
“Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference”_Monday March 6th 2-5 pm, Italian Institute of Culture

06 Marzo 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Italy China Travel Club are glad to introduce you to the “Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference” to be held on Monday March 6th 2-5 pm at the Italian Institute of Culture (Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C.). Jointly organized by Gartour and Overseas Exhibition Club, with the support of “The Imp-Exp Executives Magazine”, the event is a perfect occasion to learn more about major exhibitions in Italy and to network with exhibition organisers and stakeholders. Confirmed participants include Hannover Milano Fairs, Italian Exhibition Group Spa, Reed Exhibition Group, and INNO International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Opening greetings and speeches by Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C. and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. Please note the event will be in Chinese.   RSVP: Name, surname, company, mobile to Luca Nardini, by Friday March 3rd noontime.   All the members of CICC and ICTC are welcome to attend with 1-2 representatives.   We are counting on your participation!   Kind regards,   CICC Team

“Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference”_Monday March 6th 2-5 pm, Italian Institute of Culture

06 Marzo 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Italy China Travel Club are glad to introduce you to the “Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference” to be held on Monday March 6th 2-5 pm at the Italian Institute of Culture (Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C.). Jointly organized by Gartour and Overseas Exhibition Club, with the support of “The Imp-Exp Executives Magazine”, the event is a perfect occasion to learn more about major exhibitions in Italy and to network with exhibition organisers and stakeholders. Confirmed participants include Hannover Milano Fairs, Italian Exhibition Group Spa, Reed Exhibition Group, and INNO International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Opening greetings and speeches by Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C. and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. Please note the event will be in Chinese.   RSVP: Name, surname, company, mobile to Luca Nardini, by Friday March 3rd noontime.   All the members of CICC and ICTC are welcome to attend with 1-2 representatives.   We are counting on your participation!   Kind regards,   CICC Team

“Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference”_Monday March 6th 2-5 pm, Italian Institute of Culture

06 Marzo 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Italy China Travel Club are glad to introduce you to the “Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference” to be held on Monday March 6th 2-5 pm at the Italian Institute of Culture (Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C.). Jointly organized by Gartour and Overseas Exhibition Club, with the support of “The Imp-Exp Executives Magazine”, the event is a perfect occasion to learn more about major exhibitions in Italy and to network with exhibition organisers and stakeholders. Confirmed participants include Hannover Milano Fairs, Italian Exhibition Group Spa, Reed Exhibition Group, and INNO International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Opening greetings and speeches by Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C. and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. Please note the event will be in Chinese.   RSVP: Name, surname, company, mobile to Luca Nardini, by Friday March 3rd noontime.   All the members of CICC and ICTC are welcome to attend with 1-2 representatives.   We are counting on your participation!   Kind regards,   CICC Team

Save the Date - The Extraordinary Italian taste: Promotion and Protection of Geographical Indications in China

15 Marzo 2017
Dear Members,    The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to attend the event “The Extraordinary Italian taste: Promotion and Protection of Geographical Indications in China”. The seminar will be held at the Auditorium of the Embassy of Italy on Wednesday 15th March 2017, from 11.00 to 18.00. The event is organized in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in China and the Italian Trade Agency in the occasion of “World Consumer Rights Day” and under the patronage of the European Union Delegation in Beijing.  The seminar will be divided into three sessions and will feature several speakers.  The first session will be a legal seminar on GIs Protection in China. The seminar will be held from 11.00 to 13.00, only in English. The aim is to raise awareness among Italian companies on how they can safeguard the GIs in China. The morning session will be then followed by a conference on GIs Protection and a comparison of different experiences, between 14.00 and 17.00 (with simultaneous Chinese translation). The seminar will give the opportunity to promote Italian GIs in China, also through the presentation of several case studies from Protection Consortia. One of the speakers will be Marco Pizzoli, Vice-Coordinator of Food & Beverage Working Group of the CICC. The day will conclude with a Networking and Tasting Event on Italian PDOs and PGIs.   For further information, click here to see the flyer and the agenda of the event.   To sign up please send an email to by March 14th.    Kind regards,   CICC    

Italian Design Day

02 Marzo 2017
Cari amici,   La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) e' lieta di presentarvi Italian Design Day, che si terra' il giorno Giovedì 2 Marzo 2017 a partire dalle ore 16.30 presso l'Auditorium dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Pechino.       Il design in Italia permea i campi della cultura, dell’arte, della filosofia ed è specchio della società italiana, della sua evoluzione e della sua trasformazione. La sua eterna modernità si fonda sulla concretezza dell’artigianato tradizionale, sulla creatività e sulla sperimentazione. Il design italiano nasce essenzialmente dall’idea che la bellezza possa e debba applicarsi ai prodotti di consumo di massa. Il design italiano ha una influenza anche sul costume ed è collegato al continuo rinnovamento dei temi e degli schemi: storie di tutti i giorni e di tutte le genti, accumunate da bisogni banali che rendono necessarie oggetti come lampade, seggiole, pentole e biciclette, portano alla straordinaria scoperta del fascino che questi oggetti ordinari posso dare alla nostra vita. Questa è stata la grande intuizione del design italiano che si vuole raccontare in occasione del primo Italian Design Day, che avrà luogo in tutto il mondo il 2 marzo 2017. A Pechino, incontri con l'ospite Vittorio Sun e gli architetti Davide Rampello e Patricia Viel, ambasciatori del design, animeranno questa giornata internazionale. Per maggiori informazioni si prega di consultare il seguente invito.   CCIC    

Italian Design Day

02 Marzo 2017
Cari amici,   La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) e' lieta di presentarvi Italian Design Day, che si terra' il giorno Giovedì 2 Marzo 2017 a partire dalle ore 16.30 presso l'Auditorium dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Pechino.       Il design in Italia permea i campi della cultura, dell’arte, della filosofia ed è specchio della società italiana, della sua evoluzione e della sua trasformazione. La sua eterna modernità si fonda sulla concretezza dell’artigianato tradizionale, sulla creatività e sulla sperimentazione. Il design italiano nasce essenzialmente dall’idea che la bellezza possa e debba applicarsi ai prodotti di consumo di massa. Il design italiano ha una influenza anche sul costume ed è collegato al continuo rinnovamento dei temi e degli schemi: storie di tutti i giorni e di tutte le genti, accumunate da bisogni banali che rendono necessarie oggetti come lampade, seggiole, pentole e biciclette, portano alla straordinaria scoperta del fascino che questi oggetti ordinari posso dare alla nostra vita. Questa è stata la grande intuizione del design italiano che si vuole raccontare in occasione del primo Italian Design Day, che avrà luogo in tutto il mondo il 2 marzo 2017. A Pechino, incontri con l'ospite Vittorio Sun e gli architetti Davide Rampello e Patricia Viel, ambasciatori del design, animeranno questa giornata internazionale. Per maggiori informazioni si prega di consultare il seguente invito.   CCIC


02 Marzo 2017
亲爱的会员和意大利之友, 中国意大利商会(CCIC)很高兴为您介绍--意大利设计日, 将在2017年3月2日下午16:30在北京意大利使馆文化处举行。       意大利设计渗透在文化、艺术、哲学等各个领域中,是意大利社会及其变革与发展的一面镜子。其永恒的现代性建立在传统手工的精准和实验精神的创造力上。 意大利设计诞生于这样的基本理念:美可以也需要应用到大众消费产品中。意大利设计也影响着生活习惯,并处于不断的更新中:每一天每个人经历的故事,由最基本的需求连接在一起,比如灯、小椅子、锅和自行车,设计令这些平凡的物品为我们的生活带来充满魅力的新发现。这是意大利设计的灵感来源,也是第一届意大利设计日的主题,全世界将在2017年3月2日共同举办。   在北京,我们将于3月2日、3日和16日举办见面会(出席嘉宾:孙群,设计大使:建筑师大卫·郎碧罗和帕特里恰·维埃尔)、新书介绍会(大卫·巴里科和安德烈·巴尔迪尼著《意大利制造,当代意大利身份调查》)和建筑师阿莱桑德罗·皮埃得雷伊举办的讲座(IED合作举办),这些都是国际意大利设计日的重要组成部分。 此次北京见面会,嘉宾有孙群和建筑师大卫-郎培罗和帕特里夏-维埃尔,设计师代表,将参加此次国际性节日。 更多信息详见宣传册。     CCIC    

All-Chamber Welcome Back Networking 2017

23 Febbraio 2017
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with 18 leading foreign chambers in Beijing, is delighted to invite you to our traditional All-Chamber Welcome Back Networking 2017 at the Marriott Northeast Hotel on Thursday, February 23 at 18:30. Come and join us at our first get together in 2017!   This gathering is the largest networking event of the year. More than 600 attendees from various industries are expected to take part in this fun and vibrant networking session. Meet new business contacts and do not hesitate to bring friends, colleagues or business partners with you!     Please register using the form below or send an email to by February 22, 2017.   In case you registered but cannot attend, please remember to cancel your reservation 24 hours in advance to    

All-Chamber Welcome Back Networking 2017

23 Febbraio 2017
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with 18 leading foreign chambers in Beijing, is delighted to invite you to our traditional All-Chamber Welcome Back Networking 2017 at the Marriott Northeast Hotel on Thursday, February 23 at 18:30.   Come and join us at our first get together in 2017!   This gathering is the largest networking event of the year. More than 600 attendees from various industries are expected to take part in this fun and vibrant networking session. Meet new business contacts and do not hesitate to bring friends, colleagues or business partners with you!     Please register using the form below or send an email to by February 22, 2017.   In case you registered but cannot attend, please remember to cancel your reservation 24 hours in advance to  

All-Chamber Welcome Back Networking 2017

23 Febbraio 2017
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with 18 leading foreign chambers in Beijing, is delighted to invite you to our traditional All-Chamber Welcome Back Networking 2017 at the Marriott Northeast Hotel on Thursday, February 23 at 18:30. Come and join us at our first get together in 2017!   This gathering is the largest networking event of the year. More than 600 attendees from various industries are expected to take part in this fun and vibrant networking session. Meet new business contacts and do not hesitate to bring friends, colleagues or business partners with you!     Please register using the form below or send an email to by February 22, 2017.   In case you registered but cannot attend, please remember to cancel your reservation 24 hours in advance to  


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