alice Hu, Associate, Jones Day Alice Hu`s practice focuses on IP counseling and enforcement in the PRC. She has in-depth knowledge and experience in handling disputes in the PRC before the Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC), the Trademark Office (TMO), the China Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB), the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), and many courts. She has worked on disputes regarding IP ownership, infringement of trademark, copyrights and patents, unfair competition, and domain name disputes. Alice has advised clients in the pharmaceutical, electronic appliance, automobile, and consumer goods industries on regulatory compliance of PRC laws. She has assisted clients in reviewing and advising on their business structure in the PRC as it relates to the arrangements of IP assets as well as advising on disputes with existing distributors/partners.   One-on-One IPR Consultation Sessions If you would like to receive confidential one-on-one advice about your China IPR, sign up for a free, 20-minute consultation with our qualified IP lawyer. To ensure you have a chance to meet with the expert, please book your session in advance by indicating your interest when you register. The IPR one-on-one consultation is open to European SMEs on a first-come, first-served basis. Any information you provide to the China IPR SME Helpdesk with be treated as confidential.   Registration and cancellation China IPR SME Helpdesk events are available to European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and SME intermediary organisations such as embassies or consulates, chambers of commerce and trade associations only. China IPR SME Helpdesk events are closed to law firms and consultants who offer IPR services. If you meet the criteria and would like to attend please register by emailing with the name and date of the event in the subject line and your company information. You will receive a confirmation email. Because places are limited, in the case of unexpected cancellations please inform the Helpdesk as soon as possible.   About the China IPR Helpdesk The China IPR SME Helpdesk provides free information, first-line advice and training to SMEs to protect and enforce their IPR in China. The Helpdesk’s services are free to European SMEs and SME intermediaries (including EU embassies) and includes training events in China and Europe; online tools and materials at and tailored advice from our expert by phone, Email or though the website. 

How to get your money back, Shanghai, 15th October, 2012

15 Ottobre 2012
  How to get your money back Monday, October 15th, at 18:30 p.m   Introduction The Chinese market is very competitive and in many cases the market could be difficult to understand for foreign companies. In recent years we have seen an increase in legal problems of foreign companies in China. The consulting firm Goldmillennium Group (GMG) has supported many of its customers to solve all disputes they had with their Chinese partners using friendly negotiation strategies and legal procedure for the resolution of disputes between partners. This training is focused on the analysis of several real case studies and problem solving methods of debt recovery, where the professionals attendees of the training will learn about the arbitration bodies in China, Chinese local courts in charge of judicial sentencing, legal proceedings and friendly negotiation strategies to solve real problems that they may encounter in China during the development of their business.   Speaker Javier Hernández – CEO and member of Grupo Goldmillennium (GMG)   Venue: Le Royal Meridien Shanghai 789 Nanjing Road East, Shanghai 上海南京东路789号 Tel.: (21) 3318 9999  

The Future of CNY, Shanghai, 25th October, 2012

25 Ottobre 2012
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) together with the Swiss, Spanish, Benelux and Canadian Chambers are glad to invite you to the following seminar: Thursday, October 25th 6:30 pm 9:30 pm @ the Portman Ritz Carlton The seminar is co-hosted by AZ Investment Management/Azimut Group – Italy’s largest independent asset manager and the manager of the world’s largest offshore RMB fund. The seminar will cover the following topics: 1. RMB convertibility 2. Current RMB valuation and ongoing internationalization 3. RMB as an asset class and investment products 4. RMB/FX hedging solutions for enterprises   Speakers: Mr. Lorenzo Riccardi, Coordinator of the Service provider working group. Lorenzo Riccardi is a certified public accountant specialized in international taxation at the IBFD in Kuala Lumpur and has obtained a master`s degree in economics from the University of Beijing UIBE. He coordinates the activities of the Service Providers working group for the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Gerard DeBenedetto, AZ Investment Management (CEO) Mr. Giulio Pagliai, AZ Investment Management (DCEO) Mr. Shawn Liu, AZ Investment Management (Chief Investment Officer) Mr. Stefano Chao, AZ Investment Management (Investment Manager) Venue: The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu      


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