Shanghai office

Address: N. 777 Weihai road,

                2nd Floor, Room 202,

                Jing'An District Shanghai

Tel: 21-63810268



Business Lunch : The Influence of the Late Digital Developments on the Business Strategies in China - Suzhou, 16th November

16 Ottobre 2017
Dear Members and Friends, The CICC is glad to introduce you to a new seminar format, a Business Lunch during which one hot topic will be analyzed in details in a more informal, but equally stimulating environment. The first lunch, organized in collaboration with the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, will take place on November 16th at Cafè Florian, in Suzhou and it will examine the influence of digital developments on the business strategies in China. Three experts, Ervis Micukaj from SSBG, Ryan Molloy from Redfern Associates and Simone Ciampi from Exprivia, will share their knowledge in the field.             Mr. Ervis Micukaj from SSBG and Mr. Simone Ciampi from Exprivia will discuss the future of digital coworking while Mr. Ryan Molloy from Redfern Associates will talk about eCommerce and digitize marketing.  For more information and reservation please contact us at: We look forward to seeing you there!  CICC Team        

12 May _ 4th CICC Members' Meeting - Shanghai District (Anhui/Jiangsu/Shanghai/Zhejiang)

12 Maggio 2017
  Dear Members and Friends, You are kindly invited to take part in the 4th CICC Members' Meeting that will take place at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 西交利物浦大学 starting from 16:30 on May 12th​. Before the Members' Meeting, two additional events open to anyone will also take place at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 西交利物浦大学 Opening of the Technology Innovation Exhibition | 14:00 - 14:30 Conference Made in China 2025: a strong focus on innovation | 14:30 - 16:00 For a full presentation of the afternoon activities please see the flyer below Please confirm your participation no later than May 10th, 6pm at by telling us your name, last name and company's name.   CICC Staff  

12 Maggio _ Quarta Riunione dei Soci - Circoscrizione di Shanghai (Anhui/Jiangsu/Shanghai/Zhejiang)

12 Maggio 2017
  Cari Soci e Amici, siete invitati a partecipare alla Quarta Riunione dei Soci convocata per venerdì 12 Maggio alle ore 16:30 presso Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 西交利物浦大学​ La Riunione sarà preceduta da due eventi, anch'essi ospitati presso la  Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, e aperti a tutti gli interessati: Opening of the Technology Innovation Exhibition | 14:00 - 14:30 Conference Made in China 2025: a strong focus on innovation | 14:30 - 16:00   Per una panoramica completa sugli eventi del pomeriggio si prega di fare riferimento al flyer qui sotto ​Inviare conferma entro e non oltre mercoledì 10 maggio ore 18:00 a comunicando nome, cognome, nome azienda.   CICC Staff ​

May 12th _ 4th CICC Members' Meeting - Shanghai District (Anhui/Jiangsu/Shanghai/Zhejiang)

12 Maggio 2017
  Dear Members and Friends, You are kindly invited to take part in the 4th CICC Members' Meeting that will take place at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 西交利物浦大学 starting from 16:30 on May 12th​. Before the Members' Meeting, two additional events open to anyone will also take place at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 西交利物浦大学 Opening of the Technology Innovation Exhibition | 14:00 - 14:30 Conference Made in China 2025: a strong focus on innovation | 14:30 - 16:00   For a full presentation of the afternoon activities please see the flyer below Please confirm your participation no later than May 10th, 6pm at by telling us your name, last name and company's name.   CICC Staff  

Roadshow: CICC comes to Ningbo

03 Maggio 2017
  中国意大利商会很荣幸地邀请各位参加5月3日将于宁波举行的首次路演活动。 该路演的意义在于交流思想、信息、项目和需求,一个中国意大利商会同当地企业的相互倾听的时刻。 议程: 欢迎问候语 商会及其未来活动的介绍  - 中国意大利商会上海办公室经理Simona Lodolo “中国制造2025” 倡议介绍 – 中国意大利商会董事会成员 -  Antonio Farese 同参与者进行讨论 - 每个参与者将能够介绍自己及其业务 提问环节 这次活动是完全免费的,对所有人开放。 我们期待着与您见面! 亲切的问候, 中国意大利商会团队

Roadshow: CICC comes to Ningbo

03 Maggio 2017
  La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC), è lieta di invitarvi alla prima tappa del suo Roadshow, che si svolgerà a Ningbo il 3 Maggio 2017. Il Roadshow ha l'obiettivo di espandere la rete di aziende sino-italiane presenti sul territorio e vuole rappresentare un'opportunità per approfondire il dialogo tra la Camera e gli attori locali. Agenda: Ringraziamenti di apertura Presentazione della camera e delle sue attività - Simona Lodolo, CICC Shanghai e Suzhou Manager  Presentazione di "Made in China 2025" - Antonio Farese, CICC Board Member Dialogo con i partecipanti - ogni partecipante avrà l'opportunità di presentarsi e illustrate le sue attività Q&A L'evento è completamente gratis e aperto a chiunque sia interessato. Cordialmente, Il team della CCIC 

Roadshow: CICC comes to Ningbo

03 Maggio 2017
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), is glad to invite you to the first event of its Roadshow that will take place in Ningbo on May 3rd, 2017. The Roadshow is aimed at expanding and fostering the network of Sino-Italian companies in the region and wishes to represent an opportunity to enhance the dialogue between the Chamber and local actors.   Agenda: Welcome greetings Presentation of the Chamber and its future activities by Simona Lodolo - CICC Shanghai and Suzhou Manager  Presentation of "Made in China 2025" by Antonio Farese – CICC Board Member Discussion with participants - each participant will able to introduce itself and its activities Q&A The event is completely free and open to anyone. We look forward to meeting you! Kind regards,   The CICC Team  

12 May _ 10th Suzhou Appreciation Meeting

12 Maggio 2017
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Suzhou Foreign Affairs Office and the General Consulate of Italy in Shanghai, organizes the 10th edition of the Suzhou Appreciation Meeting on May 12th, 2017. The event represents a valuable opportunity to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Sino-Italian cooperation in Suzhou and to consider future challenges and opportunities. Please confirm your participation by May 5th at the following email address   Best regards, CICC Team    

12 Maggio _ 10th Suzhou Appreciation Meeting

12 Maggio 2017
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Suzhou Foreign Affairs Office and the General Consulate of Italy in Shanghai, organizes the 10th edition of the Suzhou Appreciation Meeting on May 12th, 2017. The event represents a valuable opportunity to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Sino-Italian cooperation in Suzhou and to consider future challenges and opportunities. Please confirm your participation by May 5th at the following email address   Best regards, CICC Team    

May 12th _ 10th Suzhou Appreciation Meeting

12 Maggio 2017
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Suzhou Municipal Foreign Affairs Office and the General Consulate of Italy in Shanghai, organizes the 10th edition of the Suzhou Appreciation Meeting on May 12th, 2017. The event represents a valuable opportunity to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Sino-Italian cooperation in Suzhou and to consider future challenges and opportunities. Please confirm your participation by May 10th at noon to the following email address   Best regards, CICC Team    


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