Latest News

12 Febbraio 2025

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in China (CICC) is pleased to inform you that, as provided for by art. 11 of the Chamber Statute, the Ordinary...

12 Febbraio 2025

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is now calling for candidates for the elections of one Coordinator and one Vice-Coordinator of the Sport and...

11 Febbraio 2025

On February 4th, 2025, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) joined SkyTG24 for a discussion on the evolving economic relations between the...

Apre la Scuola Italiana d’Ambasciata di Pechino
09 Settembre 2015


Domenica 6 Settembre si è svolta la cerimonia di inaugurazione della Scuola Italiana d’Ambasciata dell’infanzia e primaria di Pechino.


European Mixer Networking, Chongqing - Post Event
01 Settembre 2015

Lo scorso 28 Agosto la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina in collaborazione con altre 4 Camere di Commercio Bi-Nazionali presenti a Chongqing ha co-organizzato un evento di networking presso l’Hotel Intecontinental.


All-Chamber Welcome Back Networking, Flower Edition - Post Event
31 Agosto 2015


Last 25th August the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organized the yearly summer appointment of the All-Chamber Welcome Back.

Casa Italiana Atletica - Evento conclusivo
27 Agosto 2015

Caro Socio,



Beijing Design Week 2015
24 Agosto 2015

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is delighted to draw to your attention the Beijing Design Week 2015 which will be held from September 23rd to October 7th. 


Bluetech Award: Calling all air pollution technologies!
17 Agosto 2015

China is looking for international players to help fight against air pollution!

Qingdao Day, Expo Milan
14 Agosto 2015


The China Italy Chamber of Commerce is delighted to invite you to take part to the Qingdao Day which will be held on 17th September, on the occasion of Expo Milan 2015, in China Pavilion.

The Peninsula`s Mooncakes
31 Luglio 2015

Dear Members,


The Peninsula Beijing invites you to celebrate the forthcoming Mid-Autumn Festival on September 27th with their mooncakes.

Made exclusively in Hong Kong using the finest ingredients from the Peninsula recipes.



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